2015;54(5):412-425. Access to the Best Eating Disorder Resources; 24 Hour Support when YOU need it; Free & Paid Eating Disorder Programs; 800-568-9025. Who Answers? DBT is often used for individuals who struggle with self-harm behaviors, such as self-mutilation (cutting) and suicidal thoughts, urges, or attempts. A provider will carefully evaluate a person's medical history, symptoms, and mental health. Methods: The novel IE-based behavioral intervention is a six-session family-based treatment module designed to directly target and modify disgust by altering the prefrontal regulation of the insula response to aversive stimuli by decreasing visceral sensitivity (e.g., bloating). The Mount Sinai Health System seeks a Director of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for their Adolescent Center in Manhattan! Keep a diary of your eating patterns, noting any unhealthy reactions and negative thoughts toward eating. Psychotherapy combined with nutritional rehabilitation counseling is the main treatment for anorexia nervosa. Unlike bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa does not respond well to drug treatment, however SSRIs are sometimes used as an adjunct to psychotherapy. We comply with applicable Federal . Change dysfunctional thoughts about the eating disorder. Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai are conducting a study of adult females who binge eat and purge, and adult females who have never had an eating disorder. This research seeks to identify biomarkers of AAS dependence and ultimately to develop interventions and prevention programs for APED users. 1-800-MD-SINAI 1-800-MD-SINAI For Physicians American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry --, National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders --. Complications include: Heart disorders are the most common medical causes of death in people with severe anorexia nervosa. The criteria outline specific behaviors and symptoms that define anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and other eating disorders. In young female athletes, exercise and low body weight postpone puberty, allowing girls to retain a muscular boyish shape without the normal accumulation of fatty tissues in breasts and hips that may blunt their competitive edge. PMID: 26710932 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26710932. Community impact is central to our program, said Dr. Hildebrandt. People typically begin with a calorie count as low as 1,000 to 1,600 calories a day, which is then gradually increased to 2,000 to 3,500 calories a day. Broken blood vessels in the eyes (from the strain of vomiting). This complex system originates in the following regions in the brain: The HPA system is regulated by certain regions of the brain and by certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain) that regulate stress, mood, and appetite. PMID: 31046922 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31046922. In clinical trials, the drug reduced the number of binge eating episodes and obsessive-compulsive eating behaviors. Hormones that regulate appetite and energy storage may also play a role in eating disorders, including ghrelin, leptin, and others. The exact symptoms vary from one eating disorder to another; however, you should seek medical care or consult if you or someone you love: Different eating disorders need different types of treatments. billing customer service number at 212-659-8752. Ozier AD, Henry BW; American Dietetic Association. Purging can cause extensive damage throughout the digestive tract. We are interested in learning about whether differences in behavior and brain responses after fasting and after eating a meal could help to explain bulimic symptoms. Our researchersare committed to building the body of evidence available to support the best practice treatment of eating and weight disorders. Resulting complications include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastritis, and esophagitis. During COVID-19, the program successfully adapted to remote and saw an influx of patients. Our leaders bring special insight, perspective, and experience to the program. Anxiety disorders and depression are common in people with eating disorders. 2016;18(3). While clinical studies of the new Intensive Program are ongoing, Dr. Hildebrandt reports extremely positive results to date. While medicine alone cannot cure an eating disorder, it can be very effective when combined with ongoing psychological therapy. Cramping or abdominal pain. The Mount Sinai Health System is an equal opportunity employer. After weight is restored, cognitive behavioral therapy techniques may be helpful. In general, we use one or more forms of psychotherapy to help. Anorexia nervosa involves a pattern of self-starvation and other behaviors to restrict weight gain, but can also include binge eating and purging. Reproductive hormones, including estrogen and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Numbness or odd nerve sensations in the hands or feet (peripheral neuropathy), Frequent weighing, measuring of body parts, self-critiquing in mirror, Concerns about weight gain in spite of continued weight loss, Secrecy and denial about food and weight issues, Ritualistic eating, including cutting food into small pieces, Pushing food around plate to give appearance of eating, Yellowish skin, especially on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (from eating too many vitamin A-rich vegetables such as carrots), Hypersensitivity to cold (some women wear several layers of clothing to both keep warm and hide their thinness), Dry body skin, which may be covered with fine hair, Stomach problems, including constipation and bloating after eating. Central to the initiative are support groups, educational lectures, and instruction involving family members, each conducted (prior to COVID-19) at the Intensive Programs integrated clinical and research space on East 96th Street in Manhattan. In 2019, the Center treated more than 300 patients, making it the largest non-residential specialist clinic in New York City. Bulimia nervosa is treated with a combination of nutritional counseling, psychotherapy, and medication. In response to the binges, people compensate through purging in order to prevent weight gain. . At the Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders we treat the full range of eating and feeding disorders in children, adolescents, and adults, including: It is difficult to know if someone suffers from an eating disorder by appearance alone, as people with eating disorders can be under weight, overweight, or normal weight. Please contact the office directly to obtain the most up-to-date insurance information. Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (Vyvanse) is approved to treat binge eating disorder. Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental health disorders with serious medical consequences. 2019;42(2):263-274. Fluoxetine has been approved for bulimia and is considered the drug of choice, although some studies suggest that other SSRIs work just as well. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) incorporates mindfulness, acceptance skills, interpersonal skills, and emotional regulation. 2017;47(4):85-94. Extremely high blood sugar levels can cause life-threatening complications. Location. At our Center, our licensed psychiatrists provide medication consultation, management, and expert second opinion evaluations. Family-based psychotherapies are also integral parts of nutritional rehabilitation counseling programs, such as the Maudsley approach. Depending on the person and the condition, it could take up to two years to return to full health. Our trials suggest that our intervention is more effective at getting kids to eat autonomously than having parents or someone else feed them, he said. Cultural values that emphasize only certain types of body shapes as desirable or normal contribute to eating disorders. Dr. It is accompanied by a sense of lack of control. Antidepressants may increase the risks for suicidal thoughts and actions during the first few months of treatment. Prescribed pharmacological treatment: Use of medicine to help treat eating disorders and any symptoms or related conditions. Specialty pharmacological consultation and management is also available. The stomach acid caused by forced vomiting erodes tooth enamel and dries out the saliva glands. Anorexia is much more common in people who have relatives with the disorder. People who are severely underweight may need to be hospitalized while weight is restored. Purging methods include vomiting; using enemas, laxatives, diuretics (water pills), or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise. Psychiatr Clin North Am. Terms and Conditions | Below are financial relationships with industry reported by Dr. Hildebrandtduring 2022 and/or 2023. Facing an eating disorder diagnosis can be scary, but at the Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders at Mount Sinai, you are in the care of leading experts. Reduce, and hopefully stop, binge eating and purging for bulimia nervosa. Research indicates that exposure to trauma, and development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), may increase the risk for eating disorders. Ritualistic planning and preparation of binge eating meals and opportunities. Eating and weight disorders are complex mental health disorders. Drug therapy is often used along with CBT. Vitamin and mineral supplements may be recommended. Nutritional rehabilitation counseling to develop structured male plans and comfort with eating a variety of foods. Improve self-control, self-esteem, and behavior. Doctors and dentists to treat medical and dental complications. Our team has been instrumental in developing the most advanced techniques. Male wrestlers are particularly notorious for using a method called weight-cutting for rapid weight loss. Focal psychodynamic therapy (FPT) focuses on how unresolved early childhood experiences may play a role in the later development of eating disorders. They may eventually evolve into a full-blown eating disorder. Binge eating usually leads to becoming overweight. Eating and weight disorders are serious but treatable mental illnesses that affect how you think about food and your body. People may initially experience psychological symptoms such as intensified anxiety and depression, as well as physical symptoms such as fluid retention and constipation. PMID: 30663033 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30663033. We have more than a decade and a half of experience helping children, adolescents, and adults with eating disorders. Specific focuses involve the role of estrogen and other sex hormones in the adolescent onset of anorexia nervosa and the development and maintenance of bulimia nervosa. Patients may wish to ask their physician about the activities they perform for companies. Eating disorders are psychological problems marked by disturbances in body image, weight control, and dieting patterns. As recovery progresses, the child gradually takes on more personal responsibility for determining when and how much to eat. CBT is proven to be particularly effective for bulimia nervosa. Exercise should not be performed if severe medical problems still exist or if the person has not gained significant weight. Regularly going to the bathroom right after meals. It tends to occur in men who perceive themselves as being underdeveloped or "puny," which results in excessive body building, preoccupation with diet, use of anabolic steroids, and eating disorders. It encourages unrealistic expectations for body image and a distorted cultural drive for thinness. Mount Sinai's Center for Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders shifts the locus of treatment from the institution to the home, where parents are trained to manage and effectively cope with the daily demands of a child's eating or weight disorder. These include: As Medical Director, Dr. Freidl brings expertise in child development and pharmacological treatment of eating and anxiety disorders. COVID-19 Update: We have adapted a fully remote arm of the Center in response to COVID-19 risk and are able to maintain both in-person and fully remote multidisciplinary care for our patients and their families. The Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center (MSAHC) is seeking a psychologist. PMID: 21802573 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21802573. Treatment and Intervention: Currently this research involves developing novel therapeutic interventions based on exposure therapy for body image disturbances and the development of family based interventions for pediatric weight disorders, building of off the Maudsley Method which is a form of family therapy used to treat anorexia nervosa. The longer the eating disorder persists the more likely the bone density loss will be permanent. [See Introduction section of this report for a complete list of diagnostic criteria.] Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, The Blavatnik Family Chelsea Medical Center, Heart - Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Mount Sinai Center for Asian Equity and Professional Development, Preparing for Surgery and Major Procedures, Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, Other specified feeding or eating disorders, Difficulty communicating negative emotions, Professions or careers that promote being thin, such as ballet, modeling, and long-distance running, Becomes upset or anxious if he or she cannot exercise, Displays loss of tooth enamel (may be a sign of repeated vomiting), Regularly eats much more food in a meal or snack than is considered normal, Exercises excessively, especially without increasing calorie intake, Expressing depression, disgust, shame, or guilt about eating, Focuses excessively on healthy or clean eating, Frequently checks the mirror for body flaws, Has calluses on the knuckles from inducing vomiting, Has unusual eating rituals, such as cutting food into very small pieces, Leaves the table during meals to use the toilet, Makes his or her own meals rather than eating what the rest of the family eats, Repeatedly eating large amounts of sweets or high-fat foods, Skips meals or makes excuses for not eating, Uses dietary supplements, laxatives, or herbal products for weight loss, Withdrawing from normal social activities, Avoid skipping meals, as that can lead to binge eating, Develop hobbies or activities you enjoy that can help you forget bingeing and purging, Identify situations that can trigger thoughts or behaviors that contribute to bulimia, Look for positive role models to help boost your self-esteem, Think about what a healthy weight is for your body. Eating disorders often lead to physical illness with acute and chronic symptoms that are life threatening. Some conditions benefit from medication as well. Bullying may contribute to eating disorders, especially if the ridicule and humiliation are directed at the victim's weight and body shape. The person's self-esteem is based on constant critical self-evaluation of body shape and weight. Tests may include: The Eating Disorders Examination (EDE), which is used by a clinician to interview the person, and the self-reported Eating Disorders Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q) are considered the best tests for diagnosing eating disorders and assessing specific features (such as vomiting or laxative use). There is no one cause of eating disorders, nor is there a single best treatment. If people do not take their insulin, dangerous high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) can occur. Eating disorders are very serious illnesses that have wide range of effects on the body and mind. The main types of eating disorders are: There are three main features of anorexia nervosa: Anorexia nervosa has two subtypes, based on a person's behavior during the past 3 months: Bulimia nervosa is characterized by cycles of bingeing and purging: Bingeing without purging is characterized by uncontrolled overeating (binge eating) and the absence of purging behaviors, such as vomiting or laxative abuse (used to eliminate calories). At least three of these additional behaviors: Eating more rapidly than normal; eating until feeling uncomfortably full; eating large amounts of food even when not hungry; eating alone because of embarrassment by how much one is consuming; feeling extremely guilty, depressed, or disgusted with oneself after a binge eating episode. Please call us for details at 212-659-8724 for more information. As a result, you might also receive treatment from our advanced post-doctoral fellows in psychology, and advanced psychology externs. Initial evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. BDD is related to OCD. To celebrate these unsung heroes, Mount Sinai Health System has launched a video series that captures the pride and dedication of individualsmany in unassuming roleswho chose a long-term career in health care. Mount Sinai's Center for Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders shifts the locus of treatment from the institution to the home, where parents are trained to manage and effectively cope with the daily demands of a childs eating or weight disorder. They are frequently associated with a number of other medical problems, ranging from frequent infections and general poor health to life-threatening conditions. Distorted image of body weight and shape and lack of recognition of the serious health consequences of low weight. Therefore, health care providers may turn to family members for information regarding weight loss and additional symptoms. These conditions can affect your physical and emotional health as well as your relationships with others. Mount Sinai South Nassau - Outpatient Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program 2277 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 (516) 377-5440 Fax: (516) 377-5445 Learn More About Our Behavioral Health Programs Mount Sinai South Nassau's Partial Hospitalization Program Workshops & Support Groups For example, a woman who is 5'5" (1.65 m) and weighs 125 pounds (lbs) or 59 kilograms (kg) has a healthy BMI of 21. The majority of treatment centers offer programs that are cost-prohibitive for many patients, and offer little to no insurance coverage. People with eating disorders tend to share certain personality and behavioral traits including low self-esteem and obsessions with weight and body shape and size. This therapy does not deal with weight, food, or body image at all. Unintended weight loss. She currently coordinates the Living Laboratory project, which aims to collect a biobank of eating disorder information to identify potential psychological and physiological markers of eating disorders, best treatment options, and prognosis. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. J Am Diet Assoc. It can help people develop structured meal plans and healthy eating and weight management. Annabel Susanin joined Mount Sinai's Eating and Weight Disorders program in July 2021. Develop a strong sense of individuality and independence. Int J Eat Disord. Our experience shows that integrating families into the intensive process for kids with eating and weight disorders has the greatest impact. She received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Rutgers University, where she worked in the Center of Alcohol Studies. The media often promotes contradictory and confusing messages. Psychotherapy is the main therapeutic approach for anorexia nervosa. The Intensive Program is equipped to treat about 80 patients a year, nearly two-thirds of them adolescents. This therapy has been found to be helpful in treating people with anorexia nervosa. You want to help but you may not know how. If you or a loved one is suffering from severe stress about body weight or body shape or has a troubling relationship to eating and food, we can help. People who are hospitalized for severe malnutrition may require tube feeding (enteral) or intravenous feeding (parenteral) nutrition. Weight gain helps many people recover brain function, but some damage may be permanent. Maternal Clinical Programs. Our team has been instrumental in developing the most advanced techniques. Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, The Blavatnik Family Chelsea Medical Center, Heart - Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Mount Sinai Center for Asian Equity and Professional Development, Preparing for Surgery and Major Procedures. Information regarding insurance participation and billing by this physician may be found on this page, and can also be obtained by contacting this provider directly. Eating disorders are particularly serious for people with diabetes (type 1 or type 2). The eating disorder assessment for DSM-5 (EDA-5): development and validation of a structured interview for feeding and eating disorders. PMID: 25639562 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25639562. Dr. Berner's research seeks to understand why people engage in extreme eating behaviors. The provider will check for any serious complications of eating disorders. Eating disorders occur predominantly among girls and women. 1425 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10029. Titled Faces of Care, this new video series drives home that all workers, including the unseen ones on the front lines, play an . J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Eating disorders can affect anyone of any age, gender, race, or ethnicity. Our specialists have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating these conditions and are at the forefront of research. In severe cases, the esophagus can rupture. The Center has grown into a leading multidisciplinary program offering innovative therapies to patients of all ages suffering from a range of feeding, eating, and weight disorders. Our team includes licensed psychologists, child psychiatrists, clinical social workers, and dieticians. Often, the condition has existed for a while before it is noticeable, and the signs of an eating disorder are not always easily identified. Feeding and eating disorders. At our Center you can expect the highest quality care that is based on the latest scientific research. 16, in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders. Eating disorders are not lifestyle choices, but are diagnosed medical conditions. A DBT therapist will work with people to help them find more effective ways to deal with emotional stressors. Experience/training in at least one evidence based model (i.e. These research studies are vital to the operation of our program. We are committed to providing the personalized care you and your family needs. The Mount Sinai Health System seeks an Eating Disorder Psychologist for their Adolescent Center in Manhattan! PMID: 25901778 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25901778. This condition can lead to coma and death. Each test has different strengths and weaknesses. 2019;1:CD010827. Excessive exercise is associated with many cases of anorexia (and, to a lesser degree, bulimia). Psychiatr Clin North Am. This condition causes dangerous hormonal and metabolic fluctuations that affect fluid and electrolyte balances. Depending on the individual and the disorder, certain psychological approaches may work better than others. Dangerous heart rhythms, including slow rhythms known as bradycardia. Our goal is to help patients of all ages. The Mount Sinai EWDP Young Adult Program offers structured intensive treatment, step down, and maintenance for adult age (>18 < 30) individuals suffering from an eating disorder. After eating issues improve, individual or group psychodynamic therapy ("talk therapy") can be helpful. Severe anorexia nervosa can cause multi-organ failure. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, or engaging in behavior to prevent weight gain even when severely underweight. Editorial team. 2016;49(3):238-248. PMID: 27733955 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27733955. Eating Disorders and Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) | Mount Sinai Feeding and Eating Disorder Research Eating Disorders and Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) UNDERWEIGHT? A selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant is typically the first treatment choice. Binge eating involves consuming larger than normal amounts of food within a 2-hour period. The person's overall physical condition, psychology, behavior, social circumstances, and health insurance determine the type of treatment facility, such as inpatient hospitalization, residential hospitalization, partial hospitalization, or outpatient care. Additionally, results from these studies help us to continue to employ the most effective courses of therapy for our patients. Specifically, her work is focused on identifying neurobiological mechanisms that underlie between- and within-person variability in cognitive control, and linking these mechanisms to maladaptive eating. We may also use medication to address other health problems associated with the eating disorder, such as anxiety and depression. The Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders at Mount Sinai offers a variety of treatments. Anorexia; Bulimia; Binge Eating; Clinic Hours Mon 8:30am-5pm Tues 8:30am-5pm Wed 8:30am-5pm Thurs 12pm-5pm Fri 8:30am-5pm Sat 8:30am-4pm The Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center provides confidential care, regardless of immigration or insurance status, to young people 10-26 years old at no cost to patients. Non-Discrimination Notice, UPRISE: A New Model for Teen Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment, Inpatient Psychiatry at Mount Sinai: Interdisciplinary Care and Cutting Edge Treatment, What a Wonderful World Gala Benefits Music Therapy, Treating Substance Use in Pregnancy: Mount Sinais New Bridge Program, Mount Sinais Opioid Treatment Programs are Savingand RestoringLives. Mount Sinais Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders, led since 2010 by Tom Hildebrandt, PsyD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, has implemented a number of initiatives that aim to remove that barrier. Research studies in children, adolescents, and adults show that for some disorders the combination of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective approach. Several measures and tests developed to assess body image disturbance are available, and they may help with prognosis and treatment management. Serotonin is involved with well-being, anxiety, and appetite (among other traits). Explore eating disorder treatment programs at the Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders, led by experienced Mount Sinai specialists. Interoceptive Exposure: Use of exposure therapy to target disgust-based aversions to food and eating by reducing somatic symptoms associated with this fear. We can provide one-on-one or family therapy. A provider will evaluate a person's body mass index (BMI). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association; 2013. Norepinephrine is a stress hormone. Reviewed by: Ryan James Kimmel, MD, Medical Director of Hospital Psychiatry at the University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA. What began in 2002 as the Division of Eating and Weight Disorders has since grown into a leading multidisciplinary center that provides innovative, evidence-based treatment to patients suffering from a range of feeding, eating, and weight disorders. Kornstein SG, Kunovac JL, Herman BK, Culpepper L. Recognizing binge-eating disorder in the clinical setting: A review of the literature. Physicians and scientists on the faculty of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai often interact with pharmaceutical, device and biotechnology companies to improve patient care, develop new therapies and achieve scientific breakthroughs. Researchers have identified specific chromosomes that may be associated with bulimia and anorexia. At the same time, children in the program acquire a palpable sense of pride and confidence in their ability to do this on their own., Director of the Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders, Intensive Home-Based Program for Eating Disorders Integrates the Family, Esketamine and Deep-Brain Stimulation: New Paradigms fo 5 min Read, A New Center for Psychedelic Psychotherapy and Trauma R 6 min Read, Using Quantitative Tools and Methodologies to Improve M 3 min Read, Advancing Addiction Treatment and Research for Decades 6 min Read, Prioritizing Employee Mental Health During and After CO 4 min Read, Intensive Home-Based Program for Eating Disorders Integ 4 min Read, Computerized Speech Analysis Tools That Help Predict Ps 4 min Read, A Matrix of Interventions and Techniques for Treating C 5 min Read, The Importance of Catching Psychosis Early: A Complex C 3 min Read, The Mount Sinai Hospital is ranked No. Treatment fidelity in eating disorders and psychological research: Current status and future directions Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Treatment fidelity in eating disorders and psychological research: Current status and future directions Deena Peyser, Robyn Sysko, Lauren Webb, Tom Hildebrandt Associate Professors Please call us for details at 212-659-8724 for more information. Gibson D, Workman C, Mehler PS. Accepted insurance may vary by the doctors office location. The Mount Sinai Health System seeks an Eating Disorder Psychologist for their Adolescent Center in Manhattan! Eating & Weight Disorders Research and Training | Mount Sinai - New York Home Our Locations Research and Training In addition to helping patients and their families, the Center of Excellence in Eating and Weight Disorders at Mount Sinai conducts research. Muscle dysmorphia is a form of body dysmorphic disorder in which the obsession involves musculature and muscle mass. Results from work in our lab continue to help us to develop, implement, and disseminate empirically supported treatments to our patients and their families. Psychotherapy may be given in an individual, group, or family setting. DBT appears to be an effective psychotherapy for people with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, and other mental health conditions associated with impulsiveness. Discover how to tolerate uncertainty and change. The Mount Sinai Health System seeks an Eating Disorder Psychologist for their Adolescent Center in Manhattan! People with bulimia nervosa rarely need hospitalization except under the following circumstances: The most common antidepressants prescribed for bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as: Studies have shown mixed results on whether SSRIs offer an additional advantage in reducing binge eating as compared to CBT.
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