blackberry 10 had native android runtime. Not much progress for all your efforts! Not true. The mythical Windows future device to change the world. The windows phone works well for integration to server based sytems, whether they are corporate or personal enterprises. And it looks to me like a huge mistake. Windows 8.x fails to garner significant tablet market share, despite updates. Unless Microsoft also got more into the hardware like Apple, then it would be a real big market. I guess I hold a mobile phone and NOT a smart phone in my hand within long when all apps are discontinued. I can't imagine Nadella doesn't realise this will happen he's the CEO after all. Could the future hold the possibility that the CPU, RAM and personal data is to be find in the smart phone and that the docking stations holds GPUs, extra hard drives etc. If this isn't just stupid IDK what is! Roll your sleeves up and put in some work Nadella/Microsoft.. Because if you can't make windows phone work..Then I wonder.. what cat was riding a fire breathing unicorn? Overall, though, I cannot see but that it leads to decline for Microsoft as mobile IS the gateway to computing and the next generations will have grown up using Goog Docs, Sheets, Slides and GMail - not Microsoft's offerings. After all that there's a board shake up and we get Apotheker as head. It was created by Linkin Park, very touch screen friendly! In the scenario where the mobile is the Personal Computer it is much more important than building a laptop, an ultra mobile PC, a PC anything in fact. Microsoft is really sorry about those other times it deserted you but it loves you - it's getting counseling and turning over a new leaf. Apps were coming over fairly regularly and MS put a lot of energy into its Xamarin purchase and development. Still, no amount of wishful thinking was going to save the platform. Oh yeah, and for that little rat-faced Belifiore, it's outrageous that a company like MS announces it is killing off Windows Mobile in a buried response in a Tweet! Microsoft is now worth more than $2.26 trillion. I like the platform because it does what I need it to do. Decided to Not buy an Xbox. There have been leaks of Microsoft dual screen MINI TABLETS. As a company standpoinnt he did the right thing. HDM would never make a Windows powered device. How long before Movies and TV go? Every professional is consumer but not every consumer is professional who builds, design something. Sorry, but that is just a lie. I'm a Verizon customer for 15 years, and I heard they were so mad at Microsoft, hence their later attitude towards carrying and supporting Windows phone. Satya Nadella "Every opportunity I got, I took it as a learning experience." Satya Nadella "We must ensure not only that everyone receives equal pay for equal work, but that they have the opportunity to do equal work." Satya Nadella "Ultimately, it's not going to be about man versus machine. I dont think that anyone expects Microsoft to beat that number in the current quarter. You may want to try. It's more like he doesn't care, interviews like this are just lip service to try to placate Windows fans. "How long are you going to string your users along this time?" Instead of capitalizing on that, he stopped making Windows Phones at all. :))) Are you smoking something? At the time of his promotion, he was leading Cloud, one of the most important core businesses MS was venturing into. It just doesnt have apps. Their image is so strong that people want it blindly and make no mistake it will come truth in years to come (20 perhaps). Please. I know because I still have one. Nadella? Satya Nadella, in full Satya Narayana Nadella, (born August 19, 1967, Hyderabad, India), Indian-born business executive who was CEO of the computer software company Microsoft (2014- ). If you go back and look though, I was a HUGE MS/ Windows Mobile supporter. Po example Microoft Flow only in Ios and Andorid in W10M not this. Conclusion. The good thing about UWP is they work on any windows OS (see 1.5 billion win10 users on pc) if a new pocket pc can capture some of the smartphone market. that Microsoft would fill in the mobile device space. MS needs to be careful about leaving its users feeling burnt and lied to. There are many, I can type endlessly about what Microsoft could do to repair bridges. I chose to go with a Nokia 6 (running pure Android 7.1.1) and use Microsoft apps on it. There were rumblings since last year that WM was going to be killed off yet no one came out and gave an official word other than crap about "being committed to mobile". Even the iphone needed a reboot every week or two. Expansion into international market can help Nadella Satya to tap into international talent market. Of course most people don't know about or use W10 M so they will not be feeling as I do. They should have kept alive the Windows 10 Mobile until they will be releasing the next big thing. American computer scientist and entrepreneur, American software executive and space tourist, South Korean physician, educator, and entrepreneur. I don't see anyone calling Macs a rejected platform. Satya Narayana Nadella ( ting Telugu: , / ndl /; sinh ngy 19 thng 8 nm 1967) l mt gim c iu hnh kinh doanh ngi M gc n . This lack of experience could be a detriment as Microsoft seeks to compete more directly with Apple and Google. All except Surface Pros have been ditched by MS. MS cons consumers into investing in its ecosystem then dumps them a year or two later. If this trend keeps up, there will be little to no need for our consultants to even know Microsoft products. They need to fucus on that as well. Microsoft reported earnings on Tuesday, and its cloud growth is slowing down. They would have been the first to buy mixed reality devices and paid monthly for Xbox gold and Groove. So, large companies offset weak consumer demand, mostly. You've even way over engineered Visual Studio so much that VB & C# are no long intuitive and much more confusing to use and develop in. So no, it had nothing useful at a time when both Android and IOS were already much better. Now, MS is no longer a inovative company. That works out to 35M discounted (to free) phones. There is a reason why most tech companies are moving into consumer market. I am currently in the process of selling my 3 Windows Phones, XBox One, Surface Laptop and Band and I will be switching over to another OS and believe you me I will NOT be downloadiing any apps or software that is associated with Microsoft and I hope many many others follow suite. So that re-affirms Microsoft is committed to their own platform first and foremost. That said, I believe MSFT has been incredibly disingenuous and downright cavalier with people's emotions in how they have played this saga but then given the numbers of Windows 10 subscribers out there, I guess they brought that into their calculations. @blue steel, No one mentions this and I feel it was detrimental to Microsoft going forward in Mobile, because in the U.S., Verizon is the biggest carrier. Even in AR and AI MS is posed to fail! Sure Cortana is available on the PC, but where is the Cortana IoT integration? - Managing Regulations and Business Environment Nadella Satya operates in an environment where it faces numerous regulations and government diktats. I ended up with a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 Mobile. like most CEOs who just ride the wave and make up BS as things change around them to try to keep the share price humming Nadella is the same. But I also use Ableton Live 9 and I tried Reaper software too. That sh*t just doesn't add up. Opportunities and Threats are factors that are analyzed in view of the prevalent market forces and other factors such as economic , social, health & safety, technological, legal & environmental, and political. What a joke. Spotyfi does not work at all on my Lumia 950 XL When starting, 5 dots passes over the screen for several minutes. So I shall party ans rock hard on with my beloved Lumia 950 XL until then at least. WP8.1 and the aquistion of Nokia was arguably either a desparate or ingenious move at the time because it offered the possiblity of a hero mobile device that directly could have competed with Apple's product but also allowed the license to be available to other oems similar to Android. He retrenched Windows Phones exactly when it was gaining momentum with Lumia 930 and Lumia 1520. Even though it looks really cool, I have a really hard time being sold on their mixed reality. I thought that they knew that mobile is a key sector that they need to conquer by any means. March 2, 2022, 9:52 AM PST. After that, who knows. Coolwill do. So the Surface and tablets can use Android Apps like an Android tablet would do. As is, whatever they do, they will do without OEM support at first, which could be tricky. MS was not in the position to deliver half-baked stuff at that time. That may not be the case. You'll have a complete phone with you. Do I miss Windows Phone yes, but they also didn't seem into promoting the platform, giving developers incentive to develop apps for the platform, or come out with decent new mobile phones - Implementation of Technology in Processes Even though Nadella Satya has integrated technology in the backend processes it has still not able to harness the power of technology in the front end processes. Which is what it looked like they were doing and what HP was doing. I always changed phone carriers just to get my hands on the latest Windows Phone. After the 3rd, 4th 5th time they get it wrong, I'm sure you would write off that place from getting your money and time, because they clearly can't or don't care about your service. The announcement of the end of Groove on 12/31 together with a non-working Spotify app on my phone was the final straw for me. Slow down development on android and iOS, push out universal store apps first then their ios and android counterparts. For me it's time to move on. Large organizations should welcome such scrutiny. Look inside most of our elementary schools. HoloLens is cool and all but its not in consumers hands. This is an article from 2014. I still use Bing as my search engine on an iPhone (1520 died and instead of utilizing the only company who actually innovated with WP, MS decided to kill off the deal), I like Microsoft Edge, I use Windows 10 Pro on a PC. While such a device MIGHT appeal to business, no consumer is interested in running Win32 stuff on an 8 touch screen. Making so many mistakes is ground for dismissal in any workplace. Since taking the top job, he doubled down on artificial intelligence (A), social networking and cloud computing, while pushing the firm to become more collaborative, innovative and customer focused. Apple is not churning the same 100 million users every 6 months. I must confess that we use only Android and iOS phones in our household. The problem with the thinking by Nadella and company is that they just assume that MS can abandon a platform and its users and developers, and those people will then just circle in a "holding pattern" until the company announces their Next Big Thing. Not because of the content and information but mainly because its just sad. Nadella has said from the get go that Microsoft is committed to mobile. Corrections? The faster release tempo is a good thing for consumers, but makes IT pros nervous. whenever I can I'll leave my L950 and I'll move to Android. It was about creating the other technologies can run so as those technologies mature people will have a platform to deliver those desirable technologies. Can someone from WC actually get a quick interview with this CEO? And that means Google and Apple (and maybe Amazon) are going to be there, stealing what they can from Hololens and MS will lose its consumer business altogether. Intellectual Stimulation. I don't mean this to sound hyperbole, but I'm beginning to think in 10 years or so, MS will be IBM. VHS v Betamax, MP3 v losless audio, Beats Headphones v any named audio house) just which is the most popular. Strengths are the Nadella Satya capabilities and resources that it can leverage to build a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. What is Nadella going to do about this apparent lack of caring about consumers? My bottom line is I wish MS would buy back or pay off what I have left to pay on my 950. To them, if one aspect of infrastructure is failing, you cut it out and either replace it with a better part or you cut it out and re-route, as that's the cheapest option with a lower lead time. Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO, in a session at the Annual Meeting, told Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, that a golden age of AI is under way and will redefine work as we know it. No thanks MS. Bye Bye. One thing for sure Microsoft killed off it's chance to reenter the smart phone arena again, Consumers , it's oem partners. I think abandoning Windows 10 mobile was a mistake, I realised when I was looking at the AR headsets they just released and I thought "but maybe they will abandon it in a year or two". we equip you to harness the power of disruptive innovation, at work and at home. " Our ambitions are bold and so must be our desire to change and evolve our culture. WP7 was a mediocre crap, lacking copy/paste, BT file transfers, no file manager, mediocre email experience, PC sync was a mess especially for exchange stuff. Apple and Google leak like seives and MS know they keep their cache with the big reveals. Satya decided to scrap it. It's that re-affirmed bias that drives most developers to target the platform with a larger base group. We'll done for addressing this point. That was the most stupid decision except for leaving the market. I upgraded the OS to Windows 10 and much of the funcuality starting dropping off because Sony chose not to up date drivers for the systems they deserted. Except if you paid sometimes after accepting agrements, but if you did, please tell us what? "Leaders think their . I think Microsoft should at least try to listen to us once.. Before abandoned windows phone platform totally.. You blame us not to buy you phone.. ), an Xbox one and Xbox One S, a W10 HP desktop for my daughter. Yeah, lets abandon our user base, promise the moon and deliver dirt and then hope they come running back to us. Microsoft is preparing an update to Windows 8.x that is mostly focused on improving the Mouse And Keyboard experience, not its touch brother. Figuring out the planto get from clunky licenses to a subscription-based future will be a key challenge for Nadella. A new concept is really not going to do much because just like a new car/ blanket/ cone of ice cream/ new love.. etc.. doesn't replace the very first (the excitement, anticipation, thrill, vibe, energy can never be thesame), a new project won't replace windows phone in the hearts consumers, no matter whether it fails or succeeds.. Too late. When I switched to the LG G6 I decided to give Google's services a try and let's be honest other than office Google's offerings are better than Microsoft's especially on an android phone. What really hurts is that people buy what they know. Removing such items from the list of devices, that can be the vehicle for the future developments, will hurt the overall reception to anything MS is attempting to achieve. After groove and the W10 mobile announcement I ordered my Pixel and have moved everything over to Google. Even IF they ship another new phone device with real windows 10 then WHY in earth should the current fan base care? Not only is the phone going to die, but Win10 updates disable their own MS software. he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. 4 on the overall list with a yearly compensation of $84,308,755. We need to think about unintended consequences of our technology, for example. I still love my now essentially abandoned 950XL. At this point in history, with cutthroat competition from every side, theres little room for anything resembling dilettantism. It is easy to show leadership when you have all the information, when the systems work in harmony, and the plan for the future is laid out for you. They have had a chance. They will fail at AR/VR etc with the same gusto. However, I also now have other devices I thought I'd look to MS to full fill. Windows rules the desktop and laptop marketatthe moment. And no Surface Phone. It wouldn't be that hard for a company with massive cash reseeves to get, what, 150 to 200 top apps and games. It'll have to be an Android as the one-button design of iOS makes me want to throw it against a wall but I also know the parts of Android that I don't care for and I'm not looking forward to tweaking it in an attempt to give me the exact experience I want. That comment deserves an up vote. Seriously, Nadella is an example of the Peter Principle and MS needs new leadership that can harness the enthusiasm of their devs and customers to re-introduce Win phones and improve their offerings & quality across the board. I was never unhappy with the OS as a whole and I still prefer it to Android. This is the full audio of the session of the conversation recorded at the Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland 18 January. except MSFT doesn't care about its own loyal users, with many of them switching to Android now. Jason Ward's influential writing might just be the snap of the fingerMicrosoft need to wake up out of the anti consumer mobilestate of consciousness. ". And if I had an Xbox that would be on Craigslist tonight. Nadella IS committed to Windows Mobile - er - Windows ON mobile. It happpened to IBM, Sears, GE, GM, Kodak, BestBuy, Polaroid, and a host of others. With MSFT once spearheading this path it has let many of us to a cul-de-sac. Nadella Satya has tried to diversify first using different brands and then by adding various features based on customer preferences. Also I hope it is clear that MS has moved on from Mobile focus they now want to catch up with the supposedly next big thing. Hence a future where no Microsoft office is relevant or needed as other companies makes such solutions for huge eco-systems as IOS or Android? So is leaving some software out from,10 like gestures beta lol. Microsoft should get off the market share thing and make a great product. So the future is going to be more difficult because Microsoft filed to develop a mobile OS market Without mobile they will dissappear in years to come. While Nadella was essentially the unanimous choice of those outside the company your humble servant included his clippings have become too nice. While working full-time at Microsoft, Nadella also earned (1997) a masters degree in business administration from the University of Chicago. I've heard about apps/software that can make an Android look like a Windows Phone home screen, but how much like the original are those softwares/apps? This includes canceling my 365 subscription and will close my OneDrive account once I transfer everything over. As people starts to use Android and Iphones Microsoft office is not the only choice their. Why? Building strategies based on consumer oriented product development and marketing approach. - Credit Binge post 2008 Recession Easy access to credit can be over any time, so Nadella Satya should focus on reducing its dependence on debt to expand. What is taking shape now is that consumers are finally catching on that Microsoft within a short period of time gives up on hardware,for example Zune, Windows RT, Micosoft Band, and now Windows Phone. It's a given Nadella will continue to push Windows Azure and Office 365, where hes been instrumental in their impressive growth so far. There is no recovering from this. So I have to bring an extra MP3 player when traing next year? Dongles on the TV ( Firestick anyone ), Handhelds..etc.. Published by HBR Publications. Microsoft's hard ware business is a side business. Anything you think Ive missed? Analysis of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study. All their stated goals go out the window (pun intended) when they kill off pieces because it discredits their stated goals both internally and externally. Very good comment @squire777and agree to most of it. Apple gets it, Google gets it, Adobe gets it, and Amazon gets it; but Microsoft misses it. Maybe what MS really needs is a complete corporate leadership flush out. I'm much less up on news now because the lack of live tiles which would update automagically thruout the day. The people who run HDM were the same people within NOKIA and tried to push the company to make those X platform android devices. So when it comes time to launch a new category of devices they can draw from that loyal consumer base to use their new product. When Android phonesand Iphones allow docking to a screen and a keyboard on those devices Microsoft Office might not be the first choice either anymore.Edge browser will not be the first choice on an Android phone or an Iphone either. The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. It matters to consumers, to developers and to windows while ecosystem. Instead of that they rushed W10 mobile out of door without propper testing and made the whole world to laugh at them 225 views Microsoft has been strident in the past in stating that it intends to have strong margins on the Surface line of products. I agree with your comment, but here we both are in other ecosystems still reading W10 mobile news lol Hard habit to break. I have 40k worth of their stock, my vote will be to give his butt the boot. Google and Apple worked out a long time ago that Mobile is VERY important. - Changing Technology Landscape Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence boom is transforming the technology landscape that Nadella Satya operates in. He laid out his vision for . Another economic slowdown could harm business buying cycles that have been key forMicrosofts growth. To assume, you can abandon a cause multiple times, burning not only consumers, but your OEMs and try to shift to conversation to the "future", means you are still out of touch. Leaders with inspirational motivation traits provide employees with a set of shared goals and the vision necessary to attain them. Now all you do is to carve "Microsoft was here" in someone else's tree. I wouldn't call it useless. Satya Nadella, in full Satya Narayana Nadella, (born August 19, 1967, Hyderabad, India), Indian-born business executive who was CEO of the computer software company Microsoft (2014 ). A target for occasionally interesting apps, sure, but an encompassing platform for Microsoft to bet their future on, in the belief it will be indispensible for users - nope. If they did that thenthe OS could be loaded on to a phone. If i can take my uwp over to some other lte device in the next year or two im happy. This approach can lead to poor public relation and customer backlash. Plus if they do come back withthe new OSI hope they don't get rid of the LIVE Tiles, but they need to have a setting forjust Icons for those people who do not likeLive Tiles. Managing desktop and server and client access licenses is enough to make even the most diligent accountant break into a cold sweat and grab his security blanket. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this has provided Nadella Satya resources to not only thwart competitive pressures but also to invest into research and development. Omissions? are consumers. This is BS and not even an apology. There is only one near-term way Microsoft could save mobile. Dont piss off too many partners. It build devices to support it's main enterprise google analytics, that is their prime engine for profit. Feel free to connect with us if you need business research. Unfortunately Microsoft's lack of focus and inability to market thier own product made this deal seem like a precieved desparate move instead of taking full adavntage of this opprtunity. He has more commitment, vision, drive, passion and focus than this assclown running microsoft. On the immediate, serious side though - without mobile, their hopes for growing the end user - UWP - developer ecosystem is now down to, what - low to middle end Windows "S" devices? According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, Nadella Satya can use this trend to expand in adjacent areas Leadership, Organizational culture. He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. I mean VR and AI COULD be incorporated into XBox and PC..but thats not where the market is going. The highest sales were 10.5 million with 2.7% of the market. The US market was at the mercy of the phone carriers so MS, under intelligent management, would have dropped the US and focussed on Europe. In Europe Nokia was doing much better than in the US. why they killed project astoria? Poor marketing, poor execution, and just not paying attention to what users really needed until it was way too late. The global PC market is expected to contract a few points this year, and then bottom out in 2015. At a time when Chromebooks are getting popular they should not abandon the lower end or middle of the market. But it seems there arethose that just can't get engaged with it. When you fail to tell the truth to your employees the organization begins to corrode from the inside. They aren't the only ones. The contract, which would supply the . Recent statements made by high executives confirm the rumors were true. You can create the worlds finished machine learning but if you are not getting the input from people on the most used devices then it will gradually lose traction to the devices people do use. People would be willing to buy a Windows Phone in that case because it could run all of the same Android apps and in many cases, run them better. In a new interview with CNN Business, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella defended the company's $480 million contract with the U.S. Army following employee backlash. This time, it promises, will be different. Probably until battery run out. The best advice for Microsoft is to release a surface phone that does not look like a phone but is the ultimate device. @PATCHERD, There are a bunch of fanboys running around in the dark trying to find the door right now! How much have you or your company invested in Microsoft "mobile" over the last 5 years? Microsoft had one drink too many and roughed your checkbook up a little. In Leadership, Organizational culture areas, the firm needs to navigate environment by building strong relationship with lobby groups and political network. Absolutely correct. Or their own apps in the Windows Store. The few million people who owned windows phones I guarantee were Microsoft's biggest fans. I know several people who bought Windows phones simply because they were Nokia's - now they've all been forced to move to Android and looking at their Facebook statuses it's clear that while they get along fine with Android they REALLY miss their windows devices. But they weren't dropping. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft, one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies. With the other phones, you're getting a complete experience and won't need to look for the chabgelogs every few weeks. I don't blame Nadella as much as I blame Ballmer. As an end-user, I was frequently frustrated by the lack of a Windows Phone/Windows Mobile version for an app specialized to our industry. Windows will keep only gamers, because there is no other gaming platform. I just can't see how MS will stay relevant in the consumer space as a result of this, even if they re-enter with 'what's next' and more to the point, they're definitely missing something when a lot of the industry is targeting consumers rather than enterprise. At this rate, it's going to be cloud only as the consumer market dries up to nothing. BTW, if your two Band-2 devices were working properly when you decided to leave the Microsoft ecosystem, how much would you sell them for?. Never again ! I am confident they have something truly amazing in the pipeline (presumably 2019). Android at the time was basically percieved as a touch version of symbian. just about ALL Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps anf the Centennial Win32 desktop PC programs that are in the Windows 10 "Microsoft store" such a device would be like a smallhand held Surface Pro Tablet and run the same apps and PC proghrams the Surface pro 2 in 1 uses. Clearly said in one of the articles Mixed Reality or AI makes no sense without mobile device. If UWP really means, for the most part, a wrapper to distribute apps in a low quality store then UWP lacks any real point other than as a curated software respository. It's with a growth mindset, Nadella has changed the image of Microsoft to being super cool again.
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