After long research, Astrologers has also developed a revolutionary formula for calculating the probable DATE OF MARRIAGE of any individual from his Birth Details. He has good vitality. Moon In Twelfth House For Gemini Ascendant, Simple Approach Regarding Jujde A Horoscope Via Awastha Of Planet. CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.comBook link- Raaj, This video is hosted by Kapiel Raaj. They will show authority of higher education that may give acceptance or fame among masses but spoils the relationship with others. Hence, the natives bhagya will shine through ones hardwork and efforts. Built with, Vedic Astrology Yogas For Becoming Doctor or a Surgeon. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pisces Ascendant House Lords, Meen Lagna analysis with their house lords. 2) Native may be brave and intelligent. And astrology is all about measurements. Sun is also the lord of 3rd house to Gemini. Staying away from Non-vegetarian food and meat. Transit of planets over houses in astrology, Transit of planets over planets in vedic astrology, Sun in first house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 1st house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in second house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 2nd house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in third house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 3rd house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in fourth house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 4th house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in fifth house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 5th house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in sixth house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 6th house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in seventh house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 7th house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in eighth house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 8th house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in ninth house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 9th house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in tenth house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 10th house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in eleventh house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 11th house for Gemini ascendant, Sun in twelfth house for Gemini ascendant/ Sun in 12th house for Gemini ascendant, Hair based on color and textures in face reading, Hair based on thickness and length- Face reading. have centres of competitive examinations, will organise medical camps, own medical laboratories, will do catering, tailoring, manufacturing of medicines and medical equipments, will finance against properties, will become accountants in purchase departments or milkmen in societies and will become lessors; is in the fifthhouse to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. If the native does this, his wealth will naturally increase in his life. Not only does this date kick off bold Aries season, but it also marks the Spring Equinox, a celebration of . The Gemini ascendant borns will be interested in the fields of arts, culture and cinema and may perform obscene roles; they may also be popular politicians, orators and astrologers. For their peers and network circles, they are very communicative. He will have very strong physical and mental strength, while he will also be creative and intelligent. The air quality gives this house some volatile characteristics (aspiration, hopes); Saturn represents the return of suitable investments made in life (such as building a. pension). Energies and conditions that arise from the Suns placement in a horoscope, along with the influences that the Sun receives, will be experienced in life as deep, long-term trends and processes that impact ones life as a whole. Taurus is ruled by VENUShence VENUS will be the lord of this house. They want meaningful relationships filled with loads of imagination and intelligent conversation to keep them excited. planet in 10th house planet in 11th house Pisces is ruled by JUPITER hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house. LIBRA/TULA the seventh ZODIAC sign is in the fifthhouse to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. Required fields are marked *. The native will gets lots of success in his life, in terms of career, business and profession. While, the native can also do well in the fields of government and politics. From sixth house, Sun aspects the twelfth house of foreign land that shows ego, authority, jobs in foreign land or job in foreign company. However, according to Vedic astrology, Sun in the 7th house is normally not considered good for marriage, but in the case for Gemini ascendant, as long as Sun is not weak or being aspected or in conjunct with planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, Sun here will be amazing results and will not destroy the marriage of the person. The native speaks bitterly and uses some offensive and discourteous words. LEO/SIMHA the fifth ZODIAC sign is in the third house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. SINCE the Ascendant falls in the star Mrigasira. As the native faces the problem of ego. However, the native can become lazy in his life. Mars is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini. Father can give away wealth tohis younger siblings. From seventh house, Sun aspects first house which shows ego and confidence is developed from recognition and fame among masses. Moon is also the lord of 11th house to Gemini. Assume you have an Aquarius Ascendant map of Sun ruling 7th house in Leo and sitting in the 11th house in Sagittarius. Father of the native can be a teacher or preacher. So the Gemini ascendant horns will, have happy and joyful relationships, will marry persons of their love, will enter into mutual agreements and will show interest in the fields, of arts and culture; enjoy happiness in secret contacts, will invest in the fields of their choice, will explicitly express hidden things, will have secret interests through friends and will gain success in the research fields. For the 3rd house, Sun is regarded as one of the karak planets as Sun is also one planet that promotes or makes a native very hardworking. The natives wife will have a very strong and aggressive personality. This is if Sun is in a weak position, aspected or in conjunct with planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. In the first house, the sun and mercury are the Ascendant. The planet of love, money, beauty, romance, and . However,in terms of capital,it is good place to be in. Since Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Kaalpurushais the 12th house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns tend to maintain secrecy in their investments and would not hesitate to undertake secret activities for financial gains. This is because Sun in the 4th house directly aspects the 10th house of Career where Sun gets natural strength, hence the native will achieve all the success he wants in his life in terms of his career. The native may have a argumentative home environment where family members fight with each other, including with the native. While, Sun in the 5th house creates problems regarding child birth. S/he may not get right higher education in early parts of life which may develop ego battles between teacher and gurus. Mercury is the lord of this house. The Budha Aditya Yoga in this house can favor an individual's professional success. Scorpio, the 8th sign of the Kaalpurushais the 6th sign to Geminihence they tend to suffer from stress and pain resulted by sudden illnesses and diseases. They may lack needed mental inclination for higher education; and they could study about oil wells, natural gas and medical research. They can also take leadership role in society or love to have a transferable or travel job . Sun is in sixth house in Scorpio. SINCEthe 11th house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the lord of III house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will have highly selfish desires and would fulfil them through public relations. Spouse carries lot of experience and learning to the table. Gemini Ascendants are one of the most interesting and unique zodiac signs among all 12 zodiac sign. Aries /Mesha the first ZODIAC sign is in the eleventh house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. Your email address will not be published. From third house, Sun aspects ninth house which shows authority over higher learnings. Sun first of all makes the bhagya or fate of the person very strong. So the Gemini ascendant borns will get press publicity about the assistance received by them, will publish books on public service, will meet with advertisers, will spend their energy for the cause of others, will write recommendation letters and petitions for others, will work as registrars, will gain confidence through others and will have spouse or business partners from neighbours. Surya Beej Mantra Chanting the Surya Beej Mantra everyday for 108 times, along with the remedies mentioned above also strengths your planet Sun. They get bored easily and may flip from one thing to another, always seeking new adventure to challenge the mind. Airy sign, common, intelligent, dynamic, instable, quick in grasping, shoulders and hands of the body, human, short ascendantension, two-legged sign, mascendantuline, singular, pair of boys, the end part of a street, two-storied building, nights, high places, mountains, sports ground, communication and information offices, press, research centres, book-shelf, acoustics, represents Shravana month in Saka and Aani in the Tamil Years, black in colour, south east in direction, congested traffic. They may also be afflicted with respiratory illnesses such as asthma. Father can be very communicative or can be in a profession related to communication. Because Sun also represents our ability to work hard in life. Therefore, for Gemini Ascendants, they take pride on their ability of being able to work hard and achieve success in their life through they own self-efforts. They will have fluctuating relationships with their spouses, partners, opponents and persons they meet in the course of life, functionings of sensory organs and kidney in their body,will be that of fluctuating in nature. Communication becomes an integral part of life. The native will be famous among women, while he could be materialistic in nature. Higher expertise will not be useful in collecting capital in this situation. Communication with father and sibling becomes good. Sun in eleventh house/ Sun in 11th house for Virgo ascendant. 1) Before knowing the effect of Sun in 11th house in Aries sign for Gemini Ascendant we have to know aboutSunand11th houseand Gemini Ascendant. We whip out our mental yardstick and judge what we find. SINCE the 4lh house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Gemini ascendant borns will live in or near government buildings and government offices, will be in possession of government vehicles and could handle government machinery, will encroach village common lands, will run educational institutions with due government recognition and will deal with government departments of vehicles, lands, forest and hills, grains, civil supply godown, water tanks, wells and ponds. All rights reserved. (i) Mrigasira, owned by Mars Great achievements, struggle for success, vitamin deficiency. He may always win over his enemies. He has magnetic attraction in his personality.He has aura or tej in his face. Mercury is the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Gemini. The Gemini ascendant borns will, work in the social service or national service organisations, will enter into partnerships, will become labour contractors or marriage brokers and will represent the nation in international bodies; hold responsible but easy posts with name and fame and will serve in customs and sales or income tax departments; SINCEthe TENTH house falls in the star of Uttarabhadra, ruled by Saturn, the Gemini ascendant borns will work as assistants in office and would come up in their life from the lower level especially in the departments of police or military; they will respect socially downtrodden people and they may sell old goods. It depicts the ups and downs of relationships with Father. They can also dominate their siblings. The hands of Gemini rising signs tend to be physically vulnerable. Since it is a sign owned by Saturn, the lord of 8th & 9th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will have to face hurdles and hardships in all their research efforts. VIRGO is ruled by MERCURYhence MERCURY will be the lord of this house. It also demonstrates that the native or his parents are spiritual and artistic individuals. Here, since, from the 2nd house, Sun directly aspects the 8th house, wealth from in-laws is also being seen, however, the native may have clashes or struggles in maintaning relationship with his in-laws due to his ego and personality. If you want to know more about Gemini Ascendant you may read this link. The native with Mercury in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant is endowed with adequate power of education. .have problems in competitive examination centres, would suffer due to medical treatments, negligence of nursing staff, side effects of medicines, allergy and acidity, will meet with accidents during preparation of medicines and will face discomforts in lodges; .struggle with greediness, will be harassed in lodges, will misappropriate in clubs, will face no-confidence motions in societies, will experience the fortunes turning as misfortunes, will have unfortunate employment opportunities and will be dejected in the fields of their choice. Since the 10th sign is a common but watery sign, the Gemini ascendant borns may undertake business through sea ports, work in the fields like transport, boats and ships, may do fishing and may use liquids in their profession. He may be suffering from pitth related issues. These natives always crave mental stimulation. Ascendant influences how the world sees you; its your first impression. Capricorn, the 10th Sign of Kaalpurushas, is the 8th house to Gemini. Waking up before Sunrise This is a very simple and basic remedy yet one of the most powerful ones. Sun here gives lots of strength, courage and vigor to the native and makes him brave and courageous. In general, Sun in 4th house is not a good position and the reason is because Sun burns the house that it sits in. The native gains lots of opportunities in life to work in the fields of government or top level managerial position. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will do their profession in the fields of research centres, investigation & customs departments, adulteration, secret planning, shoe makers, hospitals and imports and exports etc. Since it is a sign owned by Moon, the Gemini ascendant borns would swiftly express new and innovative ideas. Since Aquarius, the 11th house of Kaalpurusha is the 9th house of Gemini, the Gemini ascendant born are more interested in higher education and could study in the fields of their own interest. For Gemini Ascendant Sun represents the 3rd house which is the house of hardwork, communication and our siblings. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant is unattractive in appearance but bold, courageous, intelligent, and learned. The following birth chart tool is useful for listing the positions of planets in your chart by sign and house. Since it is a movable and fiery sign, the Gemini ascendant borns are crazy and have a never-ending desire to gain name and fame. They are leaders in a large organization. Gemini natives love to learn, create ideas, invent, and find solutions to problems. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant gains wealth through malicious deeds. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, run competitive centres for arts, will become gynaecologists, nurses, costume designers, caterers., producers of natural medicines, laboratory technicians and workers in lodges, cinema halls and would reside in lodges. The native gains lots of success in the field of government and especially, the native can get success in foreign lands and foreign places. Sun is also the lord of 3rd house to Gemini. The native will quickly move forward in life and will experience lots of success and achievements in his lifetime. hindu astrology He has good name and fame. March 7: Full moon in Virgo; Saturn in Pisces. face discomforts in lodges, will detach from illegal affairs, will behave in a disciplined manner in social service institutions, will remarry, will have illegal affair with the sister of spouse and will make friendships with government officials, w. ork in the fields of transport, communication, embassy., international trade, electricity, water supply, teaching, research fields, religious endowments, courts of justice, panchayat boards, ancient national monuments, oil wells, gold mines and trusts. You often end up as a leader in your communities, too, taking on a central role like the Sun. The ascendant in Gemini personality wants to know everything about the world. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will always carry the spirit of competition and will be forcibly fond of success. While, the native will also gain lots of success in the field of government and lots of benefits from the government. He will be short-tempered and will have a very irritable personality. The native wants mental stability from network circle and . The native with Venus in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent and laborious. The native gains immense wealth. Siblings can benefit from the native. Best Soulmates for Pisces | Pisces Compatibility, 1st House Lord in the 2nd House | Lords in Different Houses, Sun in all 12 houses for Cancer Ascendant. He appears unlucky and irreligious. They can create new things from their skill and can also be chef, public servant, good communicator. The Gemini ascendant borns will have friendships and relationships with sincere people, will gain success in desired things after struggles and will be greedy and arrogant. On the other hand if Mercury is weak the person will loose the flow of conversation midway or his conversation may not be clear to others. Sun is in Aries in eleventh house for Gemini ascendant and at 10 degree of Aries, Sun is exalted. It provides an insight into your outward personality and shines a light on the path of your life. owned by Mars, the Gemini ascendant born will have self-pride, rough but humorous speech, more interest in sexual pleasures and diseases caused by excessive heat. It shows incredible increases in life through Mother and Motherly Figures. They may also have to face difficulties due to litigations. Sagittarius is ruled by JUPITER..hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house. Ketu would act like Mercury as far as the significations of houses are concerned. Sun In 11th House In Aries Sign For Gemini Ascendant. Sun is a very important planet and often, when Sun in weak in the birth chart, people experience lack of success in their lives. Required fields are marked *. They can also have a youthful feature. Mars is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini. Pisces is a friendly sign and Sun gets directional strength in tenth house. have cordial social relationships, will live in government quarters, will receive musical instruments as donation from the government, will enter into partnerships, will marry the lover and will associate with voluntary organisations; is in the sixth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. Which is also the reason why millions of people offer water to the Sun God in the rivers of Ganges. This house is owned by Mars. 3 Beds. Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius for Aquarius ascendant shows gain after marriage. Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of houses 1st & 4th , as far as the significations of houses are concerned. His fate is between 32 and 35 years of age. They can adapt very quickly to situations. It's possible if they don't have an older sister or have small circle of peers. The 8th house represents our in-laws, sudden gain or losses in wealth, occult, death, struggles, and obstacles in life. This is also known as Surya Argha, and if one does this everyday, one will get the fullest and most powerful blessings from the Sun God. He is happy in his initial stage, sad in middle age, and re-consumptive in the last step. Taurus /Rishaba the second ZODIAC sign is in the twelvth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. Since it is a house owned by Saturn, the lord of houses 8th & 9th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns may have breaks in their higher education-and discontinue their higher studies. Numerology Since Pisces, the 12th sign of Kaalpurushas, is the 10th house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will not hesitate to undertake secret activities like adulteration etc. They can also be good chef as chef works in isolation. SINCE the 3rd house falls in the star of Makha ruled by Ketu, the Gemini ascendant born will forge documents, spread rumours, file criminal cases, manipulate accounts and write anonymous letters. Aquarius is ruled by SATURNhence SATURN will be the lord of this house. Sun, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are the malefic planets for Mithun Lagna. Moon is also the lord of 2nd house to Gemini. They will have fluctuating relationships with their spouses, partners, opponents and persons they meet in the course of life, functionings of sensory organs and kidney in their body,will be that of fluctuating in nature. The word soul is used for the deepest and truest nature, the ultimate sense of identity, inspiration, and aspiration. Nearby homes similar to 17821 Redbud Pl have recently sold between $490K to $570K at an average of $455 per square foot. If the 4lh house falls in the star of Hastha, ruled by Moon, the Gemini ascendant borns will deal with water reservoirs, agricultural lands, dams, wells, ponds, boats, watery fruits and vegetables, rain water harvesting, refrigerators and vehicles. As if we align our bodily energies in accordance with the Sunrise and Sunset patterns of the Sun, Sun naturally becomes stronger and starts giving good results. Since Virgo is an earthy and common sign, the Gemini ascendant borns tend to help the society with their education; they excel in their education despite fluctuations; they become debtors for the cause of their education. Lunar Eclipse In 1st House (Scorpio Rising) . They are leaders in a large organization. This happens if the 10th house is also strong and there is no aspect of malefic planets on the 1st house or Sun. Since Virgo is the symbol of details and interpretation, they operate in an environment where they must deal with lot of precise data and analyses it. Sun here in the 7th house is a great position in terms of business and wealth. Mercury is the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Gemini. The native will have a strong and powerful voice, which will help him influence others. The native will be able to work at best at isolation. This position of Sun will make the native a very hard working person. Pisces/Meena the twelvth ZODIAC sign is in the tenth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. The native with Sun in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant earns immense wealth. The person can also be in politics or serve or heal their children at home as Virgo is the sign of healing and service . This indicates that person will develop trust in life when confronted with unexpected and transformative events in his life/career, and that he will be able to earn money and satisfy his aspirations as result of those events. The 11th house corresponds with Aquarius. Sun in the 10th house for Gemini ascendant is a great position for Sun to be in. He may getting good success in his life through his own self efforts. As Gemini is a sexual sign, the native has a lot of sexual energy. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, serve as supervisors in competitive examination centres, will suffer due to hereditary disorders, excessive intake, allergy, acidity, and the side effects of medicines, will study nursing courses and medical research, will make joint efforts in medical fields and will have illegal affairs in research fields. Gemini ascendants treat life as a series of adventures, and more importantly, as an opportunity to learn. Sure, Sun in the 7th house will make the native have a very dominant personality. Sun in 11th House for Aries Ascendant in Astrology, Sun in 7th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Moon in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 1st House for Pisces Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Astrology. work with self-thoughts, improve their working capacity, will have successful acts, will have proper functioning of digestive and neurological system, will tend to depend on others in functioning, will lack in efficiency and will suffer due to loss of power of immunity; is in the seventh house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna.
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