2014b)]. Gay Men in Iran's Military Can Seek Exemption Young men who have turned 17 years of age will not be allowed to leave Iran without completing their military service. What is the general policy for people who wish to obtain visas to come to the United States (U.S.)? According to Commander Kamali, the eight-year rule also applies to military deserters and university students who were exempt from the national service while in school but had quit their studies without informing the draft registration office. The IHRDC says that "physicians charged with administering these evaluations likely recommended that these individuals seek exemption on the basis of transsexuality, not homosexuality, because of the Iranian government's more lenient attitude towards the former in contrast to the latter" (7 Nov. 2013). There are reports that the Mandean/Ahwaz minority in the South-West of the country are forced to perform military service despite their pacifist religious beliefs and are consequently fleeing the country in large numbers. Document Name:Govahiye Fot (Death Certificate). iranian military exemption card - KMITL Gay Iranian man, 20, beheaded 'by brother' who told mum he'd 'finished Every year about 580,000 men reach conscription age of 18 years for compulsory military service; 16 years of age for volunteers; 17 years of age for Law Enforcement Forces; 15 years of age for Basij Forces (Popular Mobilization Army). The legal provision can be found in Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 US Code 1182. Temporary marriages cannot be used to confer immigration benefits and do not substantiate eligibility for either marriage-based immigrant visa classes or for derivative status of any visa class. 2014], _____. I have never served in Iranian military and I have no exemption card or military card and even no Iranian passport/ nationality anymore. 2014], Denmark and Norway. "Iran." Allowing such people to travel to the United States can also be an effective tool to counter the propaganda of the Islamic Republic, which positions the US as the enemy of Iranians. The officer seemed relieved to hear that my twenty-one months of compulsory service was in the Artesh or regular armed forces. If the parents marriage is not registered, both must be present to sign the document. Most IRGC draftees end up doing similar jobs, too, including running personal errands for officers. "Iran: Transgender People Are No Longer Classified as 'Mentally Sick'." Please contact the consular sections in Bern and Vienna for additional details on the application process. If you are exempt from the service please provide a copy and certified English translation of your military service exemption card. International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR). Their dependents (spouse and children) accompanying or following to join them may be admitted in the "trade dependent" or "TD" category whether or not they possess Canadian or Mexican nationality. The old and new versions differ in their presentation of information related to marriages and children. . Since the Iran-Iraq War ended in 1988, most Iranian conscripts have seen no combat, and their military service is often devoid of actual combat training. (Photo by Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto). "M" means multiple times. 18 March 2014. In December 2013, media sources reported that, according to General Kamali, due to a shortage of personnel, Iran may increase the length of military service to 24 months. 2014], _____. This gain was also reflected in the regular armed forces. I was once conscripted into the Iranian armed forces. Here's why the 2012)] is 15 (ibid. 6 January 2010. Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. Unfit soldiers do not make good battle buddies in intense combat. IranSource provides a holistic look at Irans internal dynamics, global and regional policies, and posture through unique analysis of current events and long-term, strategic issues related to Iran. This is not a UNHCR publication. Both parties birth certificates, national ID cards, medical reports, and the brides fathers birth certificate are required. A copy of the military regulations governing medical exemptions in Iran could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. FAQs for Iranian Applicants - U.S. Virtual Embassy Iran The new digital version contains the individual's national ID number (also found on the right-hand side of the passport biodata page) and a bar code. The total period of service is twenty-five years, divided as follows: two years of active military service, six years in standby military service for draftees, then eight years in first-stage reserve and nine years in second-stage reserve. Israel, Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. military service of the penalties likely to be faced if the person refuses to undertake, evades, or deserts from, military service 1.2 Points to note 1.2.1 Military service is compulsory for all males aged between 18 and 49 although there are some grounds for exemption (see Eligibility). Marriage between two Baha'is is registered in two documents. The estimated force level of the regular army increased from 325,000 in 2001 to 350,000 in 2007, a level which continued throught 2019. Sources indicate that military service is mandatory for all males in Iran (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013; Human Rights Watch Dec. 2010, 23). Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents. Since Canadian nationals generally are exempt from visa requirement, a Canadian "TN' or "TD" alien does not require a visa to enter the United States. See 'NOTE' under Canadian reciprocity schedule regarding applicants of Iranian, Iraqi or Libyan nationality. Visa Classification: The type of nonimmigrant visa you are applying for. 2012). And this does not mean that persons who would obviously qualify as conscientious objectors do not exist. International Relations: (+9821)66746460 8. The officers began pointing at disheveled young men, commanding the frightened recruits to go stand in various lines associated with the military. Diplomatic Sales Tax Exemption Cards The Department's Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) issues diplomatic tax exemption cards to eligible foreign missions and their accredited members and dependents on the basis of international law and reciprocity. They were tasked with randomly picking conscripts. Asking for the military exemption card is just a convenient way to refuse you. This fee is in addition to the nonimmigrant visa application fee (MRV fee). [Accessed 13 Mar. being the only son of the family. Under 8 CFR 214.2, H-2A and H-2B petitions may generally only be approved for nationals of countries that the Secretary of Homeland Security has designated as participating countries. Human Rights Watch adds that gay and transgender Iranians who are exempted from military service "are not immune from harassment and abuse" and that doctors have reportedly pressured gay men seeking exemption to apply for exemption as transsexuals instead (Dec. 2010, 25). But the. Original Iranian Birth Certificate (Shenasname), and photocopies of all the pages of the Birth Certificate(This document must contain an ID photo for those above 15 years of age. The undated website of the Iranian Embassy in The Hague states that. (A Muhaarib is someone who takes up arms against the Islamic government). Some indicate why the cardholder was exempted from military service. Sources indicate that the duration of compulsory military service ranges from 18 to 24 months (BBC 26 Dec. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). Depending on their field, those with higher education can end up with higher-status duties. 26 September 2013. According to the IHRDC, "in general males are expected to serve for a period of 20 months" and "[f]or service in impoverished areas, the duration can last 24 months while service in boundary areas can last 22 months" (7 Nov. 2013). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Registration Criteria:A notary public (daftar-e asnad-e rasmi) registers divorces and marriages for Muslims and those who practice recognized minority religions (Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism). [Accessed 14 Mar. PDF Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants Before the Interview Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:Booklet Old versions have a red/burgundy cover, handwritten biodata, and manual signatures and stamps. Sources state that people who refuse military service cannot get a passport (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). Baha'i marriages should be evidenced with both documents, as well as the registration of the union in both parties shenasnameh documents. People who refuse military service cannot get a passport. December 2010. Compulsory conscription has been in effect since 1926, when Reza Shah's Military Service Act was passed by the Majlis. 2014], Iran. It was commented that young dissatisfied individuals could be perceived as a potential source of unrest by the authorities. Fee: The reciprocity fee, also known as the visa issuance fee, you must pay. MENASource offers the latest news from across the Middle East, combined with commentary by contributors, interviews with emerging players, multi-media content, and independent analysis from fellows and staff. Iran, Islamic Republic of - United States Department of State There are limited exemptions available but the option to buy out of military service has been reintroduced for some people. A member of the budget committee in the Iranian parliament, Mohammad-Reza Mirtajodini, said the plan only includes the absentees who are living abroad and at least five years have passed from their conscription due date. The Baij total force had increased to about 600,000 by 2019. ; US 26 Feb. 2014). U.S. By 1986 the country's overall literacy rate was estimated at 50 percent, a dramatic improvement. However, it is likely that the Majlis may reconsider the proposal to help the military meet its budgetary requirements for next year, Mr. Dehghani said. Joint Report from the Danish Immigration Service, the Norwegian Landinfo and Danish Refugee Council's Fact-finding Mission to Tehran, Iran, Ankara, Turkey and London, United Kingdom. The governments 2019/20 budget initially excluded the option for citizens to buy their way out of the draft. According to the IFOR Main Representative to the UN, in Iran, "persons who are unwilling to perform military service, for whatever reason, are either recruited against their will or seek to escape or evade recruitment" (18 Mar. National Organization for Civil Registration: (sabteahval.ir) If the person does not return to Iran, the amount is taken by the authorities. DOC Official Translation - Alireza's military service exemption card made it plain that he was homosexual On Tuesday, May 4, a young ethnic Arab man in Ahvaz was murdered because of his sexual orientation. Iranian-citizen males aged 18-34 are required to perform military service, unless exempt. Since the beginning of 1986, women had also been en couraged to receive military training, and women were actually serving in special Pasdaran units as of late 1987. IranSource The BBC reports that, according to General Kamali, current conscripts and people who will be serving by the end of the year, which is 20 March 2014, will not be affected by the extension of service (26 Dec. 2014). Alternate Documents:An expired birth certificate will have IS DECEASED stamped on the pages. Iranian / Dutch B2 tourist visa refused because of no military card Consequently, the U.S. Department of State no longer has a basis under U.S. law to issue E-1 or E-2 visas to principal applicants who are nationals of Iran. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). For those who live in the country, paying to avoid military service has not always been offered". I am wondering if the military record is a requirement docume. Court and prison documents are not required because posts cannot verify them. "Iran May Cut Mandatory Military Service." Iran International Travel Information Certified Copies Available:Certified copies are available. [Accessed 3 Mar. Al Jazeera reports that volunteers start their service at 18 years of age (Al Jazeera 24 Apr. If the original booklet is lost, a handwritten transcript from the registry office may be acceptable (Roonevesht).. 2014], Taghvim.com. The old version presents the spouses information on the top half of two facing pages, with the childrens information on the bottom half of the same pages. All rights reserved. Individuals who have a handicap or suffer from a certain illness and are thus not in a complete state of health, however yet well capable of carrying out non-combat/military-related services in offices. However, we wont consider the plan if the government makes a strong case against it.. Once an individual is deemed exempt, they are issued a military exemption card, which identifies the reasons for their exemption. With respect to educational exemptions, Chapter 4, Article 33 states that, In the case of the IRGC, a clean-shaven face could result in three days of extra service time, as I was told by a number of friends who were drafted by the IRGC. The Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy will look into the governments reasons for excluding the proposal from its 2019/20 budget given the fact that the conscription buy-out was allowed in previous years., Dehghani explained: Barring any objections from the government, the Majlis will include the proposal in next years budget. On a case-by-case basis, the Department of State can request that the Department of Homeland Security grant waivers for nonimmigrant visa applicants with past mandatory military service in the IRGC. Sina Azodiis a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council and a visiting scholar at the George Washington Universitys Institute for Middle East Studies. G-4 and G-5 applicants are not required to apply at U.S. Embassy Bern or U.S. Embassy Vienna. [a]ccording to the most recent resolutions, foreign resident draftees who have left the country before the date 29/12/1382 [19 March 2004 (Taghvim.com 28 Mar. (Factiva), Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP). Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:White booklet with handwritten data. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) had an estimated 125,000 active personnel in 2007. Country of Origin Information Report. On 21 December 2013, Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Iran's official news agency (World-newspapers.com n.d.), reported that the High Council of Iranian Affairs Abroad was seeking authorization to reduce service for students studying abroad "in return" for presenting their research studies. 504 of the 1996 Tazi'rat (the Islamic criminal code): "Whoever manages to incite the armed forces, or who in one way or another assists the armed forces, to rebellion, desertion, surrender or non-performance of their military duties shall be considered a Muhaarib if he intended to overturn the government or to enable the defeat of own forces by the enemy; otherwise, if the actions taken by him have been effective he will be sentenced to from two to ten years' imprisonment, and if they are not, he will be sentenced to six months' to three years' imprisonment." In 2007 the Basij had about 300,000 personnel, including 40,000 active personnel; they were authorized to carry small arms only. _____. [Accessed 25 Mar. Older cards include detailed biographical information such as blood type, hair color, weight, height, eye color, physical defects, and sometimes level of education. According to a 7 July 2011 report by LANDINFO, Norway's Country of Origin Information Centre, religious minorities "are called in for military service on an equal basis with other Iranians, but are barred from making a military career" (Norway 7 July 2011, 6). General Kamali reportedly added that "for those who live outside of the country, the option of paying off military service had been cancelled earlier this year. U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE BUREAU of CONSULAR AFFAIRS. "Witness Statement of Milad." You can extend your status for free if you. The BBC reports that, according to Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA), General Musa Kamali, the Vice Commander of the Headquarters for Human Resources of the Iranian Armed Forces, was quoted as saying that "the duration of military service is 18 months in combat and in insecure regions, 19 months in the regions which are deprived of facilities and have bad weather conditions, 21 months in other places, and 24 months in government offices" ( 26 Dec. 2013). Yet even the air force, which had developed training facilities for support personnel and homafars, was short of its real requirements. The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook indicates that the military branches in Iran in 2011 consisted of the, Islamic Republic of Iran Regular Forces (Artesh): Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force (IRIAF), Khatemolanbia Air Defense Headquarters; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enqelab-e Eslami, IRGC): Ground Resistance Forces, Navy, Aerospace Force, Quds Force (special operations); Law Enforcement Forces. [Accessed 20 Mar. Certified Copies Available: Certified copies are not available. . Procedure for Obtaining:There is no procedure for obtaining. According to the IHRDC, Article 33, paragraph 8 of the regulatory code that governs medical exemptions from military service notes that "'moral and sexual deviancy, such as transsexuality'" is considered to be grounds for a medical exemption (19 June 2013). Military card for Turkish applicants are not required. Document Name:Kart-e Shenasayi-e Melli; or Kart-e Melli (National Card), Issuing Authority:National Organization for Civil Registration. Management: (+9821)66707131-9 Under the current amnesty plan, citizens who have not reported for compulsory military service for eight years after they first become eligible have until the end of the Iranian year (March 20, 2019) to pay a fine and avoid conscription. A new regulation which was passed in 2014 and had been gradually implemented in the follwoing two years, had two new features. (Iran n.d.b). 2014a)], and whom after entering their 13 years of age, have been living abroad for a minimum of 2 years (as substantiated through presentation of relevant exit and entry stamps as placed in the applicant's passport by Iranian border guards and officials), are eligible for buying themselves out of Military Duty and thereby obtaining an Exemption card, upon paying the sum of 100,000,000 Rials [$4315 CAD (XE 27 Mar. Posts may not issue a T-1 visa. UkraineAlert sources analysis and commentary from a wide-array of thought-leaders, politicians, experts, and activists from Ukraine and the global community. Registration Criteria:Proof of Iranian citizenship. You'll also get priority processing on your application. Registration Criteria: There are no registration criteria. I would end up being picked by the IRIAF, but the process was arbitrary. The second is a one-page document issued by the Department of National Registration and Statistics stating that the couple appeared before one of its officials and provided an oath stating that they are a married couple. Procedure for Obtaining: Marriage and divorce certificates can only be obtained by the current/former parties to the marriage. UkraineAlert is a comprehensive online publication that provides regular news and analysis on developments in Ukraines politics, economy, civil society, and culture. This reflected the country-wide illiteracy rate, which stood at 60 percent in 1979. Further information on the implementation of the proposed service extension could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. Email: un@sabteahval.ir, Document Name:Shenasnameh (Birth certificate or identity certificate), Issuing Authority:National Organization of Civil Registration. Sign in to follow this . Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Canadian and Mexican nationals coming to engage in certain types of professional employment in the United States may be admitted in a special nonimmigrant category known as the "trade NAFTA" or "TN" category. Iranian males 18 to 49 years of age are legally eligible for conscription, for an active service term of 18 months followed by voluntary reserve service. Any Iranian man who fails to provide documentation about the status of his military service cannot obtain a passport or conduct legal businesses. Indeed the Iranian diaspora community is one of the most successful ethnic minority groups in the US, with many celebrated scholars, scientists, and academics. Iran has a compulsory military service requirement for all Iranian men when they reach the age of 19. Refworld | Iran: Military service, including recruitment age, length of It could also have meant that conscription was not replacing war losses or retirements. Men who refuse military service and do not have an exemption are ineligible for government jobs and are furthermore not hired for high-paying jobs. Check carefully whether this total is listed in Iranian rials or tomans (one toman is ten rials), and check the conversion rate as the total in dollars is often an incorrect. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:The card contains a full-face photo (left-aligned), and biodata (right-aligned), including the unique national ID number (different from shenasnameh number), given name, surname, date of birth (Persian calendar), fathers given name, and expiration date. Internet sites, including: Amnesty International; ecoi.net; Iran - Islamic Parliament of Iran, Iranian Police, National Portal for Iran, Office of the Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Presidency Website; Iran Data Portal; Hein Online; Legislationline; Small Media; United Nations - Refworld. Iran LGBTQ: A card exempted a gay man from serving in the military. It Iranian / Dutch B2 tourist visa refused because of no military card / no military exemption card ! Treatment of People Who Refuse Military Service. Sales Tax Exemption - United States Department of State The Main Representative to the UN for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), a Netherlands-based organization founded in 1914 that is "against war and its preparation" with "branches, affiliates and groups in more than 40 countries" who has been monitoring issues of military service and conscientious objection worldwide with a view to reporting [and] briefing treaty bodies and other UN mechanisms and procedures indicated that "there are no provisions for alternate service" in Iran. These marriages are performed by ecclesiastical authorities and are not registered with the government. These cards facilitate the United States in honoring its host country obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR), [] Exceptions:Copies of certificates containing the Bureaus authentication of the notarys signature can be obtained if the name and number of the notary registering the marriage or divorce are known. 26 February 2014. When major global news breaks, the Atlantic Councils experts have you covereddelivering their sharpest rapid insight and forward-looking analysis direct to your inbox. Sources note that refusing to serve in the army without an exemption can result in not being granted a driver's license (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Human Rights Watch Dec. 2010, 23). This exemption is for a man who is the only male in the family and his father is over 65 years old. Human Rights Watch adds that gay and transgender Iranians who are exempted from military service "are not immune from harassment and abuse" and that doctors have reportedly pressured gay men seeking exemption to apply for exemption as transsexuals instead (Dec. 2010, 25). [Accessed 13 Mar. The first is an ecclesiastical marriage certificate issued by the local spiritual assembly a booklet with the signatures of the couple, the person officiating the ceremony, and nine witnesses. Document Name:Sanad-e aghd; Sanad Sanad-e ezdevaj (Marriage Certificate), Issuing Authority:National Organization of Registration of Documents and Property (Sazman-e Sabt-e Asnad va Amlak-e Keshvar), Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:Red/burgundy booklet, off-white pages with handwritten data, Issuing Authority Personnel Title:Notary public. However, all other applicants with U.S. Government sponsorships, including other J-visa applicants, are subject to the MRV processing fee. Its unclear yet whether a US decision to lift the FTO designation of the IRGC will erase the stigma of having served in the organization as far as US immigration is concerned (separate financial sanctions on the IRGC will remain). UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. In addition, an applicant is eligible for an exemption from the MRV fee if he or she is participating in a State Department, USAID, or other federally funded educational and cultural exchange program (program serial numbers G-1, G-2, G-3 and G-7). Presently, military service lasts generally 18 months, but there are shorter terms for college graduates. [Accessed 14 Mar. [Accessed 25 Mar. Those dismissed from mandatory military service due to their sexual orientation received special exemption cards indicating the reason for their dismissal. Question regarding Iranian Military Exemption for Dual Citizens 1- They must have been exited the country before 1382/12/29. The IHRDC adds that failing to serve without an exemption can also result in "a ban on leaving the country without special permission" (7 Nov. 2013). N.d.b. Sina Azodi. 2014)]. They are also often mistreated by officers. If you wish to remain on travel.state.gov, click the "cancel" message. G-1, G-2, and G-3 visa applicants must submit their applications to either U.S. Embassy Bern or U.S. Embassy Vienna. They must report at a specific date to the headquarters of the Law Enforcement Department of the drafta unit of the Iranian policewhich is in charge of paperwork and summoning draftees for service. Further and corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. Registration Criteria: Newborn children; people who are changing their names; people who have lost their original birth certificate; and people who have reached the age of 15 and need to add their photo to the document (if between age 15 and 18, the individuals parent must apply).