While you are still at the House of Salvation, go inside to see the assassin again. Kilia will attack you by thrusting a ball of electricity at you, hitting several times. Just north of the second bridge is a third; activate it and cross it and use the ring to find a Life Bottle. Go up north to the schoolhouse and defeat the desians there and the man will give you an Apple and Orange Gel as thanks. The ruins lie near the desert town Triet and house the Seal of Fire, where the Summon Spirit Efreet is fought during the story. Magical Cloth is sometimes found in treasure chests and after battle with certain foes. IF YOU WENT BACK TO PALMACOSTA TO INVESTIGATE NEIL'S THEORY, YOU WILL GET THE PASS AT THIS TIME. It's for a *different version than the steam game* You really shouldn't be making a guide for the GCN version when it's based on the PS2/PS3 release. ONCE YOU START THE EVENTS AT THE RANCH, YOU CANNOT GET TO THODA GEYSER UNTIL ALL EVENTS DEALING WITH THE RANCH ARE COMPLETED. Go back to the corridor and enter the door by the entrance hall. Go part way up the northern corridor and use the ring to find a Life Bottle. Although you won't get any extra boosts to your stats, it can be a refreshing change to see Lloyd all dressed up instead of the usual red. No matter how good or bad at this you are, you will get a free Palma Potion if Cacao told you to work in the cafeteria and Colette will also get the Turbo Waitress title. Use the ring in this area to find an Orange Gel. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. minigame section. Go up and around the wall and open the chests for a Life Bottle and Bracelet. You must see this scene if you want to see the others later. A. Walk over to the southern edge of the fence to meet his friend. Behind the large pillar on the east wall is a chest with an EX Gem Lv 1. Once you gain control, head to the door on the left wall. Grade can be used to purchase customization materials and EX Gems in some places. Or don't, as you probably just used the save outside the Storyteller's home. This guide shouldn't be here. Many of these changes are just minor additions that have little or no impact on the overall story or completing the game. The cafeteria is on the first floor on the east end of the hallway. Refer to the sidequest section of the FAQ for more info on them. Pay her the 100 Gald, then leave town, but be ready for a fight on your way out. Next is a large and confusing warp maze which is easy to get lost in. The man who jumps in has a healing tech, so press Y to open the menu and go to his tech menu and order him to use First Aid on you if you need it. I dont own copyright. You can start the minigame by talking to a man in front of the Triet Inn, near Lloyd's wanted poster. Go to the northern screen and enter the tent and speak with the fortune teller. Go inside and see a scene with Dirk. Once inside, you will see pews and the same Chef dressed in a blue uniform. Enter the building and speak with the old man, Koton. If you have a Red, Black, or Yellow Quartz, you can use it on one of your melee fighters so you will do elemental damage to him, but it's still a tough battle. Walk in close and either block or dodge when it swings it's arm at you, then attack. You can choose who cooks what on the Cooking menu. As far as I know, I've battled every enemy in the place. Exit the cave the same way you entered and head to the southern exit. There is a bridge that goes north; cross it. Go east and open the chest behind the desk to recover your equipment, then proceed east and through the door. Dispel the vines with the light-bearing Sorcerer's Ring and use the Nebilim Key to open the chest. Go back up to the bottom warp, take the item, an Apple Gel, and use the warp. This manual is a good read for new players to the Tales series, and Tales of Symphonia in general, since it discusses the various things you can do in battle, including attacks, defensive maneuvers, et cetera. His attacks are slow and easily dodged by backstepping (blocking and pressing the control stick in the direction opposite the enemy). Continue south and activate the ring to find an Orange Gel in this area. Elemental Defense: Elemental defense determines what elements a character or enemy is resistant to. On the world map, head north. Once inside, follow the hall to the west, then south. A Holy Bottle, when used on the world map or in a dungeon, et cetera, reduces the rate in which you will run into enemies on-screen. A. Use gels, healing spells, cooking, and inns to restore HP. Once Colette and Genis join you, go examine the hole in the upper wall to get Colette's Klutz title. Continue east to get a Mermaid's Tear from a chest. Use them at customization stations to make strong weapons, armor, and accessories. Go onto the docks to see Lyla asking Max to deliver a letter to Aifreed. Genis shows up and you go back to Iselia. With everyone attacking the Ktugach, he shouldn't last too long. If it's pretty low, sleep at an inn to randomize it (hopefully so it's higher), and try to learn the new tech. She has left you a letter about the reasons of, Desians have been putting wanted posters all around town, but we're, Items: Beast Hide Enemies: Foot Soldier, You will all head for the inn. Head for the east part of town. So I'm a little confused what is the purpose of buying the NG+ things for a second playthrough? While in overlimit, damage taken is cut in half, you do not stagger after being hit, and casting time is slightly reduced. A bridge will appear. Life Bottles allow you, in Tales of Symphonia, to revive a fallen member who has been slain in battle and has no more hit points to sustain their lives. His Beast attack is annoying since it knocks you down, taking you out of the action for a few seconds. As the game begins, the main character, Lloyd is in school. This is because you get a unique item from Colette, Kratos, and Zelos during the Flanoir scene . I suggest saving him for later. To change your title, go to the status screen and press A. On this. If you win enough rounds in a row to cause your bet to go over 2000 you'll automatically take your earnings. There are five categories of elemental defense; weak, none, resist, immune, and absorb. Light the torch. Some of the "items" are actually alarms that are set off when you examine them, forcing you to fight. The best way to defeat the guardian is to just block his attacks, then counter with your own. None does not affect anything. Memory Gems can't be bought, but instead are found randomly after battles you fight throughout the game. Go south across the area you spanned by dropping the blocks into holes. Go to Anchors Aweigh and buy one Dark Bottle. In general, if you find yourself relying heavily on healing items, taking some time to level up is often in your best interest. Go down the southern stairs and west along the path and through the door. Bring another block over and push it across the middle to fill the gap on the other side. The bad thing about them is that they only last maybe a second and leave you open to attack afterward. If you're headed to the ranch, take the boats back to the docks. Use the northern warp that Chocolat is next to to warp to the boss, but there is another fight, same as before, before you fight the boss. When an enemy goes into overlimit, halt your attacks and tough it out until it ends. You can also play around with certain moves and two character will perform a new arte together. Tethe'alla Bridge - Red Light! What do the Yata Mirror and Yasakani Jewel do? Enemies tend to fall over after 50 hits, but you can pick them back up with Demon Fang or Photon as they fall. The stabbing attack can really hurt, so allow her to attack you, letting you block the hit, then counter attack. Go out past the schoolhouse and onto the world map. Now leave Palmacosta and head north along the road. Every character has a guard tech. It pays out 1 x multiplier. You can't really do anything in this room yet, so follow the corridor west, then northeast and through the door to the east. Either way you decide to go, you should go to Izoold first to rest and stock up on items. By selecting it and looking at it, you can see the important places you've been so far, like towns, for instance, and see their location on the map. This is the time to view the first of four training scenes with Kratos. It is only a waste to buy EX Gems since you find plenty in chests. Ozette - The Quiescent Village (first visit), Go up the slope, then go left for the inn. My main reason for writing this FAQ is that Tales of Symphonia is a non-linear game, meaning that there are several different orders events can take at various points in the game. In Tales of Symphonia, Summon Spirits are beings supported by mana from the Giant Kharlan Tree. We. You can check elemental defense by going to the status screen from the menu and pressing down on the C stick. Upon arriving in Palmacosta, head south one screen. You can unseal it and save, or you could save the gem for later. Use them at customization stations to make strong weapons, armor, and accessories. During the cutscene, Genis will, Go up the stairs that will appear to the tower. Then, go save the remaining, Talk to Dirk to receive the Material Blade and Eternal Ring. Now you can go upstairs and talk with Colette, Raine, and Genis. Examine the ring changer to change the function of the Sorcerer's Ring to that of a radar type thingie. She will, Go inside and talk to Mithos. The only time Grade doesn't return to you is when you spend Grade on EX Gems, Trade items, etc. Defeat the soldier patrolling the hall to get a Memory Gem, which will unseal a sealed memory circle. The acadamy is the building on the far right. Go up these stairs and open the chest to get a Life Bottle. You should know the drill by now; kill them first, then go for Magnius. After learning about Unison Attacks, exit to the south to the world map. Examine the stand with red and white balls on top of it to find the Wonder Chef again. There'll then be a fight with some easy to, Sylvarant ( Palmacosta - The Port City & Palmacosta Human Ranch), Tethe'Alla ( Altessa's House & Altamira - The Seaside Paradise second visit & Temple of Darkness, Meltokio - The Imperial City (third visit), Enter Meltokio by the sewers, then head for the research lab. Go between the pillars to end up in another room on a balcony. Go down the hallway to the right and down the stairs. Where are the anime scenes that are supposed to be in here? Therefore, with this item, you know what you are still missing from fully completing your inventory! There'll be a cutscene and you'll, Items: Prism Guard Enemies: Dark Commander, Each character can wear some different outfits than the default ones. If you go back to Palmacosta, take the left path and enter the code on the card key you received (3341) into the machine. It's really up to you to decide if you want Genis to fight or not, but it can be a pain trying to keep everyone away from him so he can cast magic. You can talk to the pink Katz to play the Emo Bubble mini game with Genis. are unfairly removed. Shoot the top column on the left side of the room, then the middle column. Go to Colette's house and receive the Collector's Book. Choose the title you want and stat names will be listed at the bottom. You can play the game by talking to a knight south of the square with the Church of Martel, Government building etc. How to get through each dungeon will be explained later, this list is just for reference purposes: When you enter Izoold, talk to the fat man wandering around on the first screen; he mentions something about Aifreed. Some sidequests also affect affection. If you did, complete Thoda Geyser, the Seal of Water if you did not yet. Large HP or TP regen is the same as small, but 3% of the max HP or TP. Memory crystals are 100% drops from certain monsters in certain areas. Partway through the battle, a mysterious man will jump in and join you against Vidarr. Walk north along the path, then east down a flight of stairs. When you have a majority of one type of EX Skills, the T-S bar will move toward the majority type side after each battle that character participates in. Botta can knock you back with his sword swings unless you guard against them, and he uses a tech called Rock Breaker that shoots rocks at you. He will accept to give you the Spiritua, Items: Mermaid's Tear Enemies: Starfish, Take the Spiritua Statue back to the old man and he'll let you have a, Here you can buy a lot of new weapons for your party members. Welcome to the 2.0 version of my guide to Tales of Symphonia. How you enter the ranch will also depend on which choice you make. Some accessories also slowly restore HP during battle. This will display the entire guide on one page (which is actually how I'd prefer it to be by default). Head back south, then west. Before leaving on his journey to accompany Colette on her journey, Lloyd talks with his father, Dirk, who gives him this, amongst other goods. She will also cast Spread on you, so when you see starting to cast, back off a few paces and wait for her to finish. Rather, it is 10% of the character's max TP. To get it, you have to complete the Collector's Book, which means getting one of every item in the game, and to get one of every item in the game, you'll need at least three playthroughs. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Give Raine her fixed key crest and you have the option of following Kratos outside. Genis. Activate the ring to find a Life Bottle, then warp back. Notes: TP allows your team to use magic and special skills/attacks, thus making it vital for many characters in the game, if not all, to have reasonable TP levels. After the conversation, head northeast along the edge of the cliff and jump up the cliffs. Things such as using a tech to finish an enemy, killing two enemies with consecutive attacks, and finishing the battle with full HP/TP will earn you more grade. When it is depleted, the character dies. With three or four people attacking her at once, Adulocia won't survive too long. Green Light! If you like, you can go east one screen and enter the house. Watch it to get another entry in your training manual. Examine the parrot inside, The dwarf doesn't want to help you, but at least now you know that you, Items: Sage Enemies: Red Bat, Ozette - The Quiescent Village (second visit), You'll fight three Papal Knights as you enter and Colette will be, Mizuho - The Mystical Village (second visit), Go talk to the vice-chief. in the middle of a playthrough, but that part is probably obvious. Here there are four blocks that can only be seen when the ring is activated, but you don't have to have the ring on to move them. Head east from the blocks, activate the ring, and examine the orb coming out of the pedestal. Get on the left side of the block and push it to the right until it clicks into place beneath the door. When she asks you to deliver the letter, you can accept or decline, but if you decline, you can't do a sidequest later on. If all three of the bridges are disabled, a stairway will lead up to another plat form with a Panacea Bottle on it. Attack: The attack stat is what determines physical damage done. Continue south to the desert and the city, Triet. Watch the encounter with the other group where Colette demonstrates her klutziness again. A. A. Once he finishes casting, move out of the way to avoid the spell, then renew your onslaught. Genis's fire and lightning skills will work great against these guys, but I don't like to take a mage into a boss battle against three opponents. Streak still going on with Regal, BAR and 777 like crazy (I'm at 2144800 chips, 10 times what I had before switching to Regal 30 minutes ago), Also not sure if it's related to Regal, I just got 9 777 in less than 10 minutes with him (with a triple and a double). from Abyss onwards, a lot of the cool experimental things that Symphonia had, like EX Gems, T-S style split, unison attacks, hidden sidequests, etc. It does not matter what you pick, you will have to do both options anyway. Fight off the desians and rescue Cacao. Adulocia can be a menace as she jabs at you with her fish-hands. Activate the ring to find an Apple Gel in the first area. They will allow you to cure, both in and out of battle, various ailments that may afflict a member of your party, such as various poisons. Examine the oracle stone behind the board to open a cave and extend a bridge. Additionally, you can even see where it is you have to go from where you are, if you look closely enough… The Training Manual is given to Lloyd by Kratos at the Martel Temple in the beginning of the game. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. When you arrive at the geyser, make use of the save point on the dock. If you don't have enough TP to use a tech, you're out of luck unless you can recover some TP somehow (see below). Eliminate the minions first and work on Botta last. Defeat the enemies that enter the village. Go to the Tower of Mana to learn that it is locked. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. The Tower of Druaga (Tales of Destiny) and the Chrysler . The Ktugach can be a real pain in the butt with it's needle shooting attack, but it's not too bad if you block it. You will now face yet another boss. This is the Ossa Trail, your next stop. Go back outside and enter the government building, the one with two guards standing outside it. Continue north to Hakonesia Peak. You can find the Katz on the Grand Tethe'alla Bridge (found on the second screen from the Meltokio side). This boss can be a pain, but it's really not any harder than Vidarr. Some techs will require 50 uses of a lower level tech before you can learn the new one, others simply need you to know another tech, and some are just learned when you get to the right level. Shoot the chest with rocks on top of it and open it to get a Lemon Gel. When you are weak to an element, that element will cause double damage. Go back up to the platform with holes and then up the stairs on the left. Niflheim, also called the Forbidden Anamnesis and Underworld, is the bonus dungeon in Tales of Symphonia. Colette will notice that he has the Book of Regeneration and ask to read it. Even though they are from the same tech tree, they are level one and level three respectively. Examine the object in the corner to find the Wonder Chef, who will teach you how to cook Cabbage Rolls. The man with a backpack standing next to a rock will sell you items if you wish. If you need a story recap, read the handy Synopsis feature in the menu. The walkthrough also lists all the treasure chests needed to get Sheena's Treasure Hunter title. Go back to the hall and into either the middle or northern door. Head northwest to get to Dirk's House. Damage done is approximately half of the attack stat. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Tales of Symphonia. Buy new, Enter the house on the right. Valve Corporation. Once Botta decides it's time to leave, head back to Triet. Unseal it and save, heal up, then step onto the teleporter to face the boss. See the sidequest section for more. Some enemy designs are re-purposed but are more for thematic use than retreads for new areas.8-Bit Adventures 2 Guard techs are the only way to defend against attack magic. Some titles change the clothes a character wears, called costume titles. Go back to Palmacosta and head east to the plaza. ), use a guard tech to block it. When a tech appears in blue, it means that you are at or above the required level to learn it, are the correct type (S or T [if applicable]), but have not yet activated it. Memory Gem "A mysterious gem. Stats listed in grey give the same chance of a stat boost as the currently equipped title, green stats get a bigger chance of a boost, and red stats get a smaller chance of a boost. For example, you can't link Demon Fang and Fierce Demon Fang because they are from the same tree and are level one and level two techs respectively. this is just out of curiousity and probably doesnt relate to the guide(also sorry for the necro)but whenever i get something in the slot machine it shows V(unison attack button)my question is does that do anything? Let the yellow flower blow you across, and use the save point if you have a Memory Gem. In order to solve this dilemma, I will list each possible order when the split occurs and again once all the events have been completed. The U.Attack is basically free damage from every party member. Lucky for you, Colette, Genis, and Kratos show up for this fight. To change titles, go to the Status screen and press A on the current title. Go to Seven Seas, and buy one each of Snapper, Tuna, Shrimp, Pasta, Panyan, White Satay, Cheese, and Milk. The more stars you have, the more effective the healing will be, and you'll have a lower chance of failing to cook the dish. If you do choose to go back to Palmacosta, you will get an extra key item. The following is the altarnate route you can take at this point. Beast Fangs are sometimes found in treasure chests and after battle with certain foes. Examine the gate to open it and continue north and into the building. Use the ring's function to shoot water into the right side of the balance. Orange Gels allow you, both in and out of battles, to restore 30% of a user's maximum TP level so that you can again commence in the casting of spells and execution of various techniques. For a complete list of titles, see the Titles section. Another great way to shred these bosses is to have Colette use Para Ball if she has it. It is empty, but, Items: Apple Gel Enemies: Whip Master, Talk with the grand priest. Added images to the Katz Emotion minigame section. Here, Lloyd is given the Monster List by Raine as she joins your party. Information provided by. Head south along the coast to find a boat dock. Walk up the steps to talk with Governor General Dorr and Neil. The amount is determined by the character's max TP. Go north and west, then push the block in front of the torch so you can get the treasure chest, which contains Stiletto. When selecting it from the menu, you'll get to go through your items, weapons, armor, et cetera, and it'll show you the percentage of each type of item that you have. Get some Black Silver from the right side. Go back to the world map and follow the dirt road south for the most part to a House of Salvation. You'll, Items: Headband Enemies: Manticore, Sylvarant (Triet Ruins & Balacruf Mausoleum revisited). If you, Items: Golden Helm Enemies: Phantom Knight, Go south to the city part of Welgaia. why did mike stud change his name,