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4 Red discussing pros and cons of using circus animals. Circuses must report all endangered species deaths to the U.S. This disadvantage is one of the primary reasons why the largest circus companies stopped using elephants and other animals in their shows ultimately forcing some of them to go out of business. So, if a cruelty-free circus shows up in your town, check it out and show your support. Regrettably, laws regarding the treatment (read: mistreatment) of animals only set up impossible standards that either go ignored or are totally dismissed. Numerous countries have based welfare acts that cover the treatment of animals, making their abuse a punishable crime that can lead to jail time. The loud noise of the music, the cheers of the crowd and the dizzying lights all disorientate and cause stress to wild animals. Managing exotic animals is tricky. There are health risks to consider with some circus animals. Circus animals are heavily beaten and mentally tormented for our pleasure. Circuses are not only a concern for the animals in them, but also for the people watching. and stop the exploitation of all animals, particularly white tigers. We found bears rocking in tiny cages a well-known sign of stress and mental health disorders and macaques chained by their necks. Animals in zoos are trapped in cages, all day every day. Keep in mind, though, that circus performances were held close to the railway yards back in the day. in Journalism from UNLV. If an animal is found in the wild wounded and unable to return to its original environment, a circus can humanely take care of and display them to the benefit of the animal and the education of the public. The wild animals commonly abused in circuses are extremely stressed by circus conditions. The slogan of the world's largest animal rights organisation PETA is "Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.". Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. So, please remember to spread the word and share this information with others! It was the American format that brought exotic animals into the circus industry. Elephants entertain people in the circus Voyage / Peta Deutschland e.V. Although the UKs Government pledged to ban them in 2012, the individual Conservative MPs still repeatedly block the bills. 3. The most famous tiger trick entails jumping through flaming rings. Circus animals age and eventually outgrow their usefulness. There are economic benefits to consider when animals perform at the circus. Companies get to continue operating despite frequent violations. Whats up its me, I am also visiting this . Defenders of animal circuses also argue that seeing animals perform is a form of education which raises awareness and appreciation of wild species. The oldest still operating zoo in the world, Tiergarten Schnbrunn in Vienna, opened in 1752. to such a great extent that they may start losing their hair, teeth, or both due to high levels of mental and physical stress. 5/ Circus animals lead rewarding lives. Because animals must become broken before they can perform tricks or stunts for entertainment, the combination of uncomfortable positions, potential abuse, and small cages or enclosures can lead to abnormal behavior patterns. Since they are bred in captivity, the actions will increase the odds of survival for the overall species. Proponents might point to the Carson and Barnes retirement farm in Oklahoma as a way to be responsible with animal management, but the company does have more than 100 documented violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act. More often than not, these animals show signs of incredibly painful ailments, ranging from mere physical abuse to mental health issues. For instance, when an animal successfully does a trick, it receives a reward (in this case, either food or water). Arguments Against Zoos . This paper provides a detailed analysis of the federal, state, and international laws that affect circus animals. Animals spend 96 percent of their lives behind bars. Second, animals in captivity are often subject to cruel and inhumane treatment, including being fed an unnatural . Generations of people have brought their children to co wild circus animals. Often, they are confined to small spaces where they are forced to either stay sedentary or pace up and down for hours upon hours. In 2017, the Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act was introduced, requiring 19 traveling American circuses with animals to swap to human performers or remain out of business. Madison Steffey . Cholita, a circus bear in Peru, was abused to such an extent that she lost her teeth, claws, and hair. Even when the animals are not performing, they are typically locked up in rusty chains. Finally, the use of wild animals in circuses regularly leads to accidents involving animal tamers, circus employees and the public. The research highlights the controversy pertaining to the use of exotic animals in the entertainment industry by discussing the solutions available and also the negative and positive aspects of both parties. Nevertheless, were you aware that the. Many animals develop behavioural and/or health problems as a direct result of the captive life that they're forced to lead. Hermina believes that every day is a chance to learn something new about the obscure world around us. They are stripped of their natural habitats, and most may never see their families ever again. Circuses train wild animals to perform unnatural acts for human amusement. Perhaps it was only publicised by animal rights organisations to their existing supporters? Is it any wonder why some of them eventually lash out at people? Now, they have to ensure that the animals are not being abused by them. Natural animal behaviors are changed. The arguments for zoos. Animals Asia does not support the use of any animals including dogs in circuses due to widespread abusive training techniques and poor living conditions. Attending a circus event is a rite of passage for many youngsters. After attaining her masters degree in English language and literature, she has decided to join the team of creative writers dedicated to delivering the hottest content on the web. So what is the problem with wild animal performance? It is well documented that elephants are forced to perform these actions by being beaten with bullhooks, while young elephants are savagely constrained and beaten in a process known as the crush, which breaks their spirit and forces them to comply. lost a dear friend and a passionate animal rights advocate. 4/ Circuses aid conservation through breeding programmes and by raising awareness. Sometimes they even harm themselves. Animal-free circuses are thriving, so consider going to one of them for entertainment value instead of watching animals perform useless tricks. Even though circuses in Cyprus, Greece, Bolivia, and Malta have banned the use of all animals (both wild and domestic), some countries still wont budge. Arctic drilling Restricting animal use in a circus show could be viewed as an infringement on an individuals right to enjoy animal acts. Two opinions. However, did you know that they are the perfect example of captivity inbreeding? Circuses with wild animals are strictly regulated by a licensing scheme, introduced in 2012, that sees them inspected by vets six times a year (twice unannounced) with the results available online. The easiest way to search for these petitions is by doing quick online research and by showing at least a tiny bit of support. France: General ban on the use of wild animals as of 2028. Elephants are made to stand on one leg and spin in circles often while standing on top of small stools. The dull days of farming, working in sweaty factories or other menial jobs could be punctuated with a sense of wonder that the annual circus could bring to a city or sleepy town. Animalsin circuses are also subject to it. So what are Herminas favorite topics to cover? Your freedom is heavier weight than economic interests or Keep the fun of the audience. Every aspect of the animal's life, diet and accommodation is governed by strict guidelines. Yeoh Zhi Cynn (62962) 2. Just think of Gus, a polar bear kept in Central Park Zoo, who, in the mid-1990s, worried spectators as he obsessively swam up and down his tiny pool, sometimes even for 12 hours a day. does not only involve beatings and confinement to small spaces. that cannot take beatings anymore end up hurting humans and are eventually put down soon after. When the circus is run ethically and animals can interact in positive ways with humans, then there is an educational benefit to consider. Ironically, the circus doesnt care about its main attractions. This means it's now an offence to use wild animals in travelling circuses - whether through performance or exhibition. Before TV and the Internet, the circus was the only opportunity for most people to contemplate some animals such as lions, monkeys, and elephants. Most importantly, Simon managed to shut down some circus companies and even protested against the Ringling Bros. to take. Circus animals are forced to live in a cage, travel extensively and exist in an unnatural environment. Circus animals age and eventually outgrow their usefulness. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); are not treated like the stars they are. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Animal trainers use bullhooks, whips, electric prods, and uncomfortable collars to force the poor creatures to do tricks. In 2006, the last Labour government commissioned a six-month study of circus animals, with full participation by circuses and anti-circus campaigners, and concluded that circuses were as capable as other captive environments, such as zoos, of meeting the welfare needs of the animals in their care. It is transmitted through the air, placing anyone that comes in direct contact with the ill animal (whether it be another elephant or human) at serious risk. Circuses are much older than that, with the Circus Maximum a critical staple of Rome during the Roman Empire. Follow the links below to learn more about the welfare of wild animals in captivity. Training techniques involve using whips and other devices to force animals to act. They also dine and use the restroom in the same little area. 1. For one, the infant elephant, Kenny, was forced to perform while being sick and eventually died (as a result). As a result, many circus animals are alsounderfed to keep them hungryand eager to please. 1. , these creatures are kept in solitary confinement, even though they live in herds. Even though all these animals are subjected to painful training methods, it seems that elephants have it worst. Yet, did you know that tigers are naturally terrified of fire? Pros: Trained animal acts are entertaining and can educate people about different species. It gives certain species a better chance of survival. The history of the modern circus starts with a man named Philip Astley. Frequently, visitors feed large animals with iconic snacks such as peanuts and popcorn. Most importantly, Simon managed to shut down some circus companies and even protested against the Ringling Bros. to take circus elephants off of shows. 4. In circuses, animals are made to perform unnatural tricks which no individual would willingly carry out. Big cats learn to obey commands because they're afraid of being whipped. The harsh reality is that elephants in captivity are kept in total isolation. Ever wondered how animal trainers tame large wild cats, such as tigers or lions, to get them to perform various impressive acts? Captured animals that are brought to the zoos tend to develop behavioral problems, which causes concern for the overall well-being of all the resident animals. Animals should be banned in circuses. Jodi Strehlow has been a freelance writer since 1992 and has experience writing employee how-to handbooks. Proponents view circus animals as an opportunity for children to view and appreciate animals. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The most common and cruel tactic for forcing animals to perform elaborate tricks is by terrifying them with different forms of physical (and mental) punishment.\n\nThe animals are shocked, whipped, and beaten by their handlers, sometimes daily, and deprived of water and food.\n\nAlso, some trainers even drug the creatures or remove their claws and teeth to make them more tame."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What do circus animals eat? But when Stanley Johnson and a group of politicians delivered a petition to 10 Downing Street on Wednesday, calling for a ban on wild animals in the big top, I wondered how many of them had first-hand experience of how circuses care for their animals. Essay, 13 pages (3,326 words) These are actions elephants have never been observed carrying out in the wild precisely because they cause long-term damage to the animals physiology. The living conditions at circuses consistently fail to meet the animals most basic needs. The 18-month study, sponsored by the RSPCA and published as Animals in Circuses and Zoos: Chiron's World? Zoos can help to save endangered species by keeping them in a 'safe' environment. In reality, many endure the worst conditions imaginable and receive horrific treatment from the circus to learn elaborate tricks and stunts for shows. The animals are confined to a relatively smaller space and it doesn't make a good impact on their well being. Of course, from the audiences perspective, the show might seem like an awe-inspiring performance starring some of the most exotic and wild creatures known to man. suffered the disease after getting too close to an ill elephant. There are plenty of circuses that can provide people with entertainment while providing the animals in their care a safe and healthy life. RSPCA 2023. This made sense to early entertainment entrepreneurs who saw a future in large establishments that could cater to the industrial revolutions penny-pinching lower class. The company responsible for Heather also got in trouble when workers beat a baby elephant named Mickey in front of a live audience. Animals in captivity refer to animals that are kept in controlled environments such as zoos, aquariums, circuses, and wildlife parks. Fortunately, this article will attempt to expose the extreme horror that is the animal circus and what goes on behind closed doors (or, should I say cages). Big cats do what theyre told to avoid pain. Nevertheless, were you aware that the abused circus animals receive poor veterinary care or none at all? Ximena Flores, the bills sponsor, claimed that the ban has a set of fines for these violations and allows the authorities to confiscate the poor animals from abusive handlers. arent already Cheers! By being featured in a circus, an animals plight or endangered position can be discussed and funds raised. Our investigations in Asia have uncovered moon bears riding motorbikes, macaques riding dogs and orangutans spinning plates. To no great surprise, there are a lot of cruel circus companies that are still operational, even though they have been cited plenty of times. To be frank, the majestic performances are nothing more than a cruel display of unmitigated animal abuse accompanied by catchy music and cool lighting effects. icon i40 golf cart,