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Answer: The cancellation of one or more plan transactions would be an alteration or deviation from the plan, which would terminate that plan. Rule 12b-2 requires that an accelerated filer or large accelerated filer be subject to the reporting requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act. 25, 2009], 220.02 A company sought to establish a stock repurchase plan that would comply with Rules 10b5-1(c)(1) and 10b-18. [September 30, 2008]. [Mar. The issuer may look to whether more than 50 percent of the voting power of those classes on a combined basis is directly or indirectly owned of record by residents of the United States. Question: In determining whether a majority of the executive officers or directors are United States citizens or residents under the definition of foreign private issuer in Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 3b-4(c), must the calculation be made separately for each group or are executive officers and directors to be treated as a single group when making the assessment? Question: During a month when the written trading plan described in Question 120.11 is in effect, the person calls the broker to increase the non-discretionary limit order currently in force from 10,000 shares to 15,000 shares. Question: An issuer files a Form 25 to delist a class of securities from a national securities exchange and to terminate the Section 12(b) registration of that class. Alternatively, an issuer may apply on a consistent basis any other reasonable methodology in assessing the location and amount of its assets for purposes of this determination. Section 12(g) Registration | Securities Law Blog Regulators as well as Congress must approach this technology with a balanced approach, that An amendment to Form 10-K does not require signatures of the majority of the board of directors. [September 30, 2008], 230.02 If a newly formed public company uses Form S-3 on the basis of another entitys (e.g., its parents) reporting history and that other entity is an accelerated filer, then the newly formed public company is also deemed an accelerated filer. If those functions are divided between both boards, the issuer may aggregate the members of both boards for purposes of calculating the majority. [Mar. [September 30, 2008]. Question: What filings should a non-reporting foreign private issuer make when it succeeds to the reporting obligation of an issuer under Exchange Act Rule 12g-3? Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(3) contemplates that a person, while not aware of material nonpublic information, may delegate to a third party under a contract, instruction or written trading plan, all subsequent influence over how, when or whether to effect purchases or sales. [January 27, 2023]. Electronic storage media is defined as any digital storage medium or system that meets the conditions set forth in the rule. Within the guidelines specified by Rule 12b-23, an issuer may incorporate by reference into its own Exchange Act documents any information contained in the filed documents of another issuer. Sec. Standing alone, does the act of terminating a plan while aware of material nonpublic information, and thereby not engaging in the planned securities transaction, result in liability under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5? The notice on Form 144 is effective for a maximum of three months, so that sales over longer periods will involve multiple requirements of notice under Rule 144(h). Answer: There is no single factor or group of factors that are determinative under this clause. Rule 0-3 under the Exchange Act provides that when the due date of a report falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the report will be considered timely filed if it is filed on the first business day following the due date. If a filer does not file its proxy statement or amend its Form 10-K within 120 days, it would be considered an untimely filer. Question: If the same individual is both the principal executive officer and principal financial officer, must he or she sign two certifications? | Exchange Act Rules Answer: The filing of a certification on Form 15 pursuant to Rule 12g-4 immediately suspends an issuers obligation to file periodic reports pursuant to Section 13(a), but the issuers obligations under Section 14(a) continue until the effective date of the issuers Section 12(g) deregistration. 25, 2009], 230.01 If two accelerated filers or large accelerated filers merge and become subsidiaries of a newly formed holding company, that newly formed holding company will be deemed an accelerated or large accelerated filer, respectively. Although Rule 12g-3 does not provide for the succession to the predecessors Section 12(g) registration if at the time of the succession the securities of the class are held by fewer than 300 record holders, the Division staff has taken the position that Section 12(g) registration could be voluntarily continued by the successor pursuant to Rule 12g-3 in these circumstances without the filing of a new Exchange Act registration statement. Question: If Company A files proxy materials for the transfer of substantially all of its assets to its wholly-owned subsidiary, Company B, in exchange for shares of Company B stock, will Company A have to pay the filing fee contemplated by Rule 0-11 or Exchange Act Section 14(g)? If the company determines that it does not have a valid Section 10(a) prospectus, it should cease making any offers or sales under the registration statement that includes that prospectus. Benefits of Registration In contrast, the rule requires a plan for trading securities (Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(A)(3)) and a formula, algorithm or computer program for determining amounts, prices and dates of transactions (Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B)(2)) to be written. Otherwise, a right to dividends alone shall not represent a pecuniary interest in the securities; ( E) A person's interest in securities held by a trust, as specified in 240.16a-8 (b); and. The bracketed date following each C&DI is the latest date of publication or revision. 7881 (Aug. 15, 2000), text at fn. Rule 3a5-1 Exemption from the definition of . [December 8, 2016]. Amendments should be filed separately for each Exchange Act report to be amended. The Rule 13a-1 annual report would be due at the same time as any other such annual report. 240.12b-2 Definitions. note 1. Subsequently, the company will have a back-end merger. Two months later, he wishes to exercise the option. 25, 2009]. Rule 12b-25 is available to registrants filing special financial reports under Rule 15d-2. ___)* Global Business Travel Group, Inc. (Name of Issuer) Class A Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share (Title of Class of Securities) 37890B100 (CUSIP Number) 12/31/2022 Answer: There is a risk in selling under Rule 144 during the 5-day or 15-day period following the filing of the Form 12b-25 because, if the missing report or portion thereof is not filed during that period, the issuer may be deemed not current until it is filed. [September 30, 2008]. The registrant has been filing a combined Form 10-K report for those partnerships using the 33- file number from the Securities Act registration statement. Question: In applying the foreign private issuer definition in Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 3b-4(c), how can an issuer that has multiple classes of voting stock with different voting rights determine whether more than 50 percent of its outstanding voting securities are directly or indirectly owned of record by residents in the United States? Answer: No. The SEC's Proposed New Short Disclosure/Sale Requirements Answer: No. Employees' Retirement System of the City of Baton v. Macrogenics, Inc For Rules 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(A)(3) and (B)(1) to provide a defense, the terms of the plan must specify the dates on which the monthly non-discretionary limit orders will be in force. [September 30, 2008]. Answer: As set forth in paragraph (a) of Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14, where an issuer does not have a principal executive officer or a principal financial officer, the person or persons performing similar functions at the time of filing of the report must execute the required certification. 25, 2009]. In effect, there are four determinations: the citizenship status of executive officers, the residency status of executive officers, the citizenship status of directors, and the residency status of directors. Two months later, the option writer receives an exercise notice, requiring her to sell the shares to the counterparty at the exercise price. Question: May the principal executive officer and principal financial officer of an issuer omit certain paragraphs from the certifications required by Rules 13a-14(a) and 15d-14(a) when the issuer is filing an amendment to a periodic report? Question: Can Rule 12b-25 be used to extend the due date for timely filing of information incorporated by reference from definitive proxy materials into Item III of Form 10-K? Issuers must apply a determination methodology on a consistent basis. 7881 (Aug. 15, 2000), at fn. As defined in Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(iii)(C), in the case of a limit order, "date" means a day of the year on which the limit order is in force. Is a filer that submits interactive data in an exhibit to a Form 10-K or 10-Q required to consider controls and procedures with respect to interactive data in complying with Exchange Act Rules 13a-15 and 15d-15 and Item 307? Rule 12b-25 has been amended to state that its provisions do not apply to Interactive Data Files. For national banks and Federal savings associations, any references to registration requirements under the Securities Act of 1933 and its accompanying rules in the rules, regulations, and forms described in paragraph (a) (1) of this section mean the registration requirements in 12 CFR part 16. [September 30, 2008]. The text of Rule 15c2-12 is provided in Attachment A. [September 30, 2008]. Answer: Yes. Answer: Rule 12g5-1 defines held of record for purposes of Exchange Act Section 12(g) and 15(d). 25, 2009]. 240.12b-4 Supplemental information. Question: At a time when she is not aware of material nonpublic information, a person establishes a written trading plan to sell 5,000 shares each month, on a date to be selected by her broker during the second or third week of each month, at or above $20 per share.