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Whom should, Mannar & Company kick started a major cross company project that involved working, with multiple business unit leaders to build enterprise wide platform. What are the activities that the team must perform during the meeting? True or False ? What do you think is a good way for team to remain updated on work status at any given time? Lee notices that the project must produce an outcome that will be highly adoptable by the users to become successful. When requirement keeps changing, cont, S.No 1 Impressed by the success of small projects in Agile: company leadership enforced Agile in this transformation project. Yoga and Roopa are a fantastic team that has helped to grow our business online through a wide range of digital services including FB campaign, SEO etc. They will receive $1.40 per day expenses. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Frequent engagements to present on . Process and tools over individuals and interactions, Working software over comprehensive documentation, Responding to change over following a plan, Contract negotiation over customer collaboration, Which of the following statements about changing requirements in software. In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, further changes should unde Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further change should be rejected In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined, further changes can be easily Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant in business 7 What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner is not available during a Sprint? john a team member, has completed e0. A company has preferred stock that can be sold for $28 per share. Select the correct option (s) and click Submit. he wants to find out what is planned for his account. After every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps changing the Product vision and makes contradictory statements about user needs. 3 Ron has just started as a Scrum Master for an Agile team. john a team member, has completed e0 - chinamanpavers.in Team ToyZon Team Zen Match the framework to its author(s) in the order of listing: 22 Scrum; Crystal; Extreme programming Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn Kent Alistair Kena Schwaber and Account. 25 0 obj What can be suggested for this 9 environment? We always trust them for the promise made as they live up to it. John a team member has completed eo agile for Increase in online sales was 200% for the first month. Ronald F. Clayton The team self-organizes itself to create value The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return Scrum Team Product Owner Scrum Master Business Analyst Technical Lead Processes and tools over individuals and interactions Working software over comprehensive documentation Responding to change over following a plan Contract negotiation over customer collaboration The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals Team members must volunteer for tasks appropriate to their skills The complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master Tasks must be allocated to team members by the Product Owner While senior team members volunteer for tasks, juniors must be assigned tasks by the Scrum Master Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later More practices from Extreme Programming Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements Scrum Master and Development team Product Owner and Development team Scrum Master and Product Owner Scrum Team Agile Principles Agile Guidelines Agile Methods Agile Phases Reduced Risk Faster time to market Ability to respond to changing requirements Improved collaboration between business and technical team All of these TCS to be regarded by the market and our customers as 100% right partner/advisor for Agile Transformations Every project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming 100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency TCS to be regarded as 100% Enterprise Agile company There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits So that the place can be named as Daily Scrum Hub The consistency reduces complexity and overhead The Product Owner demands it Rooms are hard to book and this helps in advance booking There is no such rule To produce working software of high business value and of the right quality, early and incrementally To produce working software only after requirements documentation has been signed off by the Product Owner To produce simple prototypes early, and release all only at the end of the project Each developer to sit with business every day, code as they mutually discuss, and move to production when the business seems It is used to measure utilization of the development team It is used to measure defects introduced during the Sprint It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal It is used to measure how fast the Product Owner turns around on the queries Review Programmers as one Scrum Team and Testers as another Scrum Team Scrum Master as a servant leader Scrum Team with 20 members Cross Functional team Sprint duration of 6 weeks Rexx Jenkins MS PowerPoint Tally A list of activities banned by the team The set of Can Have requirements A visible chart depicting the work to be done, work in progress and work done Board that captures the details of the entire project for audit purpose Number of items to be worked on by the team Percentage completion Tasks move from left to right LImit work in progress Do no documentation because it is a waste of lane Do just enough documentation to support the development and use of the product DO Sufficient documentation to prove you have done a good Job Do more documentation than usual because Agile Is risky Agile Manifesto mandates zero documentation Waterfall is not a lightweight process The practitioners did not like to work in a formal system and hence did not like any methodology at all Waterfall experience did not add value to their resume Waterfall model failed to meet the demand for speed and was not friendly toward changing business needs and priorities SAFe Program Consultant (SPC Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Professional Scrum Master ii (PSM ii) 1 0 project leader Agile practitioner project manager certified manager None of the above Move the entire ODC to Pune, India Understand the TCS Point of View on Distributed Agile and see how to apply at work Ask Agile coach to study other accounts and put together a model for Distributed Agile 1 0 Product Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day During the Sprint Planning. After every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps changing the Product vision and makes contradictory statements about user needs. 4 Which one of these is NOT an XP practice? As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit testing Adopt practices like test automation from other frameworks like XP Increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks Add two more temporary testers Form a separate Testing team 3-5-3 5-3-3 3-3-5 5-5-3 Two minutes per person 15 minutes 2 ms No time box 0 30 minutes Extend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work Close the sprint on time Team ToyZon Team Zon Kent Beck Alistair Cockburn, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Kent Beck; Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn; Kent Alistair Cockburn Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland Kent Takeuchi and klonaka: Alistair Cockburn; Kent 1 0 Account Leadership Customer Leadership HR Manager Product Owner can show the progress to the stakeholders and get the approval to release the work to production To assess thethe team's productivity and possibly record the assessment score against the performance To inspect the working software with the key stakeholders and take the insights from the feedback to next So that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next Stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next All in team must have the same level of technical The team is self-organizing The team should only take up tasks assigned by Product The team must be hierarchical with a strict chain of The team is cross-functional For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at quickly. military officer oath navy; baby's first haircut superstitions; john a team member, has completed e0; john a team member, has completed e0. We are a start up, and wanted to reach out to entire target market to let them know how Zippy works. 2 .. improves the flow of business idea through its development and release to users. A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting. Research influencers, manage your relationships, and conduct outreach thats personalized and efficient. a temperature increase of 1 degree fahrenheit is equivalent to a temperature increase of. 2023 UPDATED!!! John, a team member, has completed e0 - Soetrust He wants to contribute to TCS Agile Vision. john a team member, has completed e0. Lee notices that the project must produce DSDM an outcome that will be highly adoptable by the users to become successful. john a team member, has completed e0 - centurycartconnect.com The Scrum Master must assign tasks to individuals Team members must volunteer for tasks appropriate to their skills The complex tasks must be allocated by the Scrum Master Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a consumer device with embedded Tasks mustThe be allocated to team 2-week members by the Product software. Impressed by The team must be hierarchical a strict chainleadership of the success of small projects inwith Agile: company enforced Agile in this transformation project. based on the equation, which of the following must be true? Agile Practtoner Project Manager Certfied Manager None of the above John, a Team member has completed E0 - Agile for Beginners. john a team member, has completed e0 - dtdigital.net 31 There are two Product Development Teams, Team ToyZon and Team Zan. Agile Principles Agile Guidelines Agile Methods Agile Phases 17 Which of these is a benefit of Agile? Design thinking is another name for agile manifesto ? Harness the complexity of SEO and content marketing to boost online visibility and make smarter marketing decisions. 33 - John, a team member, has completed E0 0 Agile for Beginners. Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum approach to planning? a. Thr, Q. 0, Is this the correct answer? Which team has the higher chance to provide early benefts to the customer? Home Agile John, a team member, has completed e0 - agile for beginners he wants. a temperature increase of 1 degree celsius is equivalent to a temperature increase of 1.8 degrees fahrenheit. he wants to find out what is planned for his account. Test Driven Development Extreme Reviews Pair Programming Continuous Integration Refactoring 7 The Product Owner in a Scrum project Has no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items Has the final with authority over the prioritization of Product BacklogBacklog Items Items, but the Collaborates the developers over prioritization of Product developers say Collaborateshave withthe thefinal developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but Product Owner has the final say Creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst Kris is an experienced Project Manager with a customer project where he commands the teams and micro manages the team members at task level. The radius of a cylinder is 3 cm and the height is 6 cm. Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC) SAFe Agilist (SA) Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I) 4 Which one of these is NOT an XP practice? True or False ? The team self-organizes itself to create value The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return 8 Who owns the Product backlog? All Locations: shareholder distribution on balance sheet. What can be suggested for this 12 environment? Values and .. Principles, Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and, It allows the team to take a necessary break from work, It gives management information to use in team members' performance reviews, Provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for, improvements to be enacted during the next, Provides an opportunity for stakeholders to look at what the team is building, new feature with their Product Owner. 45 What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto? 42 Which of the following statements BEST describe why Agile is winning? What events in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s led to the need for a second wave of feminism? 62 Agile principles can be only used for software development 63 Agile for Beginners course is intended towards motivating you to learn more about agile so that you can become 63 Agile for Beginners course is intended towards motivating you to learn more about agile so that you can become 64 Juaraz is a TCS Delivery Partner for the account ABC running in Agile. Click to reveal Impressed by the, success of small projects in Agile: company leadership enforced Agile in this, transformation project. 10 What does NOT match with Agile Manifesto. What is recommended for Charles? john a team member has completed e0 agile for beginners. 38 The time box for a Daily Scrum is 39 .. improves the flow of business idea through its development and release to users. He wants to find out what is planned for his account. 35 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'? users do not use near1 60% of the features delivered What do you think ere the probable causes 67 68 Product Owner and Scrum Master can be same person PLEASE USE THE ANSWERS MARKED IN GREEN Agile and Design Thinking are same Design Thinking is about Product Devopment Agile Manifesto is about Software Devopment Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right things Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right things Sprints must be 30 days always Product Owner unilaterally decides the duration of Sprint Sprints must becollectively two weeks agree alwayson the length of the Sprint based on business need and The team must technical team's ability; subject to a maximum of one month There is no rule on Sprint duration Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC) SAFe Agilist (SA) Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I) Test Driven Development Extreme Reviews Pair Programming Continuous Integration Refactoring Has no control over the prioritization of Product Backlog Items Has the final with authority over the prioritization of Product BacklogBacklog Items Items, but the Collaborates the developers over prioritization of Product developers have the final say Collaborates with the developers over prioritization of Product Backlog Items, but Product Owner has the final say Creates the Product Backlog Items but leaves prioritization to Business Analyst Proactively up-skill with skills needed to work in Agile Roles No need to do anything as he can continue to be the Project Manager Wait till his current customer adopts Agile 1 0 Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later More practices from Extreme Programming Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work The team manages the work by self-organization The Product Owner manages the work The Delivery Manager manages the work 4,10 6, 12 4.12 4.4 1 0 It allows the team to take a necessary break from work It gives management information to useTeam in team members' Provides an opportunity for the Scrum to inspect itselfperformance and create areviews plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint. Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work Team members must be specialists Cross Functional Reports to Product Owner Martin is from the TCS BPS team. Agile Ready Partnership All get Agile Certified Agile Ready Workforce Top-to-tiolloni Enterprise Agile Company ourselves Agile Ready Workplace 5 What BEST describes a Scrum Team? her changes should undergo heavy change control process ould be rejected her changes can be easily accepted with light process. Which of the following statements are correct Received online sweets orders for nearly 1.75lac in just 2 months of association with DTDigital. whom should he details. This scenario did not have t Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. B:Cameroon 1. Find the Surface Area. John, a team member, has completed E0 - Agile for Beginners. What can be BEST recommended for this team? Agile E0 Course ID 56031 | PDF | Scrum (Software Development - Scribd He wants to find out what is planned for his account. While senior team members tasks, juniors must be to assigned by the Scrum Master After every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps changing the Product vision and makes contradictory statements about user needs. 56 Which one is a popular tool used in Agile software development 57 What is a Kanban board? 7-16-1898 - Wm and George Oliver and John Turnbull, Sr. have all been on jury duty in Alma. 65 Design Thinking is other name for Agile Manifesto How is the Agile value responding to change over blowing a plan addressed In Scrum 66 Industry survey show that in traditional approach. Their current followers are 9000+ in just 5 months of time. 7 What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner is not available during a Sprint? What can be suggested for this environment? john a team member, has completed e0jagjaguwar demo submissionjagjaguwar demo submission 25 Which framework prescribes User Story as the format for backlog items? When a product owner adds a new feature/idea in the backlog and brings it up for discussion during refinement sesion, how should a team respond. c. Work overtime. Q #6) What should a Development Team do during a Sprint Planning meeting when they have realized that they have selected more than the items they can complete in a Sprint? All the 4 regions had to be covered and we built their online reputation to increase visibility. What can be suggested for this environment? Small but have enough members to create the Product Increment Collaborate with each other to self-organize their work Team members must be specialists Cross Functional Munnabhai knows Owner the four values of Agile Manifesto by heart. For each of the following process: a) sketch the p-v diagram, b)sketch t-s diagram, c) sketch t-v diagram, d) sketch the boundary work on one of the diagrams (a, b or c) and e) sketch the reversible heat transfer on one of the diagrams (a, b or c): 1- isobaric process from compressed liquid to superheated vapor 2- isothermal process from compressed liquid to superheated vapor 3- isentropic process from compressed liquid to superheated vapor. Whom should he contact for. Account Leadership Customer Leadership HR Manager 27 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'? 16 A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_ What are the activities that the team must perform during the meeting? 51 TCS Agile vision 100% Agile by 2020 means 52 Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place? Team ToyZon follows traditional way and Team Zon follows Agile way of working. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. The Team Leader or Scrum Master coordinates the tasks of individual team members and supports team progress. 17 Increasing number of TCS customers are moving to the Agile way of working. 39 Which of the following BEST describes the approach for determining the Sprint length in Scrum? 245 How can he help the 8 TCS Agile vision? 2 he wants to contribute . He wants to contribute to TCS, Agile Vision. We had the logo, and website done from them. After a team member writes a piece of code, how can he ensure that it works, before checking it in? Shortly after few Sprints, teams witnessed that The Product Owner was not able to build consensus among the business unit leaders on requirements. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2b4dbf8aae1927 Which 21 team has the higher chance to provide early benefts to the customer? does the mean represent the center of the data? Whom should he contact for details? 5 48 Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Retrospective 49 Munnabhai knows the four values of Agile Manifesto by heart. john a team member, has completed e0 - videolancer.net Values and .. Principles 4,10 6, 12 4.12 4.4 Agile Teams need to comply by the Agile Values and Principles but have lexibility to 14 choose appropriate value-adding practices 1 0 18 The reason for holding regular Sprint Retrospective is It allows the team to take a necessary break from work It gives management information to use in team members' performance reviews Provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be enacted d Sprint. Extend the Splint by two days so that the team can complete the work Close the sprint on time There are two Product Development Teams, Team ToyZon and Team Zan. Select the correct option(s) and click Submit. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. find zip codes within a radius using google api / gson read large json file / john a team member, has completed e0.