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Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Deserve credit, deserve credit! Lori: Whoa whoa whoa, where are you going? - Lynn cried more - I am so sorry. (Vanzilla pulled up along with Leni, Luna and Luan, Lincoln climbed on and rode shotgun, Taylor and Lincoln waved goodbye to each other, back at The Loud House, Lincoln was getting his hair combed and got his teeth brushed, Lola was concerned and confused by the way Lincoln was getting himself ready) Rita: Wow, Lori must have gotten you all worked up huh? ben suarez bread / joseph wiley kim burrell / loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory. Ms. Merdich: Let's multiply by nine and see if we can come up with an answer! Principal Ramirez: The good news is, you all will be relocated in an empty classroom, we got all of your desks moved here, and you have a temporary substitute teacher, and she's been looking forward to meeting all of you, she is running late, so why don't you kids go on ahead to room 94 and you'll be on your way, have a good day! - Luna observed -You're lucky to have less bruises than Lynn. - I did and I regret it now. "Oh boy I can't wait until the next episode," Lincoln said out loud. Ms. Merdich: Okay class, before you go, I have a brand new assignment for you, for this class project, I would like for you to.make your own video game. Lori: Yeah, and Lola's too, it's a good thing Lola's not here, she got crazy for them. It's called "Growing Up Creepie". Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Bad Luck Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction - Lincoln said enjoying being rubbed by Luna. Ms. Merdich: Now I got a few words to say about your project, I'm literally proud that all of you are finished with your game, it doesn't matter if your game is perfect or not, but what matters is, you have done your very best. Lincoln: >to Rita< Mom, she said I cannot do a game that's too similar to the one they already did. - Lincoln asked, - I do. Lincoln :>exclaims in disgust< Ewwwwwwwww. Lori: I'm just messing with you, I'll get pepperoni for my half, what do you want on your half? - Lana asked and looked at Lynn - I see you do, now it's my turn. Mr. Grouse: Hello class, I'm your new substitute teacher Mr. Grouse >to Lincoln< Oh hey Loud! LUNA: I'll try talking to him again, you guys. The Loud House: Bad Blood Chapter 1: Prolouge: How it all - FanFiction Lincoln: >gets an idea< I think I know who can help us with programming Clyde! (Then he writes them down on his character topics, he writes down "Godzilla", "Anguirus", "Rodan", "Mothra", "King Ghidorah", "Hedorah", "Gigan" and "MechaGodzilla", soon the bell rang, and everyone was glad they got done in time). (And that is exactly what they did, the Godzilla model was finally put together, next they then worked on Anguirus, and then Rodan, Mothra and King Ghidorah, it was then time to visit the Library as they got the laptop with them, it later cuts to the library where they asked the librarian). (They both share a hug, and Lincoln went back to his room, and he was thrilled to come up with a good title, a Godzilla fighting game must come up with a good title, he already knows that there is a few titles that are already on there, so he came up with a new title, he thought to himself). Stella: I remember my grandpa telling me when my dad watched those kind of movies as a kid and he used to pretend that he was a kaiju, but those days are long gone. Lincoln took the bunny and started to calm down. Lincoln: Not really, he's suspended from the remainder of the semester, so we might get a new substitute by Monday! Ms. Merdich: Well class, I'm impressed with most of your games, but I want to cut to the chase here, the only game I was disappointed with the most isChandler's Ace Savvy fan-made game, >to Chandler< I'm sorry mate, but that's a "D-" for you. Narrators would travel to street corners in Japan and use sets of illustrated boards that they placed in a miniature stage-like device. (Lincoln and his classmates learned all about the history of China, all day long he kept reading his text book and started taking notes, then it goes to near the end of the school day where Ms. Merdich was finished reading a few chapters of "Hatchet", she then puts the book down). (The game pulls up and the intro fires up, it was called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shell Shocked", Lincoln and the rest of the class were amazed with it as they all looked excited, they couldn't wait to make their own game, the game stopped and Ms. Merdich removed the flash drive from the computer). 5% of strength, 10% of strategy, 85% of effort. Mr. Grouse: >annoyed< I don't care, now get along home boys! Lincoln: Cinnamon sticks? (Lincoln even had an idea for which characters he wants to add for his game, he thought he could add at least eight). "Though I had a nightmare where you told me the host of Arggh retired.". (Once Lincoln got his flash drive onto Ms. Merdich's computer, he then clicked on the files with each character spacifically, he tested out all of the animations, the class except Chandler looked amazed at it, after going through all of the animation sprites, all of the class except Chandler clapped real hard, Ms. Merdich was even more impressed then ever). (Lincoln's Laptop was tuned on once again, as she helps him get the pieces of the body together). hmmm (Lincoln was pondering and he thought up with some other characters, though he didn't want to add King Kong, Gamera and Ultraman because he knew that it would be against the rules to add these characters that appeared outside the movies except King Kong, though he didn't like the idea of adding Kong in it, so he gets an idea of the next three monsters, he thought to himself again). - No, Lincoln, I shall apologize. Fanfiction: Lincoln's Farewell - The Loud House Encyclopedia Luna: Wow, you are making great progress, are you sure you want to save for tomorrow? - Luna appeared, - Luna? Lincoln Loud's Loud House Survival Guide Chapter 1: A Normal Day, a (Lincoln went to the bathroom and got himself showered, he then went into his room and got himself dressed up in a Hawaiian t-shirt and brown cargo shorts, he then wears his flip flops so that way he wouldn't need to tie his shoes, he than goes downstairs and noticed a bag from McGarfeild's, the note says >"Linky, I've bought us breakfast so that (Then, a hotdog was thrown at by Lincoln, the hotdog was thrown by Chandler and his friends, then a whistle was blown from his ear, it was Lynn blowing in his ear). I figured I might as well check it out finally. Chandler: I got a good idea for a game, I'm going to makeAce Savvy! "See don't dwell on the fact of him retiring, embrace on the good times," Lori said. I like that, now, study the picture carefully, and then you can draw it, simple as that. Liam: I agree with Clyde, I don't feel comfortable at your house with your sisters around, not like the last time. Today, I'm looking at a show requested by MBCMechachu. Lincoln: She is super nice, and she will write your name on the discipline list if you act up, and guess what? Lincoln: You were nice to me before, Why do you want to be back to being a meaner sister to me again? Luan: I tried to do a game about Mr. Coconuts, but it wasn't too fun to do, so I also got an F on it after doing six levels and beating six bosses. That caused Lincoln fell on ground. Lincoln: It's fine you guys, at least I have that nice substitute, who knows how long that will last. When he stood up she stroke him again. Leni: Oh, that's totes fun, I hope you will be as good as Lori, though I still miss her. Lisa: Perhaps I have lost my apatite for that un-humorous joke. (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. Zach: Are you starting to miss Mrs. Johnson? (The Bell rang, and school was over again, Lincoln got back home and continued doing animations for Rodan, Mothra and King Ghidorah, he was exhausted and finished up King Ghidorah's animations, it took him at least one hour and seventeen minutes to get him tested and done, next he wanted to work on Mothra's animations, he did exactly what Mothra did in those movies, he snipped some animations, tested her and was done with Mothra, it took him about six fifty five in the evening, until). Ms. Merdich: Okay then, now for the first step, when making a game you need to come up with a good story and synopsis for your game, be more specific, and the story is worth fifty percent of your grade. Lincoln: >in thought< Hmmm I think I should call it "Godzilla: Kolossal Kaiju Kombat", no, that's not gonna work, maybe "Godzilla: Kaiju Wars" , no, that's too obvious, oh I know, "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" yes, that's got a nice ring to it. I gotta say, I never thought I'd be reviewing a show made by Klasky-friggin'-Csupo as a FORGOTTEN cartoon. MBB305839 - I can use the one you sent me on the 21st and 27th. Godzilla Lori: Thanks Mothra Leni, I appreciate that. The brother asked himself if he's like Zuko, destined to live in shadow of his sister and be abused by her. The next morning, Lincoln woke up still happy from last night. (It starts on a Monday afternoon where Lincoln and his classmates just got back from Lunch until Mrs. Johnson came back with a stack full of envelopes), (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. The idea of this is that as an example of how weird Lori's relation with Bobby is, Lincoln tells Lori that Bobby will take off one of her shoes to feel her foot while making out, yet Lori doesn't even notices. Ms. Merdich: Okay class, for those who are done with animations, I would like for you to write a letter for Mr. Bolhofner and tell him how wonderful it was to have me for a substitute teacher. Lincoln: For a while, her name is Ms. Merdich, she's from Australia, Mr. Bolhofner is on a family trip to Kenya for a while. Luna: Yup, you gave up on Ace Savvy and moved onto Godzilla not too long ago, then you went back to Ace Savvy, just because you like just Ace Savvy doesn't mean you should always pay more attention to him then anything else you like. >to class< Let's try something even harder, If I add ten Bananas and fourteen grapes, then I've eaten at least three bananas, then I multiply about nine more bananas, what is the total answer? Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. I gotta say, I was hooked almost instantly. Ms. Merdich: G'day class, I'm your new substitute teacher, Ms. Merdich, and this is my fine feathered friend, Rob Paulsen, you know, after the cartoon voice actor. (Then, the bell rings, and Lincoln was disappointed that he couldn't come up with a good title for his game). Lincoln: Then it's settled, we are all going to work on my game at Clyde's. Lincoln: Maybe, but I might want to do this all night if I have to. - Lincoln put scissors back on its place - If you told me, this whole situation would never happen. Ms. Merdich: Your final step in making the game is programming your game, to do this you need to go to this website. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. - No, it's Lynn. Lincoln walked into kitchen accidentally bumping into Lori. (Later it cuts to Ms. Merdich giving the final grades to the students of Mr. Bolhofner's class). Rodan Luna: Save you three headed menece, it's three against one! Luna: I'll go first, I hadband practice and I thought we were going to have a great time, and we have practiced all day and we are getting better and ready for the battle of the bands. - I shall be first! Lori: Guys, don't get carried away, I know you guys needed a hug from me, but I don't have time for this, plus, we don't need to make this story over-sappy. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< That's good on ye mate, I think we are all going to get alone just fine. That was horrible! What would you do? Today was one of the rare occurrences where despite being a Saturday afternoon with sunlight to burn, he had nothing to do. He was clearly shivering because it was very cold outside and the blanket that he had with him wasn't enough for this cold winter night. (Back at The Loud House during night time, Lincoln was ready for bed, he puts on his pajamas and starts reading the latest issue of his Ace Savvy comic, he couldn't stop thinking about making the game that he wanted to do, after all he is an Ace Savvy fan, but if someone already has a plan to do an Ace Savvy game, he could do either an A.R.G.G.H! Lincoln: You are not going to believe it, but I think I have an awesome substitute teacher! Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< I'm so proud of you son! Chandler head: Well, well, well, if it isn't Lincoln Lame. Lynn: Sorry bro, I got Football practice and then Basketball practice, see you later tonight. (Lincoln goes on his phone for a good picture of Godzilla, he selects the one he likes and shows Lori a Godzilla picture he liked). (Cuts to a flashback with Mr. Bolhofner scolding Lincoln for being late). Lincoln: >in thought< I think I should start by adding the big five Godzilla monsters with Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah and MechaGodzilla, but what about the other three? It was a homemade smokescreen bomb. Bohofner MechaGodzilla: >to Lincoln< Loud >beep beep< You deserve to be in lunch for attacking your teacher. Nolan and my character will also be part of this. (Lincoln and his friends high fived each other, it then cuts to Lincoln and his flash drive at Clyde's with all of his friends as they all started to work on Lincoln's game, Stella worked on the background for levels, while Rusty helped Lincoln download media fire on his laptop, he tried to find some Godzilla sounds or music, but he was in luck, he found a bunch of Godzilla and other kaiju roars, he downloaded some of them and inserted them to his characters on his files, he gave them a test and he was happy that he got them working on the right moment at the time they roar, meanwhile Stella was working on at least eight levels for the design on the backgrounds, she listed them down as "Tokyo", "Kyoto", "Osaka", "Nagoya", "Hiroshima", "Nagasaki", "Fukuoka" and "Yokohama", she started working on the key architecture on each city specifically like the Tokyo tower and Osaka castle, Lincoln also downloaded some key music for each monster to have it's own unique theme song such as Godzilla's theme and Mothra's theme, all day long they continued to work on Lincoln's game, until it was past sundown and the five other friends left Clyde's for the night, Lincoln got home and noticed that no one was at the TV, so he took the opportunity to finish up the rest of "The Return of Godzilla" on DVD, then he wanted to watch his Blu-ray copy of "Godzilla vs. Biollante", but this time, he didn't get pushed off or interrupted by his sisters, he was happy to watch his movies to get the inspiration on his game, the next day, Lincoln and his friends have just visited the library to scan these background levels for his game, Stella even added some helicopters and tanks so this way the game wouldn't be much easier to do as the military will be the enemies for the game, not just the monsters, once the scanning was completed, Lincoln then colors the background levels and the military vehicles as well, he then added them to the file as well, Lincoln even copied at least four more at a certain time from Dawn, Day, Dusk and Night for natural lighting, for the night time arenas he added lights for the cities to make them more accurate, once they were all done with Lincoln's game, he saved them in seperate files onto his flash drive they all decided to play Crash Nitro fueled on Clyde's PS4, Lincoln was out on front, with Clyde at second, the race was going wild and Lincoln has won the race as Crash with Clyde as Cortex in second place, the six friends high fived each other as they all worked together on the game, the next step will be the hardest one yet, and the friends need to learn how to work together on this project, two days later, Ms. Merdich has got some amazing news to tell the class). (At the school bus, Lincoln was talking to his friends). Robotic Voice: Actually, it's three against two! Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Beauty Lincoln, I think you are getting the hang of it, and you've even colored in, how wonderful mate, for that, I'll give you one hundred points, nice job Lincoln. Godzilla Lori: Consider yourself lucky that I didn't stomp on you or otherwise, you would be dead. -No, no! Ms. Merdich: Sorry 'bout that mate, that's Aussie slang for little lady. Lincoln: I did beat him a couple of times, but due to how the game expended their levels, it gets tougher every second. Lincoln's Bad Luck Day, a Robot Chicken + Loud House Crossover fanfic Also, nothing nothing against Clyde, but I'm glad to see Lincoln and Lori bonding without him. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. - Lana was confused - Why do you change your mind now? Ms. Merdich: Now, make sure that you enter a code for each of your characters and any NPC's, for thoue who don't know what an NCP is, it's an abriviation for "Non-playable character" and if you do it well, your game will be a smash hit. The parents are sitting on bed in their room and they were expecting their sixth child. This is Fanfiction #7. Credit goes to Harburton81 and Lokibaker for dialogue support. (The battle between Godzilla Lori and Chandler Ghidorah has started, Godzilla Lori punches two of his heads to the left, then to the right, the middle head then strikes and bites her in the neck, then Godzilla Lori grabs the middle head and yanked it out of her neck, Chandler Ghidrah flies up and tries to body slam her, but in time, she dodges him, using her atomic breath, the breath missed him, and having the upper adventage, he zapped her with his gravity beams, Godzilla Lori then headbutts and Chandler Ghidroah flies up to dodge her leaving her crashing into a building by accident, she regained consciousness, she then she Chandler Ghidorah as she dodges that attack as well, Godzilla Lori fires her atomic breath and Chandler Ghidorah shoots his gravity beams from his three heads as they begin a beam battle, Chandler Ghidorah won that round, but Godzilla Lori was able to get back up, this time, she was able to summon all of her nuclear energy and explodes onto Chandler Ghidorah making him fall, Godzilla Lori then pins him, but the three heads strike her, pushing her aside, Lincoln then watches in horror as Chandler Ghidorah was about to take the final blow, then a giant moth with Leni's head shows up and stings Chandler Ghidorah). I've recently discovered that the world of anime has a lot to offer in the horror genre. Loudsmith | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom My dads are taking me to the Green Museum. Lynn: It turns out making a videogame wasn't my strength. Lincoln Loud: Thanks. Clyde: Hey Lincoln, want to hang out after class? Put your head back on, do you want us to get stung by a jellyfish!" She yelled. Lincoln: I want to try and cook something for both of us. Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I've got a task for you, and I know you can do it, I have Ronnie Anne attend the same classes with you, so it'll be your job to be her escort buddy to your class. Ms. Merdich: Now guys, I want to say that while I had a great time with you guys, but my time with you has come to an end, so for a while I won't be subbing for you for a while until further notice. Ms. Merdich: Okay class, under my rules, I have a few to explain, if I call your name after a disciplinary measure , I'll put your name on the discipline list like a Shrimp on the Barbie but no second chances, if I check your name three times for a week on any sort of behavior, I'll send you to the principals office, I do not like students who want to act differently, I'm serious this time, I want good mannered students and not the kind who acts differently, is that understood? Rita: A Godzilla game on a computer? Loudsmith. Lynn Sr.: But hey, with that new substitute, at least you'll have a better time here right? (Luna left a tear in her eye as she was proud of him). Ms. Merdich: >whew< Sorry I'm late class, I got caught on traffic, I should have left earlier than usual, I tell ya mates, it's not easy getting to class on time when traffic wants to beat you to it >giggles< anyway, let's start with our lessons shall we? - That Lola. - Lana said, felling on knees like Lincoln -So there are disadvantages of not feeling pain. - Lincoln explained. Rita: >to Lincoln< So? Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Chandler, you finished already? The day bad luck became good luck. Lynn Sr.: >offscreen< Kids, dinner, it's Meatball Monday! Teamwork. Both were fun, solid shows. Ms. Merdich: Okie dokie class, tomorrow, I will be giving you a homework assignment for the weekend, and they are due next Friday, work hard and don't goof off now. Stella: I'm a good artist, I could do the backgrounds for each level. Are you crazy?! Lori: WellLuna said you got a project to do right? Lynn: Ouch, that's a bummer, maybe you could do a sports kinda game, after all, I am a master of sports games, but I'm not that much of a video game nerd like you are. She snuggled up close to Lincoln. Ms. Merdich: Alright class, now it's time we talk about your homework assignment, for your homework assignment, I would like for you to animate your character, animations are not easy, it can be stressing but you'll get the hang of it, you just need to draw parts of the body of your character, paste them together on a character you designed while you can move your character in any action, whether it's walking, running, blocking, ducking, punching, kicking, swimming and other actions, you can animate as many characters as you want, but remember, the animations are worth fifty percent of your grade, you have at least seven days to make them, oh, and don't forget to color your character, that's worth twenty five percent of your grade, that will give you seven days to animate your character, and then we can move on to backgrounds, now remember, draw some parts of the body, paste them all together and then animate the action of your character, I'm counting on you. (Once they got to the dinner table, they sat down and enjoyed their Spaghetti and meatballs, Lynn Sr. even asked each of the kids days). The other characters in this fanfic will not be introduced until next chapter. Mr. Grouse: Sorry boys, but hard pass, not even your dad's Lasagna would help conveince me? Rusty: Wow, a substitute from Australia, you had good luck didn't you? - said Lincoln with sinister smile - I assure you. theloudhouse # 9 Loud in Amphibia (Book 1) by Dark-user12 1K 24 5 Lincoln Loud, a boy who was told he was back luck and it ended badly as he was kicked out by his family, hated and bullied by some of his classmates. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln, Well mate, I'm glad you asked, the project is due next friday, you need to work hard on your project with at least two more steps, and then you can test out your game, I know it will take you at least three weeks but it's worth all the hard work, maybe making videogames will be a start on your career.