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Pluto destroys what is no longer working and rebuilds. her north node conjunct my sun and my south node, her sun conjunct my south node They are have a 0 orb and 1 degree orb. Moon Square Pluto You will feel sensations of great power, intense assertive or competitive sexual energies in your romantic relationship. They give you great honor, riches and respect BUT if you lose your integrity, you will go down and the fall will be bad. Yes oh yes oh yes. Hes mention many times before that he can feel me when Im not around him. More often than not, this leads to intense heartache. [_wpnonce] => Being so emotionally naked with Pluto, the Moon person will give in to Pluto's request. I adore this guy, and feel like were star crossed lovers because of the age difference. Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. Sag moon i have Pluto/moon opposition and he has a conjunction in his. YES, my friend, it sounds very, very special! I didnt before. Were going to take a closer look at the Moon Square Pluto synastry, the powerful and dangerous energy this pairing works with, and if anything can be done to overcome these major challenges. There was no reason at all for him to have been where I was in such a specific place so far from himand yet we were both there. : he has ascendant conjunction pluto in his natal chart, too It is very powerful when it goes both way. Jupiter Conjunction Pluto 406 59 Thank you so much for your help,you are so welcoming.We also have a couple hard aspects.It is slightly complicated. There will arise a lot of out-of-the-blue dramas which all stemmed from the past. Our names are even two famous star cross lovers and from the movie legends of the fall. We feel this. , Ive got moon -pluto square in my natal chart, and in synastry his pluto is square to my moon..i dont know him well, but the soul to soul feeling is so intenseim totally obsessed. Again HIS Pluto is the one forming the often dismissed Inconjunct to my Moon. Moon/Pluto is super passionate and can be obsessed and feel fated. Moon Conjunct Pluto: While this aspect may indicate powerful attraction, its dark side can involve obsession and power struggles. We each have Sun square Pluto natally, I have Lilith tightly conjunct Midheaven and Pluto in 10th house. ILLUME ASTROLOGY: MOON CONJUNCT SQUARE OR OPPOSITE PLUTO - Blogger Let me ask some questions. We never really get over our Moon/Pluto person xx. XOXOXOXOXOXO. But, who feels it more, yearns for it, needs it forever? I have moon conjunct pluto in libra in natal chart. * We both have Pluto (in libra) in our 8th house natal charts. Pluto has a dangerous reputation in synastry. But, in general, Moon/Pluto is felt by each person, so my opinion is that he is equally obsessed with you. No, don't get comfortable because these powerful emotions are not at all happy. When you reach a certain age you think nothing can surprise you but life always throws new mysteries at you. Yes, one must look at the natal first as that is the make-up of the person. You are simultaneously attracted and repulsed by each other. This is a classic aspect of overwhelming sexual passion between two people, which can be very enticing in the beginning of a relationship. I have natal moon trine pluto also (1.31 orb). On top of that he has Jupiter on my ASc and our composite has Mars/Venus conjunct. Moon is the celestial body that correlates to our deepest emotions. I have never felt this strong a need to be around someone or hear his voice, or for them to reach out and touch me, in my entire life. I dont know why my previous post got deleted?? congrats for your site and advices. Mr. Leo was born six weeks or so after me, so yeah, we've got this one. How does a sextile differ from a Trine here? We also have a double whammy my Moon in Aquarius trine his Pluto in Libra. P. of Fortune sextile Uranus 1.83 With Pluto comes jealousy, obsession, compulsion, fearsome desire, terror, rage-a fight to the death, to the last gasp. Mercury quincunx Venus 3.58 Nothing has happened but I would like it to. The composite is eye opening as well but best to just see how things develop. Now Im a widower and he came back into my life for a certain business deal we have sex when we meet and hes the one who Leads but I love that but hes so secretive! Moon Conjunct Pluto Transit. My Midheaven opposites his Sun okay. Thanks Ami, for answering. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. He can be cruel to people, but if he falls in love, he is soft. When the Moon in one chart forms an aspect to another person's Pluto. I had no control, and I started dressing better i case I see him, and one day I did, in a book store, does he have the upper hand because his pluto aspects me twice? His Mars is in my 7th house and mess with some of my planets.. I have Sun in Scorpio 1755, he has Sun in Pisces 1725. ( In other words, he too has moon conjunct libra natally. Ugh, sorry for so many questions! To others, the energy p. Everyone has the eight original planets of astrology- the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - somewhere in their natal chart. They can put themselves in another's shoes. The Pluto individual is going to pick up on this connection and their natural drive to change things is going to cause them to tamper with the Moon individuals internal world. Should you experience it once in a lifetime? Is the square/ sextile dw equally romantic as the conjunction you describe? Recently she found out through a mutual friend and blocked that one too. Moon-Neptune in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous. Mercury quincunx Neptune 4.88 Suffice it to say that while there is a sincerely beautiful and torturous love and connection between us, he has a way of hurting me at times. This is very intense. It is not the Moon inconjunct Pluto because that would not do this, per se. If you do, remind me of the situation and I would love to look! When square happens, expect that there is a repulsive force to solve the obstacle they are facing. This Pluto partner can bring out intense emotions from the Moon. Gem mercury I am a Cancer moon. My Venus also conjuncts his moon in Scorpio. Any info would be amazing because I am at a loss at this point on what to do with myself and this connection, and whether or not its worth hanging onto, though he is the ONLY man I havent been able to just walk always from. Go on the front of my website and you will see the Forum tab. My Uranus conj. This would take someone studying the chart to answer well, my Friend, Your email address will not be published. I can tell my atraction is enormous and feel obsessed about him though. Jupiter trine Sun 2.39 I feel like I am completely unable to resist. Thats for sure. So why has he already done a runner twice? The moon is besotted with the primal, passionate strength of the Pluto. Another friend and I also have a Geocentric moon/pluto conjunction, and although I do feel a definite crush on him it also feels rather insignificant to me as it did with Mike. Being innate caring creatures, they deeply get hurt when you let them down. Do you think that he feels the same way about me as I do about him? The telepathic thinking is what drew me in, and I think it was for him, too. That is easier than the square as it is not contentious as square are. Your venus in conjunction to my ascendant. The Moon sees your soul and your desires that you refuse to admit. My moon is in opposition to his pluto and his moon is in opposition to my pluto! Pluto? Which are you? Pluto, sometimes, is the mastermind of chaos. So my moon is in conjunction with his Pluto. The work situation is a bit of a barrier though for the time being. Like the feelings dont change? his Pluto [save-account-details-nonce] => If not resolved, it will lead to permanent separation between the couple. Wondering what you think of this? I feel he may be a sociopath. Exactly whst u described as the moon person is how i feel. The Moon individual can quickly become codependent on the Pluto placement. Welcome, LP! Can you explain the question more, D. I dont understand. WE call it a Double Whammy lol, You mean it would be no possible to resist such combination even if you try hard?? He told me that he had been watching me sleep for 20 minutes before waking me up. We can be apart, very, very far apart, and we still feel each other. My Pluto quincunx his Sun This looks good . He keeps telling me that he craves me, loves me, and gets horny for me emotionally, and I feel the same. His Sun Trine my Pluto I will look later tonight. This Pluto partner can bring out intense emotions from the Moon. So stubborn, both of us. Venus opposition pluto, sun opposition pluto, mercury opposition, mars inconjunct pluto be felt by both? Perhaps one or both partners are narcissistic . What do your Moons do with each other, other than that Moon/Pluto trine? Can you elaborate this placement with parents/children? There is a cosmic magnetism thats going to bring these two individuals together whether they like it or not. my moon is opposed his pluto. Yes, I love Moon/Pluto. Thanks Amiann! Gem sun Im going crazy! They take me a long time Moon-Pluto Aspects in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous Im the moon and Im familiar with the obsessive energy. Mi pluton cuadratura a su venus Kind of intense, right?, if everything you say about Pluto/Moon aspects is true. Merc sq Uranus is brilliant but crazy. I just have to back away now & again. He is Pluto. Such a Plutonian confrontation. I met a man who make totally mess in my head. Thanks so much for your post and Welcome Renegade! I am sorry it did not work out, my Friend . That would be so much easier and ask a few questions and I will try to answer! I have to note we also have several other double whammys like double Mars Moon aspects(opposition and Trine) Double Venus Sun Aspects(Trine and Sextile) Double Vertex Aspects(each others Vertex on others ASC) Double Chiron Aspects(My Chiron on his Sun/His Exactly on my Moon) Double Asteroid Lilith conjunct Psyche both ways, AND his Venus is on my South Node. I wonder what our companionship and labor relation would be like since theres a lot of Pluto. but I agree with your description, too. The other part that really rings true for us, is: " a blowup in the relationship can be triggered by.. or simply the unwillingness of either of you to change deeply ingrained habits that are offensive to each other.". We make each other feel from afar. The partners may feel like they are soulmates. And will he be feeling the same? These individuals will quickly find themselves in an emotionally and sexually intense relationship. It's well-deserved. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Mi marte cuadratura a su jupiter Can you please elaborate on this? Time to move on. Moon Square Pluto love Synastry ~ Transformative Bond - AstroMatrix This is so powerful. It is sweet torture. It drives me crazy, I still think a lot about him but if anything will happen, he will have to take the initiative. We are colleagues. (And in some not so good ways, although I know this is not from Pluto-Moon, and probably from My Scorpio Pluto being conjunct his Scorpio Sun/Mercury. And when this happens, they tend to hold on to these painful experiences. Hi. Below is his synastry chart : Theyre going to need to know how to set and respect the Moon individuals boundaries as well as how to change the Moon individual for the better rather than the worse. YOU are the most important person to me. His flaws make me want to care for and protect him all the more, in fact. You can feel swept off your feet amidst the whirlwind of chaos that this change brings. Check out theLove Relationship Compatibility Reportfor more insight! <3. I love gush. It does not seem like it should from what you say. But I cant pull back. You show it to an animal, a child, a lover and God. Well, you sound like you have these aspects with him, Love. The Moon is THE most important factor in any synastry, in my opinion, Kristen! Thank you and Welcome Lynn. This is the reason why Pluto is associated with sex, rebirth, death, and change. There is attraction. Sometimes party together but there are at leas 3 colleagues and sometimes even 50. So much love, so much passion, so much drama and tears. Hi Sweetie I didnt feel such attraction and fear to other people. Its unbelievable. After 4 years working with my boss, I recognize the attraction and Im glad I know astrology or I would fall right into this abyss. We also have the following aspects: Oh ok, sorry for that. In fact, the Pluto person may consciously or unconsciously desire to hurt the Moon person. Moon quincunx Pluto, You have intense effect on each other which neither is aware of, this mysterious dynamic means you both have to intuitively learn to go with the flow of this energy instead of questioning and trying to understand this relationship you both must accept it for what it is and enjoy the moment. Intense jealousy and excessive possessiveness will flood the relationship in time. Otherwise, the poor guys will find me too much. Originally posted by itsladykaramazov You tend to act without thinking and lash out as a defense mechanism. Betrayal, vindictive, mind games and him trying to put an injunction on me for stalking which it was after court that I found out he was the one stalking me for months and continued after court He even had gf who he started dating after two weeks of our break up. And we do not forget this fact not for a second. Pluto, on the other hand, is a cold and dark planet. Dont go And yet I did. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. I could not really give a good opinion without doing a chart reading for you but the Moons dont look like a great connection BUT I am like a doctor. Very strange but real and comfortable and very trusting. Aspects between moons: But there are times when I am with him where I cant look at him, or sometimes wont contact him. I hate when that happens! ^I really would like to hear your opinion on this (I am a capricorn stellium person ??). Moon? And yes, there is a 20 year age difference between us. The last time I saw him was in the beginning of October of this year and have not heard of him for 2 weeks now. Venus-Mars- Double conjunction whammy Im the moon I feel as if hes ripping my soul and we re not even together. Are you in direct contact with your guy at the moment? which aspect will characterize the relationship? The torturous feeling is definitely the Moon-Pluto DW. You must truly be soulmates, knowing and adoring each other so deeply<3 <3 <3, Yes, it is pure bliss together. The synastry sounds lovely. My Midheaven opposites his Sun And soul. I feel this too, I like to play it cool and dont express my deep feelings to him! As well as person Bs Sun is square person As pluto? with each other. Sun-Pluto Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary Can someone please give me an insight? I have moon conjunct pluto in synastry (3 orbs) with someone. Jupiter trine Mars 2.04 Hi, sorry if this post appears twice but it seems like the original post got deleted. Is that what youre asking? My Sun conj. However, because the Moon individual has never felt this type of connection before, they might continue the relationship just to feel these emotional highs. is there any reason astrologically why a person would be unable to forget someone? We also terrify each other not in a bad way, mind. I have Moon/ Pluto square and he has a trine and my Pluto trines his moon. Venus square Pluto is the most potent. He would feed off the power over the moon person but wouldnt be Inlove with the moon person. First was just a professional contact. His moon sextile both of my Pluto and Venus. Is this a romantic relationship or a soul mate friendship? Gemini mars His moon is in my first house. And his moon trines my Pluto. They often get out of their way to help someone they love. I adore the way you expressed that Heathcliff/Kathy part :). The Moon Square Pluto synastry is a little infamous in the world of astrological interpretations. Vertex sextile Neptune 1.98 This may sound romantic in a relationship, but is a disaster in parental/child roles. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. since he acknowledges that I have qualities he really appreciates? Hmmm_ Moon/Pluto with children. I also would like to subscribe to your work and learn more as you explain it in a very easy way to understand. Pluto is similar to Mars, which rules chaos, war, anger, and aggression. Pluto Transiting the 8th house in Aquarius, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. I didnt feel anything strong at first, but suddenly was blindsided with all of this out of left field. It may be TOO intense, in terms that it could get violent. . Yes, the more I thought of it, it seems like Moon/Pluto and not Nessus. Now we are something like good friends. It is great to be able to live in line with who I am and be able to give from my heart again. The previous post *is* there! I literally came on to him very strong in a sexual way. I look forward to it! Same thing. I also never had any children.) My Moon opposites his Pluto I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions.