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Maximize the extra boost of confidence by being yourself and socialize. Sometimes when people are shitty to us, it pushes us on the right path. Venus Conjunct Jupiter: This one is great for all types of relationships, I feel like people with this in synastry truly understand each other. Kinks (NSFW):Individuals with Cancer degrees in their Mars are likely to prefer traditional masculine energy if they like men, or prefer traditional feminine energy if they like women. Ive noticed Libra placements in bed tend to be very into giving, and want to make sure their partner also finishes. (i.e. Youll get wrapped up in possibly having good aspects with them, and getting your hopes up. They also might be into being restrained during sex and chained up since this degree deals with prison. In some cases, they may not have sex until theyre married or at least in a serious relationship since this degree deals with faith, and theyre likely not the hook-up kind. This one is weird but Ive noticed that those with outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) in the 3rd house tend to have big lips/mouth or just unique lips/smiles in general. Sextiles represent an easy flow of energy, but it requires conscious work to make the most out of them. If not, they want someone who will travel the world with them. biquintiles, semi-sextile, etc. This is a strong bond. However, I personally think its more trouble than its worth. Jupiter: Your degree here shows your blessings and where you might overindulge. So my sun is at 3 in the 7th house which is at 7. Like how the Sun is the core of the Solar System, it is the core of our personality. The two individuals help each other through hardships in life. Drunken Astrology Rants/Opinions with Xenia, Moon signs as Red (Taylors Version) Lyrics. They also have an attractive aura and are very empathetic. Kinks (NSFW): Individuals with Sagittarius degrees in their Mars are definitely sapiosexuals LMAO jk, but really though, they do find intelligence really attractive. I could also see them taking up swimming as a recreational sport and playing on a team in school, and in some cases maybe becoming a professional swimmer. Rip. They tend to take their time with things, and have very controlled movements. They also like to feel nurtured during sex and its a very emotional thing for them. They tend to be motivated by their emotions, and perhaps by their family as well, whether it be for a positive reason or a negative reason (i.e. Jupiter conjunct south/north node/vertex/juno, Uranus/Neptune/Pluto conjunct vertex/juno, Juno conjunct vertex/south node/north node. Capricorn degrees in love are enthralled with the idea of becoming a power couple with their partner. I feel like every time I see a Cancer I always think theyre a Leo/Aries or a Pisces. Mars Opp. Theyre great, but not in abundance. And these traits shine in us brightly too. Kinks (NSFW): Individuals with Virgo degrees in their Mars are definitely into the s*x slave scenario. Lastly, they might frequently be seen with their phone or using some kind of technology. These people are the go-getters of the world, and are likely to become the best at whatever theyre vying for. With Sun conjunct North node transit, everyone is in for a sheer amount of luck coming! These individuals also have a subtle s*x appeal and they tend to deal with jealousy from others regarding their appearance. Its a harsh aspect Im aware, but they complement each other so well. Moreover, they could be motivated by their mother by either getting motivation from her or by not wanting to be like her or getting away from her. Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mars/Venus/Uranus/Pluto and moon square Neptune, Moon conjunct north node/south node/juno/vertex. writing. Maybe they might even have red hair or dye their hair red LMAO. Even if theyre not physically attractive, they still have an attractive way to them. Theyre also very good with money and this is another wealth degree. If not creative, theyre at the very least very fun to date. This is likely going to be a long lasting connection (unless its a family member LMAO youre always gonna be connected) if not a life-long connection. Saturn to the south node is a practically unbreakable tie in this life. They will be obsessed with each other and the relationship will be intense. The Sun is not only the vehicle your soul is using as its filter and its expression in this life, the Sun shines its filter through all of the planets. Theyre also motivated by all the darkness and taboos of life that theyd want to have careers that deal with them such as a forensic psychologist, FBI agents, etc. When a relationship has a Mars conjunct North Node synastry aspect, it indicates an intense and exciting pairing where the two of you push and inspire each other to grow and achieve. During a North node conjunct Sun transit, you have a clear sense of who you can be if you align your life with your purpose, represented by the north node in astrology. Hi guys, thank you all so much for the support on the last degree post! I could also see these people taking risks to accomplish things, i.e. I think its because of my Mars in the 7th. Also when accomplishing their goals, they may experience a lot of surprises, both good and bad. Because of their pull, Sun people have many friends, and they are grateful for your light. They struggle with being able to assert themselves; they tend to be kind of lazy and dont care to motivate themselves. wanting to make a lot of money to support them). I think Cancer + Pisces works well and Cancers with earth signs. There is a tendency to be overly optimistic, only to find out later that there are more challenges on the road than you have initially thought. Usually, there is a strong pull when they meet. This placement is ideal. However, sometimes this is not based on a solid foundation and on the inside, you lack these traits. Also they might have a breeding k*nk. In relationships they also like to take their time and truly get to know the person, as they want to ensure that this person is truly right for them. North node conjunct Sun natal and synastry aspects are both considered beneficial. Aspects in synastry. They also may pursue a career in beauty, i.e. Mars Square Saturn: Theres just an unwillingness to compromise and the Mars person can become very controlling over the Saturn person. These individuals are also sincere and honest. Remember, these are just opinions. Sun Square Moon: These individuals also struggle with their needs and wants. You feel happy and fulfilled when your life is aligned with your Sun. Also their anger lowkey scares me, and thats coming from an Aries moon. Capricorn degrees- 10, 22: With Capricorn degrees on the ascendant, this individual just screams CEO energy. They flirt alot with each other despite how long the relationship has lasted. However, this relationship is attractive to both people because it feels like its really going somewhere. If youre in a Sun conjunct North Node synastry relationship, you may be quite active, always learning new things or trying new activities. They both have the same drive and intensity, and they understand the deep emotions of each other. playlists, art, etc. All in all, mastered Cancer degrees are your traditional and soft romantics and your unevolved Cancer degrees are clingy overly emotional bitches. Hope you guys enjoyed, this was a fun one! This relationship will truly focus on developing each others strengths. Gemini degrees- 3, 15, 27: With Gemini degrees on the ascendant, Id say that this individual likes to dress in clothes with a lot of patterns, and likes to express themselves through their clothes. Where you find this luminary in your chart is where you spend the most of your energy. Adversely, I could see a person having health issues with this degree and they have to focus on maintaining their health and ensuring that theyre okay. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. I also become very motivated when it comes to being a leader or being in charge of something; as soon as Im in charge I strive to be the best. Even if they seemsubmissive, they secretly want to pull all the strings and will do what they have to do make sure things go their way i.e. When your Sun is conjunct your partner's North Node, a strong bond exists between the two of you. All in all, with Aries degrees theres either the need to want to be in love as quickly as possible and take control, or just completely struggle to do so. Instant friendship is probable, but if there is any hesitance, it is likely on the part of the North Node person. They also might wear a lot of jewelry, particularly earrings. Chiron positively aspecting+conjunct moon: This is a very healing placement. Def the types who have a sex playlist. But do not take it the wrong way. They also might be very passionate about sports, some of these people aredefinitely the overachievers in gym class LMAO and mightve played sports in school. I could also see them taking their time with sex, they dont like to rush it, they enjoy taking their time and enjoying every single feeling. Theyre soft but hot at the same time LMAO. Ascendant: So your degree here deals with what youre showing to the world. Also people are always commenting on Lilith in the 2nd peoples bodies. This bright star sheds its bright sun rays on Earth and neighboring planets. It'll round you out a little. Having a prominent Priapus in your chart makes romantic partners want to have s*x with you right away, and this aspect typically gives a high s*x drive. Learning the lessons of your north node is not an easy process, but it is necessary to evolve and level up. Also, I feel like this is so underrated, because every person Ive had this with always understands exactly how I feel and knows exactly how to make me feel better. In regards to my anger, Im very dramatic when Im angry LMFAO. Lilith in the 2nd is so slept on.Theyre also really hot as well. In a north node conjunct Sun synastry chart, the Sun person embodies what the north node person needs to live their life purpose. After I hang out with them for a long period of time, my jaw hurts from talking too much and Im mentally exhausted from pondering the ins and outs of life. Sun Conjunct South Node Synastry and Natal - Astrology social anxiety. The problem is that each person embodied the most uncomfortable, or worst, qualities of these signs. They love hardcore romance and shit. They can be very jealous. Normally with asteroids in synastry, one or two aspects isnt significant if its not a conjunction or in a prominent house like the 1st or the 10th. They also communicate really well and communication tends to flow between them very easily. Libra degrees, like Leo, express their love to their partner through creative means. Moon conjunct Saturn can be bad, it can be very painful and they can depend on each other too much. I dont know where people get the idea that Capricorn suns are rational and unemotional all the time. Theyre likely very interested in other cultures, and might even have a desire to live in another country to experience different cultures. These are very creative people. (If not a romantic aspect, this can be a stalker synastry aspect). Now quite literally, I will eat my feelings LMAO. TMI. Body part theyre likely to find most attractive on a partner: The stomach, and eyes LMAO. The basics that I described will be the same across all of your relationships, but if we're talking about a romantic relationship, this this is a good sign that the two can work together as a team. This degree also deals with water, so they likely will want to take you on dates near bodies of water, i.e. Wealth is also a motivator for those with Taurus degrees, they want to be rich, they want to live the good life. You havent encountered these qualities in your partner before, regardless of whether or not you met in the past. Make sure to look at the degrees of your Venus itself and the degree of the house it falls into! These are the things that we need to take into moderation and focus on the North Node. My old boss whos also a Cancer got a lounge chair and would bend it all the way back and put a giant cushion on it and sleep in the back room. Try to immerse yourself in spontaneous trips or adrenaline-inducing activities. Cancers, not so much. When the south node falls on Venus, it shows the Venus person does a lot of giving. They also love the intimacy that comes from sex and they have the desire to becomeone with their partner. They want that intense and passionate burning love. Leo degrees- 5, 17, 29:With Leo degrees on the ascendant, Id say this individual radiates boldness and strength. Again, to each their own, these are just my observations! The South Node, on the other hand, are those experiences that come to us that we tend to direct our focus. When your actions are aligned with your north node, you feel good about yourself and feel that you are on the right track. This relationship is meant to teach the individuals something. Pisces placements are very slept on for sex appeal. Also she loves kids, and he wants nothing to do with them. Its a deeply spiritual and emotional experience for them. I could also see them as being a trainer, trying to help people lose weight. For example, my 11th house is in the 25, and this shows because quite literally I was ab*sed by my friends and bullied in middle school. You know, we all can have and do have shadow sides to our personality, shadow sides to our Sun Sign and managing that is what I would encourage you to think of when people say "deal with your ego.". This is another CEO type of degree placement. They have a hard time focusing, and struggle with indecisiveness. I would bet my left leg theyve all had an emo phase at some point in their lives. Theres also a slight sense of mystery to these individuals, even with a placement like Sagittarius rising, theres always something there, like youre not getting the full story with them. You shine, and you take pride in it! The south node is very important from a karmic perspective. Body part theyre likely to find most attractive on a partner: Hips, thighs, and legs. I also love to write poems and create drawings for my significant others. This in synastry means that the individuals teach each other to embrace their dark side and explore their s*xuality if the relationship isromantic or s*xual. They appear to be very balanced and level headed. a lake, the beach, etc. They shed their light on the people they lead. taking out a loan to open a business. Although some of these qualities may feel uncomfortable to the North Node person, this is because it can be scary to grow. For me, I like to write, poetry is one of my favorite genres to write. The relationship boosts the self-confidence of the Sun person. I personally love Leos, 90% of the ones Ive met are lovely and one of my best friends is a Leo. I think Aries moons tend to have more of the anger issues. I could also see them having a breeding kink as well since this degree deals with pregnancy. When these two meet each other they are immediate fans of one another. They also might LOVE the idea of make up sex, since this degree deals with arguments. North node conjunct Sun natal aspect is an indicator of strong charisma. This degree also deals with car engines, so perhaps they might pursue a career as a mechanic. Also, my father was apart of these transformations because he divorced my mom and this created a big transformation for me. Every time we talk I just want to grab her and kiss her. I also see them being into *dging aka org*sm delay. I could also see them pursuing a career in psychology since this degree deals with the psyche. Theyrefull of life. You are very drawn to each other, especially the north node person to the Sun persons personality. Its a comfortable placement, and I think of it as the two individuals sipping tea together by a fireplace baring all their secrets to each other. They also might wear the color black a lot or incorporate it into their appearance. So for Mars it deals with our ambitions and s*x (also k*nks). Theyre vicious as fuck. Sun Trine Moon: These individuals have a good balance between their ego and emotions. So all of your other planetary aspects have the Sun's filter through it as well. Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have a lot of negative aspects, but they also have really positive ones that balance them out and theyve been together for a REALLY long time and show no indication of breaking up. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. Theyre definitely the type to be able to hide an proposal well, and truly surprise their partner. Taurus Venuses are definitely the most romantic Venus placement. are challeging yet actually good in relationships and you might even feel really attracted to people with this type of synastry). They just tend to think about shit over and over again. xenia : Favorite Synastry Aspects + Opinions Thats what the north node represents in astrology: the lessons you have to learn. Now that sounds warm and fuzzy and it kind of is, but you know we tend to have this idea that when we're doing something we're supposed to be doing it should feel easy or should have a natural flow. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. People with this degree are likely motivated to become wealthy, and have a great chance at doing so. North node conjunct Sun natal aspect often indicates an overpromise underdeliver approach. I feel like the struggle here with Gemini degrees is their duality, they might struggle with the two sides to them, they could possibly see themselves wanting to have another side to show their partner because they feel theirreal self might not be good enough for them. Aries Moon:You come around and the armor falls/Pierce the room like a cannonball/Now all we know is dont let go, Taurus Moon:'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night/ Were dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light/ Down the stairs, I was there/ I remember it all too well, yeah, Gemini Moon:Were happy, free, confused and lonely in the best way/Its miserable and magical, oh yeah/ Tonights the night when we forget about the heartbreaks, Cancer Moon:Losing him was blue, like Id never known/Missing him was dark gray, all alone/Forgetting him was like trying to know, Leo Moon:Im really gonna miss you picking fights/And me falling for it, screaming that Im right/And you would hide away and find your peace of mind/With some indie record thats much cooler than mine, Virgo Moon:'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in/So shame on me now/Flew me to places Id never been/'Til you put me down., Libra Moon:And time/Is taking its sweet time erasing you/And youve got your demons/And darlin they all look like me, Scorpio Moon:Out of focus, eye to eye/'Til the gravitys too much/And Ill do anything you say/If you say it with your hands, Sagittarius Moon:You had it figured out since you were in school/Everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool/So overnight, you look like a '60s queen., Capricorn Moon:You wear your best apology/But I was there to watch you leave/And all the times I let you in/Just for you to go again., Aquarius Moon:And for the first time I had something to lose/And I guess we fell apart in the usual way/And the storys got dust on every page/But sometimes I wonder how you think about it now/And I see your face in every crowd, Pisces Moon:Before you, Id only dated self indulgent takers/Who took all of their problem out on me/But you carry my groceries and now Im always laughing/And I love you, because you have given me no choice but to. They also might be into BDSM; they enjoy being ab*sed during sex. These synastry aspects can be good for friendships, family members, and/or romantic relationships, unless I specify otherwise! not wanting to be like them), theyd be inspired by them. These people are also likely the types who love the gym and working out and might pursue a career in health. Basic Synastry Blog - Tumblr They also might have hair that stands out, or just a big head of hair in general. The North Node person has important lessons to teach the Moon person and help them grow. Moon-Ascendant Positive Aspects+Conjunction: This gives the two people a really strong and emotional bond. I could also see people with this degree being prone to stealing, but again this is more extreme, famous robbers John Dillinger, Patty Hearst both had prominent Scorpio degrees in their charts. The North Node gives us clues about what our soul wants to do in this lifetime. Theres a really strong bond between the two, and a lot less clashing. Ive noticed women with Lilith in the 11th get hit on a lot on social media. This is an aspect that gives you a choice. 8th house stelliums are deep and understanding. Sun Square Moon individuals tend to struggle with mental health issues, some celebrity examples: Kanye West, Heath Ledger, Selena Gomez, Jodie Foster, and so on. I could also see them being good at giving their partners multiple org*sms and be able to have multiple of their own. This degree also deals with death, so I could potentially see some morticians with this placement. They also might want to pursue a career in hairstyling. Sun Quintile/Biquintile Moon: These individuals are naturally very creative and they see beauty in everything; even in things that might be mundane to others. If done right, it can create an unbreakable bond and the two can grow together. They want the twin flame kind of connection, and things like 6th house synastry just arent gonna cut it for them. Your conscious self and the mission of your soul blend together. They also may want to have sex in the shower, a pool, etc, some kind of body of water. Uranus Conjunct North Node Synastry, Natal, Transit in Astrology These people are usually born near eclipses, be it solar or lunar. This degree also deals with expansion and abundance, they want to build something with their partner, whether it be a business, a life together, a family, etc. They could have a hard time leaving each other. They tell each other all their secrets. North node conjunct Sun transit is a period of a heightened sense of purpose. This aspect indicates a relationship that is constantly moving forward. Honestly though, I could also see them also being completely against butt stuff too, but I feel like it tends to be the former. There are high libidos here and alot of passion. Tread with caution. North Node Conjunct Sun Synastry and Natal Aspect Meaning - Astrology This of course can be an issue because their partners may feel like they dont know who they are or their true feelings for them. They also might love the idea of fucking on their wedding night. I could also see alternatively, an unevolved Gemini degree might struggle with communication. It doesnt take into consideration laws, others feelings, and with your Sun conjunct north node, you tend to overlook these, too. Theyre also very fun and creative, theyll likely make creative projects with you as their muse. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. a teacher, boss, etc. a threes*me). Whole signs astrology is accurate as fuck. Some downsides of Virgo degrees? It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! They will cut your ass if you try to do them dirty. The chemistry is natural and they get comfortable with each other really easily. Their south node conjunct your moon: This feels incredibly familiar and either extremely safe and comforting or disconcerting. xenia : Synastry Question Masterpost Your Sun Sign is the filter that your soul has chosen to shine itself through in this life. So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that Im very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. They want stability and things under their control, anything that they have no control over, they want no part of. Meant to cross paths. I literally have this aspect with most of my best friends. The things you do during this transit may come back to haunt you. I love these synastry overlays, but theyre intense. I think its the Mercury energy. Hi guys, Ive honestly been having a lot of fun with the degree theory, so Im gonna do this post on degrees on the ascendant and what they mean! Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. On the contrary, they also might appear to be a little sickly looking. The Scorpio degree also rules pregnancy, like Cancer, they likely dream of having kids with their partner or adopting (if theyre into that sort of thing of course). While it might not be full on domestic violence, it can be very toxic. I think its because Scorpio and Aries are both ruled by Mars (in Western Astrology). Im also obsessed with relationships as well and my relationships have quite literally changed my appearance. In my opinion with generational planets in the first house, certain traits they have should be taken with a grain of salt. They stick to routines and stability. Dynamic and powerful irregardless of how long the relationship physically lasts. Taurus placements I feel just want to be strong all the time and dont want to get involved with emotions because theyre messy. To them, time with their partner is as imperative as brushing their teeth. It's the kind that gets you in the guts. Theyre also very big on self-expression as well, and are the types to shower you in compliments and be vocal in their love for you. The North Node represents what the soul is working towards, while the South Node shows the past self, or who one were in a past life. For some reason I always end up having beef or attracting people with Libra placements at one point or another. You find that the risks you take turn out for the better. I can also see individuals with Virgo degrees being passionate about animals, they might have a lot of pets or be an animal rights activist. Use whole sign and Placidus astrology for synastry, Ive found that both are applicable when looking at planet overlays. I swear, every Scorpio moon Ive ever met has been like my twin. Hence, these people also developed these leadership skills through time. Soul mate & karmic relationship point synastry - MoonsEye Astrology I feel like when two people clash on this intimate level it makes it really hard for a relationship to go smoothly. The trine and sextile can be feisty if in a tight orb. Yall will feel attracted and connected to each other for no reason. I could definitely see vegans and vegetarians having this degree in their Mars (since this degree deals with animals, theyd likely want to avoid eating them). Also for aspecting personal planets and angles, Ive noticed there usually are 3+ aspects, but this isnt always the case. I could also see some of them being into some dark stuff, since this deals with our shadow side. Ambitions: Individuals with Leo degrees in their Mars are likely very strong-whether it be physically, mentally, or both. Its important that both partners leave space for the other to grow. People with harsh Casanova aspects esp to their Mars tend to be unfaithful in relationships.