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A year after the anniversary of the supposed death of Joe Carroll, individuals wearing masks of Carroll's face appear on a New York City Subway car and stab everyone on the train to death, except one woman, who escapes after being stabbed in the arm once. The Following: Created by Kevin Williamson. False Correct! She and the. Enraged at Alex for mocking Debra's death, Hardy shoots him in cold blood. Which of the following are associated with growing secularization in fourteenth-century France? 5:45. The use of secular tunes and theatrical singing in Catholic church music; Catholic church music used noisy instruments and complex polyphony; Catholic church music had lost its purity. The following excerpt represents melody by itself without harmonic accompaniment. That was first recognized by the 19th-century German scientist and philosopher Herman von Helmholtz. The texts known as the mass ordinary has what characteristic? They quickly identify the prison warden as the likely culprit, learning that his daughter has disappeared without explanation. The following example from the Classical period may be classified as a/an: Sing or hum some melodic fragments portion only of any of the following excerpts of 20th century music, together with the recordings: a. Allegro con brio Ludwig van Beethoven from Symphony No. 1:54. The Following. ) Although the violin is mostly a single melody instrument, violinists can also play chords using an instrumental technique known as: When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? Emma sneaks Joey away while Paul and Jacob scuffle with Hardy; Paul is stabbed by Hardy, who takes the opportunity to help Megan escape. Which of the following statements are true about the texts used in medieval mass? Humans can only "fully become" by exploring their inner feelings. By writing in a minor key; by using a slow tempo; by having descending melodic lines representing falling tears. The following excerpt represents: Melody with harmonic accompaniment. Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. Emma sees Paul's captive, Megan, as a threat and instructs Paul to kill the woman. With Ryan arriving in time to call an ambulance, he learns that now bedridden Weston not only knows Claire's location, but is the only one who does. It contrasts a group of instruments with a solo instrument. The sacred text and overall musical style of this example suggests that it is part of a/an: The episode starts off immediately from "The Final Chapter" as Molly stabs Claire again in the chest. Which of the following statements are true of music in the Renaissance? . Afterwards, Claire discovers Joe's book and is reunited with Emma, which turns sour and results in the two physically fighting. Whose death marked the end of the baroque period in music? Ryan admits he did so because he loves Claire and tempts Amanda to kill him; Ryan disarms her and has her arrested. Venit ad Petrum was often used as the cantus firmus for the mass. "Daryl" walks into the house, revealed to be Joe Carroll. Home; Products; About Us. Listen to the following two examples from a piece in rondo form presented in the text. True or false: Rhythm is a part of life. CH 24 LISTENING QUIZ_ Handel_ Messiah, Nos. 18 and 44 LG 14_ MUL1010 Identify this composer. He manages to get an ambulance to his apartment and he and Claire are rushed to a hospital. They remain the same every day throughout the year. (play :25). Who composed La favola dOrfeo, a work that marks the beginning of opera as a major art form? (00:06) False. Most of the notated music that survives from the Medieval period is secular in nature. (:21), This music excerpt is an example of: (:31), The following excerpt represents homophonic texture. Institute a mistake? As Hardy and the FBI launch a raid on their compound, the cult retaliates with an attack on an evacuation center in Havenport, giving Joe the chance to get away safely. Ryan continues to tell Weston he knows nothing and acts like he has no interest in the case. (player 1:38), The following excerpt has smooth melodies that imitate one another on entrances. (player 3:22), This cello piece exemplifies __________ form. A unifying factor for social, political, and cultural life in the Medieval period was.. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) . Which of the following statements about the Renaissance madrigal are accurate? Of what is The Triumphes of Oriana by Thomas Weelkes an anthology? The illustration shown of the Emperor Maximillian in his music workshop depicts which of the following? Which of the following is a false statement? Early (1600-40) - Composers favored homophonic texture over polyphonic texture. Which of the following is NOT a chant of the Proper of the Mass? The active voice for the sentence, you are advised not to eat junk food. The name of the composer pictured above, who wrote more than 600 art songs (lieder), is: During the Romantic period, most composers were: Independent business persons, earning their living by performing music, writing music for specific occasions and commissions, and collecting royalties on published music. Joe eventually lets Claire reunite with her son. Class 18.2- Harmony - Subjecto.com Listen to the following excerpt of a Medieval composition. In general, how does the voice in singing differ from speaking? Decide whether each underlined noun in the following sentences is common or proper, concrete or abstract. The following excerpt is an example of ritardando (low horns that slow down at the end) true In the following example The repeated rhythm pattern is part of the accompaniment The rhythmic "surprise" created by accents occurring in unexpected places in the following example is called Syncopation The proper musical term for 'decreasing the tempo' In the Baroque period, music for keyboard, Was created mainly for use in instrumental genres such as sonatas, suites, and concertos, The following excerpt is most likely from a/an: Meanwhile, the FBI look inward, investigating the connection between one of their own safehouses and a crime committed by a member of Carroll's cult. The lute imitates the voice's upward leaps and so becomes more prominent than before. 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From which of the following pairs would you choose the most likely composer of this example? A melody in one voice will frequently be ________ in another voice in a baroque composition. Which of the following statements are true of the texture in Josquin's Ave Mariavirgo serena? After Ryan is out of surgery, he is greeted by Mike and when he questions what happened to Claire, Mike informs him that Claire died, leaving Ryan devastated. agent responsible for capturing Joe, is pulled back into the field to assist the manhunt. Important musical changes happened during this time. There are two lower voices. Listen to the audio clip. 3:26, The rhythm of the following example suggests that the piece was composed during the Classical period. Paul and Jacob are able to escape with the help of other Followers disguised as FBI agents. :35. Watch The Following: Promo Exist Needledrop, Watch The Following: Cc 2012 Press Kevin Bacon, Watch The Following: Cc 2012 Press James Purefoy, Watch The Following: Cc 2012 Press Kevin Williamson, In a recent interview, Kevin Williamson revealed that one of the first ideas for this show was in his draft for Scream 3 (2000), the one movie of the franchise that he ended up not writing. The composer of this selection is: The following excerpt comes from a famous aria in one of Mozart's most enduring operas. What would you expect next? They start off the piece, and are repeated throughout. This is an excerpt from a: Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 27 1 :25-42. Which of the following forms is not based on the principle of contrast? True or false: A synthesizer gives the composer control over the pitch, dynamics, rhythm and duration of a musical sound. Listen to the following two excerpts from Handels. The Rite of Spring French: Le Sacre du printemps is a ballet and orchestral concert work by the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. false. While being held captive with Megan, Hardy is able to cause dissension among Emma, Paul and Jacob. (Play 2:08), The smooth melodic lines and unstressed rhythm. This is called: In which type of musical form is there a musical statement (A), then a contrasting statement (B), then a return to the first musical statement (A)? 1. leaf leaves\underline{\color{#c34632}{leaves}}leaves, 2. reindeer reindeer\underline{{reindeer}}reindeer. What is the term for three or more tones sounded together? The distance between two tones is called a(n). Sonata-allegro form was used mainly in works for solo piano and did not apply to works for larger ensembles. Which of the following statements are true of Gregorian chant? :22. 1:00, This is an example of a new style of opera called opera buffa that emerged during the Classical period. Ryan runs into the hotel, passing by Emma Hill without noticing. His suspicions are confirmed when Weston realizes the tape of the prisoner loading bay has been doctored. 140, Wachet auf (Sleepers, Awake), Nos. The duo escape and return home, only for it to turn sour for Joe as he discovers Claire having read his book and expresses her disdain of it. (:16), The following excerpt is dissonant. Which of the following statements are true of the Agnus Del from Machaut's Notre Dame Mass? Which of the following statements about pitch are true? Haydn, Symphony No. It repeats the same music as the A section. Answer: Accelerando From the word pairs, select the one that completes the following sentence correctly. It differed from opera in previous periods because Melodic sequence, successive repetition of musical idea at higher or lower pitches. What is the plucked string instrument used to accompany Renaissance secular songs? Which of the following statements accurately compare the two types of service known as the office and the mass in medieval monasteries and convents? The following excerpt represents a melody without harmonic accompaniment. A short, detached style of playing or singing a melody is called. When Carroll's son Joey (Kyle Catlett) is abducted by his father's followers, the FBI discovers that it is the first step in a wider plan for Carroll to escape custody, humiliate Hardy, and be reunited with his ex-wife Claire (Natalie Zea). Josquin's music was widely praised by music lovers; Martin Luther remarked that God has preached his Gospel through the music of Josquin Desprez; Josquin's masses, motets, and secular vocal works influenced other composers.Definition. An important artistic product of the Romantic period was: Which of the following composers, upon arriving in Paris in 1831, quickly became closely associated with the most prominent intellectuals, artists, musicians, political activists, and financiers of his day, thus launching his career? Musicians who worked there, including Leonin and Perotin, wrote innovative polyphonic music; it was a symbol of gothic architecture. (:11), How dissonant harmonies create tension and instability throughout, Listen to the following example. True or false: Josquin Desprez, one of the greatest Renaissance composers, wrote only religious works like motets and masses for the church. The dates given in the course for the Baroque Period place it between: The composer of the following music example could likely be The following excerpt is dissonant. Music Appreciation Final What percussion instrument is shown here? Frustrated with his writing, drinking heavily and taking numerous medications and bleeding from his open wound, Joe becomes increasingly unstable, and his erratic behavior destroys morale among his followers, especially Jacob. :46, Which would be the most likely composer of this example? The chants of the church used only the major and minor scale patterns found in later music. (:30), The repeated rhythm pattern is part of the accompaniment, Listen to the following selection. What creates a sense of directed motion for melody in baroque music? This instrument, which was very popular during the Renaissance, is called a: According to the text, the Renaissance period was known as: The following example is played on an instrument that was very popular during the Renaissance. Phillips tells Weston to come to New York to consult on the Subway murders case. You may choose either scenic design or costume design. Which of the following statements best describes musical form in the Romantic period? Ryan fails to provide an answer again and walks off. (play :18), An advanced 12th-century four-voice organum, Which of the following examples represents sacred music? This is called: (:01) arpeggio. 40, No. (:19), Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? Rick Kester (Michael Drayer), who is responsible for killing Faulkner, is also uncovered as another of Joe's followers. It can be used to convey a sense of unease or tension, and can be used to build up to a climax or resolution. In fact, sonare means "to sound, is related to the Latin noun sonus meaning "sound" , and is an ancestor of the English word sound. The following excerpt is an example of Renaissance a cappella choral music. This is called: How dissonant harmonies create tension and instability throughout. There is a main theme that is varied in each repetition. (play :55). Roderick goes after Claire, along with two military followers, Ryan and Claire manage to escape and go to Ryan's friend Tyson's home. It is a monophonic chant for women's voices. True or false: Before the twentieth century, a basic principle of music composition was that a composition would begin in the home, or tonic key, and would end in a different key. Back at his house, he enters a passcode-locked room with pictures and files from the case of Carroll's cult pinned all over the walls. Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. (player 4:25), Listen to the following example. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. MethodFemale students volunteered to take part in a discussion on the psychology of sex. This excerpt demonstrates: How dissonant harmonies create tension and instability throughout. Identify the opera in question. Lonin and Protin were two composers associated with Notre Dame and the development of polyphony. Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name. :25, Which of the following excerpts exhibits Baroque rhythmic characteristics? [player :34]. What symbol at the beginning of the piece indicates the key that a piece of music is in? He wakes up in the lighthouse, and his confrontation with Carroll comes to blows. This is referred to as "spreading apart the alternatives. 27, No. Hardy soon discovers that the charismatic Carroll has surrounded himself with a group of like-minded individuals (whom he met while teaching and while in prison), and turned them into a cult of fanatical killers. In contrast to the Renaissance, where vocal and choral music took center stage, instrumental music established itself as the most significant genre of the Baroque period. Which statement reflects the musical features of the following music example? Which 8th- and 9th-century ruler had a profound influence on Church music? Beneath is the best information and noesis near the most salient compositional aspect of the following excerpt is: compiled and compiled by the bmr.edu.vn team, along with other related topics such as: the most salient compositional aspect of the following excerpt is quizlet, does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? :20. (:14), This piece of music is a good example of: (:20), The following music excerpt features: (:17), A mixture of polyphonic and homophonic textures, The following excerpt represents monophonic texture. A brilliant, charismatic, and psychotic serial killer communicates with other active serial killers and activates a cult of believers who follow his every command. During the Baroque period, the musical feature that lent harmonic support to the main melodic line of a composition was called: The musical features of the following example suggest that it comes from a/an: A flashback reveals Molly joining Joe on the condition she be the one to kill Ryan when the time is right. ers job and responsibilities are in general, then describe what you would do if you designed this show. Why was the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris important? (player 2:34). In music notation, the symbol that indicates the duration of silence is called a ____. Although the violin is mostly a single melody instrument, violinists can also play chords using an instrumental technique known as: False Which of the following examples represents secular music? He leaves the house and picks up a convenience store worker, Megan (Li Jun Li), later knocking her out to kidnap and hold her hostage at the house. 18 and 44, Listen to the A and B sections of "Rejoice Greatly" from Handels. 1:00, The following musical excerpt is from a recitative. Which of the following factors most strongly suggests that this piece is an example of secular music? :21, What is the name of the technique used in the following excerpt? Which line of dialogue impacted Mayza and changed the direction of the story? "I thought we could be in this together. The episode was written by the series' creator Kevin Williamson and directed by Marcos Siega. Joe questions what motivated Ryan into saving people and discovers it was because of his father's death. 3. What is the brass instrument shown in the image? Elegance, delicacy, softness, and playfulness, The following excerpt comes from a famous aria in one of Mozarts most enduring operas. Also, the majority of experiments used students as participants, which raise issues of a biased sample. However, it can also be used in a more subtle way, adding depth and complexity to a piece without necessarily drawing attention to itself. The symphony had its origins in the overture, which was the introductory music for Italian opera. They were Notre Dame composers; they were among the first to use music notation indicating precise rhythm. Which of the following events occurred in America during the time period known as the Renaissance?