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If a species is evolving, when is it considered a new species different from the organism it evolved from? Why does diversity between individuals and between species create problems for determining what is a species and what is a variant? Different finch species live on different islands. Will evolution occur if there is no variation in a population, if the only variation is acquired and not inherited or if all progeny survive and equally reproduce? Why or why not? Not so, writes Gordon Burghardt, the contemporary study of play finds it in animals from birds to spiders, and help makes sense of why for us humans play can be . Was the final answer of the question wrong? Why do humans share lots of DNA with both rats and bananas when each of these are very different things? In this sense, a species is the biggest gene pool possible under natural conditions. Module 3: Fine-Tuning Your Results As you would correctly imagine, while AI generated text is often really good, it also gets things wrong at times. The longer that two populations are kept from interbreeding, the: a. more recessive alleles will be expressed. What additional genetic factors increase the resemblance between siblings? a. Human-made tools of prehistoric times 2.5 million years ago show that humans began to memorize information in steps. It may create animals that cannot reproduce. Why are humans so different from other animals? What are the similarities between humans and other apes? They are the same species. What really fascinates him is how male capuchinos can look and sound very different across species, despite being almost identical genetically. Is it a survivor bias? On average, what effect does genetic drift have on the differences between populations? A geographically continuous population has a gene pool that is relatively homogeneous. Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of genetic engineering? How do you capture a snapshot of evolution as its happening? Why? There must be a predator preying on the species. Done, onec aliquetpulvinar tortor nec facilisis. A) Species with low genetic variation go extinct. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Yes, when the environment changes, individuals with certain inherited traits survive and will be able to reproduce. b) Yes, some individuals can chang; Q6.5. How do modern biology, evolution, and natural selection explain why there are differences in innate aptitude in animals (such as there are humans who are smarter than others, some are more artistic than others, etc.)? When Carolus Linnaeus first came up with his binomial nomenclature taxonomy, all individuals were grouped by morphology. Which is important for evolutionary change and why? Some populations are innately superior to others, because they have what it takes to prevail in those environments. If so, how do modern humans differ from them? How are they different? And instead of requiring large changes to the DNA to govern color production over many parts of the birds body, it has been accomplished through just a few changes to regulatory regions of the genome. Why is it that humans have three different blood groups: A, B, and O? These include the amount of genetic variation within a population, the number of evolutionary opportunities that a population has, and the number of genetic mutations that occur within a population. Choose an animal and. O No, species do not change even after many generations, so individuals of the same species would not look different. Olfspring must be similar to their parents due to shared genes. How do humans influence animal evolution? B. environment and acquired characteristics will no affect populations, only individuals C. natural selection c. Since humans evolved, where are all the other human variations resulting from random genetic mutations? Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago If there is NO VARIATION in shell thickness within a population of snails, and no mutations occur, what happens to shell thickness in response to crab predation?Shell thickness does not evolve in the population.Shell thickness evolves for some snails in the population.Shell thickness increases for all snails in the population.Average shell thickness in the population evolves over several generations.Q6.2. In animals generally, how much variation do you expect to see within as compared to between different races of a single species? Homo neanderthalensis ("Man from the Neander Valley"): Also known as Neanderthals, these humans lived in western Asia and Europe. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. How different are the various functional traits among the different species of deer? Scientists look for those rare instances when a species suddenly diverges, or radiates into multiple forms, each with a different appearance or behavior. Do tarantulas make webs like other spiders? a) Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. Which of the following conditions would biologists say was required for the evolution of DDT resistance in a population? A species is a population of plants or animals that can breed to produce offspring that can then produce offspring themselves. Many generations later, almost all ducks had more webbing on their feet. Explain the mechanisms of genetic variation. 1. Why do humans, animals, and plants have to evolve reproductive function? Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. So, how can the males all be so different? Why are there such large differences in the diversity within a clade? There are at least 4 different ways that humans have genetic variation, a. Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? . A. Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass Variation in traits that affect which individuals survive and reproduce in each generation is called: a. fatalism b. genetic engineering c. morphology d. catastrophism e. natural selection. a) Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. The bacteria have become resistant over several generations. Pellentesque dapibus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. New species can eventually emerge with all these new adaptations over generations. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Discover when homo sapiens arrived and their hominid ancestors, such as australopithecines and Homo erectus. It was very effective at first, but after a few decades DDT became less effective at killing mosquitoes because many populations had evolved resistance to DDT. But we are much more alike than we are different. c. more they will differ from one another in adaptations. Variation allows some individuals to do better than others, so those variations are selected. \\ do not interbreed extensively. Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? In what ways is domestication (selection by humans) similar to natural selection, and in what ways is it different? Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices a. In Europe, dark peppered moths were rare before the 1850's and light colored moths were plentiful. Are humans particularly self-destructive when compared to other animals? All information of this website is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. All rights reserved. A skydiver of mass 60.0kg60.0 \mathrm{~kg}60.0kg can slow herself to a constant speed of 90km/h90 \mathrm{~km} / \mathrm{h}90km/h by orienting her body horizontally, looking straight down with arms and legs extended. Drought caused plants to die. Could the stock market crash be prevented? Donec aliquet, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Test your understanding with interactive textbook solutions, Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology, Biology Today and Tomorrow without Physiology, Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology. Donec aliquet. Why is a convoluted brain better than a smooth one? those traits on to their offspring. A scientist is researching how to cure a type of blindness that is caused by a mutation in a gene. No, species do not change even after many generations, so individuals of the same species would not look different. How are these two copies similar? Explain your answer. What is the reason for the phenotypic differences between individuals of the same species? How do modern biology, evolution, and natural selection explain why there are differences in innate aptitude in animals (such as there are humans who are smarter than others, some are more artistic than others, etc.)? The three conditions that must be met for evolution to occur by natural selection are that there must be variation, there must be selection, and there must be inheritance of variation. Consider a population that lacks variation and no individual has any advantageous traits. why or why not? No other species has ever wielded such power, and no species could. For example, a shark uses its electrosensory and olfactory organs predominately to interact with its environment, whereas primates are heavily dependent upon vision. Could individuals of a species look different today than Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions, This textbook can be purchased at, ipiscing elit. What does. This is where terms like 'heterozygous' come into play. How is this best explained?Ducks with less webbing worked harder than ducks with more webbing to eat aquatic plants. Autore dell'articolo: Articolo pubblicato: 16/06/2022 Categoria dell'articolo: rockin' the west coast prayer group Commenti dell'articolo: working at charles schwab reddit working at charles schwab reddit Why did monkeys and lions evolve differently in the same environment? Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? In animals generally, how much variation do you expect to see within as compared to between different races of a single species? If monkeys and humans evolved from a common ancestor, why did we evolve differently? Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. What does the pattern of genetic variation in modern human tell us about the origin and spread of homosapiens? Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. 1. Their feet are webbed and this trait makes them fast swimmers. Therefore, the first concept of the term "species" was based on the morphology. Be sure to discuss both the evolutionary implications/benefits of light skin pigmentation and dark skin pigmentation. Why or why not? Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. A. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? c. A change in heritable traits over time occurs at. No, species do not change even after many generations, so individuals of the same species would not look different. d. continental drift. The differences consistently fell in areas near color genes in sections of the genome once considered junk. Scientists have since learned that these areas of the genome, which once appeared to have no purpose, can play crucial roles in regulating genes and modifying their effects. What causes variation in a species? One of the requirements for the process of natural selection to occur is that there be variation among organisms. 2 years ago, Posted What is the scientific reason why people around the world have different skin colors? Over time, the appearance of a species can change through evolution. A species is a group of individual organisms that interbreed and produce fertile, viable offspring. Which of the following statements support the Theory of Evolution? What caused us to become so different? I first wrote about these profound issues in the MIT Tech Review seventeen years ago, and today's piece expounds, expands and updates the inscrutability of AI into the philosophical, geopolitical, sociological and hermeneutical domains, as we spawn a novel crucible of metacognition. How are humans evolving today? Explain how animal behaviors, including human behaviors, are governed by genetic inheritance. Which genes are different among species is more important than just the number of genes that are different., Available for everyone,funded by donors like you. b. Evolution only occurs in a very large gene pool. Does genetic variation makes evolution possible? Most ducks had more wobbing on their foet than their parents. Ducks are aquatic birds. How does evolution occur in a species? c) Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring. Morphology is how an individual looks. D. modifications in an individual are caused. Why did some primate species develop sexual swellings while others didn't? Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? TUCKER CARLSON: One thing we have learned after many years in the news business is that every once in a while you've got to eat some crow and admit that despite your best intentions, you were . _______ among populations can keep them similar to one another. First, the two species would need to be geographically isolated from each other. If two species look alike, live in different places, but are not genetically related, it is probably a case of _______. Which of the following is REQUIRED for the process of evolution by natural selection to occur? What are the 2 main reasons for variation between organisms of the same species? In what ways has the evolutionary biology of other animals been altered by the presence of human beings? There are a number of factors that could affect whether a species evolves. The light moths declined in number and the dark colored moths increased in number. Lovette. Explain. Campagna, L., M. Repenning, L.F. Silveira, C.S. a. weather. Assume that a population of one of these finch . does not many any warranties about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of this information. Which of the following is REQUIRED for the pricess of evolution by natural selection to occur? Why or why not? Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same sspecies did many generations ago? What is an example of a genetic mutation that created a new species in the modern era that humans have documented? Submit This allows the farmers to spray their fields to get rid of weeds without harming their crops. Why or why not? However, humans still have significant differences with every species that exists on Earth. Learn about capuchino evolution in this short video and article from the New York Times. b. The existence of play in non-human animals is a direct challenge to old-fashioned scientific ideas. Explain. The most well-known example is a group of more than a dozen finch species in the Galapagos. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. If so, why did we evolve this way? Which of the following is not part of how we define a species? Why or why not? A trait with a genetic basis that increases the fitness of an individual with the trait in a particular environment, compared to individuals lacking the trait. Consider the following hypothetical scenario: An ancestral species of duck had a varied diet that included aquatic plants and terrestrial plants and insects. For this topic, please briefly compare and contrast microevolution and macroevolution. Learn about Charles Darwin's background, what theory he is known for, and what natural selection is. Second, the two species would need to have a significant difference in their reproductive capabilities. (a) Do humans experience interspecific competition? Humans shape their environment in ways that other organisms cannot. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. This problem has been solved! Q6.5. It is believed that humans started to transfer information from tools to symbols and from symbols to letters from generation to generation. Why do plants and animals differ with regards to their development and how, Theories about why human universals exist suggest all of the following except: a. For the past 10 to 25 years, farmers have planted crop seeds that have been genetically modified to withstand treatment with a common weed killer called Roundup. Question: Q6.4. Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations Gene flow, the movement of alleles across a species' range, is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location. Individual differences with a genetic basis lead to in successive generations. Why does natural selection only act on heritable variation? Substances larger than ________ are normally not allowed to pass through the filtration membrane. How is it the same? Microscopic study of the teeth indicates that he grew up at a growth rate similar to that of a great ape. Fontana, P.L. If we share 99% of the DNA of a chimpanzee, why are we so different than the chimpanzee? This indicates that: A. What genetic factors increase the resemblance between siblings? To know more check the From one ancestral species that colonized the remote island chain, many new finch species evolved with differently sized and shaped beaks to exploit the foods available. If there is NO SELECTIVE SURVIVAL based on shell thickness within a population of snails, what happens to shell thickness in response to crab predation?The average shell thickness increases within each generation, but there is no change in shell thickness from generation to generation.There is evolution by natural selection of shell thickness, and average shell thickness increases every generation.There may be evolution of shell thickness, but not through natural selection and not necessarily toward thicker shells.There is no change in shell thickness within the population.Q6.3. Similarities at the beginning of embryonic development imply they have common ancestors. The amount of webbing on ducks' feet had no relationship with the amount their parents had. Human childhood is much longer than that of other animals; therefore, other animals rely only on their genetic information. Subscribe now. Speciation is the process by which new species form. It occurs when groups in a species become reproductively isolated and diverge. Q7. Humans shape their environment in ways that other organisms cannot. Over one or two generations, beak size among finches increased. I will post some . Answering the following Biology Lab questions.Q6.1. But actually 6 million people have died of COVID. This can reflect many initiatives as 222 can express the need to redirect personal patterns of behavior, drastically, which will automatically change a personal course, or current trajectory. How can this population be expected to change over several successive generations, if the relative fitness differences observed remain unchanged? B. organisms change by acquired characteristics. Which of the following histograms show the correct representation of the snail shell thickness data 4, 7, 2, 5, 4, 3? \\ b. A certain species of rodent eats only one type of plant. a. A large population of animals is split in two by a physical barrier. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Why do humans try to save and treat every human life while other creatures are selected by natural selection? B) not all mutations are beneficial. Are age and gender independent variables? These structures do not look alike and are not used in the same way, but their bones are similar. A. 1 See answer Advertisement Harshtsingh Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. Why is genetic variation within a species important to conservation? 1. Could individuals of a species look different today chegg? Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring No, species do not change even after many generations, so individuals of the same species would not look different Submit. c) Yes, some. Non-human primates have a lot to tell us about ourselves and our origins. 0.48. If humans evolved from a common ancestor we share with monkeys, why do we have such broad variations in physical features across our species (i.e. Q6.5. Skin color is not directly tied to race. Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. A major difference among finch species is in their beaks: both size and shape vary greatly. Could individuals of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? copyright 2003-2023 - Theory of Evolution & Natural Selection. why did dinosaurs evolve earlier than humans? Changes in evolutionary pathways are related to changes in gene structure and changes in cultural evolution. What species are humans today? B. Be as specific as possible. (a) What additional genetic factors increase the resemblance between siblings? Reduction of the burning of fossil fuels (coal). b) Yes, some individuals can chang; Compared to sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction _____. Question: could individual of a species look different today than individual of the same species did many generations ago? How are humans related to primates? There must be a sudden environmental change. e. all living organisms, with just a few exceptions. Individuals of the same species generally \\ experience prezygotic barriers to reproduction. Two major equations of hardy-weinberg rule are: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p + q = 1 The p and the q represent the allele frequencies for Happy and Sad respectively. One theory is that individuals of a species could look different today if they were exposed to different environmental conditions. There are some phenotypic differences among human populations that reflect adaptation to different environments. Why are there so many different ways to define a species? It was very effective at first, but after a few decades DDT became less effective at killing mosquitoes because many populations had evolved resistance to DDT. b. just other multicellular animals. Do humans experience interspecific competition? Discuss at least four characteristic traits of primates that other mammals do not share. The 14 species of finches on the Galapagos Islands evolved from a single species that migrated to the islands several million years ago. What are the general characteristics shared by all animals? Does the mechanism produce a change in individuals or populations? DDT is an insectieide that was used extensively in the mid-1900s to kill mosquitoes. a) Yes, all individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. Genetic variations that alter gene activity or protein function can introduce different traits in an organism. Why or why not? Which of the following explains what might happen next? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The birds' beaks varied in size, with some individuals having slightly smaller beaks and others having slightly larger beaks. Yes, some individuals with certain traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their offspring. Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. copyright 2003-2023 Mediterranean climates like California, with hot and dry summers and cold wet winters . Explain why only populations evolve but individuals do not. (a) convergent evolution (b) divergent evolution (c) evolutionary cyclicity (d) uniformitarianism. What makes humans so different from the rest of the species on the planet? In evolutionary biology, reciprocal altruism is a behaviour whereby an organism acts in a manner that temporarily reduces its fitness while increasing another organism's fitness, with the expectation that the other organism will act in a similar manner at a later time.. The genotype that an individual possesses for a trait, in turn, determines the phenotype the observable characteristicssuch as whether that individual actually ends up with straight, wavy, or curly hair. Lorem ipsum, amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. But if the malesor the preferences of the femaleswere to change, the species are still closely enough related that they could probably still mate successfully. Were the solution steps not detailed enough? We can learn a lot from these instances of fast speciation, says Cornell Lab scientist Leonardo Campagna, who has studied these finches for 10 years. Their songs are different, too. Why is genetic variation so important to evolution? Explain why only populations evolve but individuals do not. Give an explanation for your answer. Any action you may take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk. A food source must disappear. Donec aliquet. Difficulties with Darwin's concept tempted a number of people to try to redefine species by means of interbreeding. Its individuals appear different from other species. O Yes, some individuals can change a little and pass those changes on to their offspring. 20 hours ago, Posted It is possible that the answer to this question could be found through further research. Variation is the availability of different traits in a population. Why do different genders of the same animal evolve differently? The graphs below represent her findings.What can you conclude from the researchers results?The hypothesis that longer horns offer greater protection against predation is supported.The hypothesis that longer horns offer greater protection against predation is NOT supported.The experiment is well designed, but the results are inconclusive about the hypothesis.The experiment is not well designed to test the hypothesis. What is the reason for the phenotypic differences between individuals of the same species? Which of the following is an example of genetic engineering? Natural selection makes an adaptive trait more common in a population. In biology, what is an adaptation?