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Where are you located? My gut reaction would be that you are worrying about drainage too much. Carolyn. I can enjoy the structure and color from the sun room in the winter, but venture out despite snow or rain for the scent. WE are Zone 7B, [ a little colder than an 8 but not as cold as a true Zone 7 edgeworthia varieties. Colin, I recommend that you read the comments on this post and a later post that I wrote on Edgeworthia called Edgeworthia Update to get pruning information given by edgeworthia growers all over the world. Carolyn. As to size, papyrifera may go well over 6x6 in time, as I have one that is there in 6 years (in half sun). Takes sun, part sun, shade, wet, dry. Fully open flowers in my garden in mid-March 2012. It is such a beautiful plant. It isnt pretty for about a month after pruning. After reading my postI can see I rambled and that I am very concerned about my lovely shrub. They're set in round clusters at branch tips. Love these plant, not much care needed, tho do find the constant yellow leaf drop annoying. My Edgeworthia is in a SE facing spot, with partial shade. Carolyn, Can I order for shipping 3 Edgeworthia chrisanthas from your nursery. Another try for dry weather is Transatlantica Eternal Fragrance. It is planted in the existing clay soil mixed half and half with leaf compost. Keep in touch and let us know where you decide to plant your lovely Edgeworthia and how she fares. They are flourishing & a great addition to our daylily bed. Julie, I think it is at its ornamental best when all the buds have swollen but not opened. If you have a sheltered spot in your garden then it may do well here. Id leave it be. What separates NC State University from other schools? Virtually pest and disease free. Edgeworthia buds as they appear through the heart of the winter. They are placed by WordPress, my blog host. Carolyn. I am on Cape Cod, but have been a customer of theirs for years. I do not water so the plant receives no supplemental water. It can reach a height of 2-2.5 m. Flowers are yellow and fragrant, in clusters at the branch tips. Hello Nikolay, All the information that you need is on the right sidebar, if its not there just click the snowdrop banner at the top. I bought one at the Scott Arboretum sale in 2007 (?). Maybe that is what is happening to yours. So please put me on your list my husband and I drive to Malvern often to visit our daughter and her family so we could easily pick it up on our way. Carolyn what a magical shrub..those silky tassel flowers have always made me want to touch themI have never seen it in flower but it is exotic lookingthis is indeed a very special shrub to grow. Your email address will not be published. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Although there is some confusion about this, Red Dragon is a cultivar of a different species of edgeworthia, E. papyerifera, which is less hardy as you found out. It appears to us that Edgeworthia chrysantha has a beefier appearance all around, with dense flower clusters and fat branches that hold flowers upright and don't droop. I prune quite hard and plan to go harder, because as Carolyn says, it blooms on year old wood and every year I am fighting the beautiful but too large monster again. Was surprised to see one at my favorite nursery and snatched it up. Theres the best time to transplant, prune, etc., in books, and then theres the best time for me which is when I have time and motivation otherwise the job wont get done. If she does not have a garden, just terrace, then I would suggest a big pot having its inner walls insulated with thick layer of vermiculite, vermiculite in the potting mix plus on top as a cover. I love it. Re: Edgeworthia as of today, with a late winter storm raging, I fear that the last of the buds on my shrub have withered, making this another year without the joy of experiencing it in full bloom. I am in SE Michigan also, so it would be interesting to compare notes. long (15 cm), with silvery undertones. Edgeworthia is a woodland plant, like azalea and rhododendron. Vickie, Yes, edgeworthias can get quite large when they are happy. It there more current blogs? It has wonderful form ! Edgeworthia produces fragrant, butterfly-attracting flowers in the winter and early spring. Carolyn. Edgeworthia papyrifera paperbush A bushy deciduous shrub with very flexible shoots bearing rounded inflorescences 5cm across, composed of numerous small, lightly fragrant yellow flowers opening from hairy buds in late winter and early spring, before the narrowly oval leaves appear Other common names mitsumata paper bush Synonyms It was a more elegant plant (closer looking to a daphne) but far more fussy and slow growing (like a daphne) than chrysantha. This shrub grows in zones 7 to 10, and in protected areas of Zone 6. As I was worried about root rotting in winter I planted it in a sheltered from cold winds southern location under the leaves of a grape vine with drainage of stones at the bottom of the hole. Edgeworthia ( Edgeworthia chrysantha, Zones 7-10) is truly a four-season plant. My 1990 edition of Michael Dirrs. Learn More About NC State Extension, We have several topic based email newsletters that are sent out periodically when we have new information to share. I do occasionally have to water it in a dry summer and I have it situated so it is protected from winter winds. Nancy, You must have liked the post. Leslie, Thanks for reporting about your experience. It did partially die back one winter when it went down to -8, but no problems since. I dont have a recommended mail order source. Portland Nursery on Stark Follow this link and please make a comment with your edgeworthia exeriences! I looked up care for edgeworthia and happened onto your Blog. I would just have to goggle it. Soon the long, slender leaves grow in, turning the shrub into a mound of attractive foliage that can grow to 6 feet (2 m.) in each direction. The edgeworthia is against the house, east facing, and it has surpassed all expectations so that now is covers my bedroom window. Deleting this collection CANNOT be undone. I was so happy to read that edgeworthia is kin to Winter Daphne. I have heard that the orange cultivar is not as hardy so I would love to hear back from you in future years. I think of them as silver with yellow interiors. Al igual que con cualquier traduccin por Internet, la conversin no es sensible al contexto y puede que no traduzca el texto en su significado original. As always, Carolyn, you provide such fascinating information on plants! Curious to see if anyone has experience growing Edgeworthia in a container? The Edgeworthia Chrysantha can grow up to 4 - 6 (120cm - 180cm) in 4 - 6 (120cm - 180cm) and 4 - 6 (120cm - 180cm) in 4 - 6 (120cm - 180cm). Although they can turn yellow in fall, you wouldnt grow edgeworthia for fall color. What an amazing looking plant. Carolyn. More feedback as the seasons pass. It is deciduous and has large and distinctive leaves. If you want to do mail order, all of mine came from here: You need a protected microclimate in your garden. I did lose one of those to a particularly bad southern winter once! Or had not ticked the right box for notifications to see your replies earlier. We are spending Christmas in the foothills of the Himalayas so I am just hoping we might see Edgeworthia in its native habitat. Edgeworthia chrysantha Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Grandiflora' Ive researched and researched and the only name that keeps popping up to identify my plants is Edgeworthia. Greeting from South East Bulgaria 150 miles north west of the Bosporus/ Istanbul and 40 miles west of the Black Sea in what would be US hardiness zone 7a bordering 6. Mine have set buds this summer while temps hovered in the 90s. Then it was in the upper 60s so more flowers opened before being hit with lows in the teens starting 3/11 and continuing in the forecast through at least 3/16. Carolyn. So, my question is should I rather plant it on the East side of the house with afternoon shade or on the south side under the semi shade from grape vines??? Contents. The much sought after Edgeworthia Red Dragon is a winter flowering deciduous Chinese shrub with cinnamon coloured young bark and dense nodding terminal clusters of fragrant orange to red flowers which open in late winter. And the blooms are the white (in my case) flowers early in the spring/late winter? drooping its leaves in afternoon sun. Happy Winter, Emily, I too find Edgeworthia to be a very hardy plant. Common Name: Chinese Paper Bush, Yellow Daphne. Liane, thanks for commenting on pruning. These are hardy shrubs and fast growers unlike the Daphne. Carolyn. Is it ok? The flower clusters vary from orange to red shade compared to the other Oriental paperbush with a yellowish tint. Superb in shape and form, Paperbush is a wonderful plant to combine with shade-tolerant evergreens and wildflowers. At the JC Raulston Arboretum, you can view Gold Rush in the Winter Garden and John Bryant near the Cascade. Nursery Happenings: Carolyns Shade Gardens is a retail nursery located in Bryn Mawr, PA, specializing in showy, colorful, and unusual plants for shade. Even now in November its leaves are droopy and in summer they were shrivelling and drying completely. Great info, Liane. The Scott Arboretum plant has been in the ground since 2003, and I think Charless may be older because its much bigger. Phone: 503.231.5050 That said, Id run to buy one and not lose that year!!! Do you think providing some shade from a big umbrella or cover and covering the area around the trunk with stones would help the leaves not shrivel? Carolyn. Anu, I dont have rabbits so am not sure what they will bother. The leaves cluster at the tips of the branches giving the shrub a decidedly lush and tropical appearance that really stands out in the garden. Let me know what happens. I have seen them go limp in very dry weather, but the pop right back if I catch it in time. A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College | Stately Kitsch A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College | Design for the modern older home owner. Now, since roots have not developed yet, the leaves shrivel up in the afternoon if not watered every other day. Edgeworthia is one of those cool garden plants that collectors love and everyone will ask you about when you add it to your garden. Botanical Name: Edgeworthia chrysantha Common Name: Paperbush Family: Thymelaceae Hardiness: USDA Zones 7-9 Size: 10' tall x 10' wide Location: Full shade to part sun Soil: Moist and well-drained Bloom Time: Winter Foliage: Deciduous with yellow fall color Happy Growing Overall, I am a huge fan of paperbush and I think you will be too! Lee Lee, Thank you so much for your extensive comment. Protect from strong winds. Thanks for helping make this plant known. However, the Chanticleer specimen in the sun is much lower and tighter while Charles Cressons shady specimen is taller and looser. While you might hate the thought of it being deciduous when the deep-green leaves have fallen the plant will take your breath away with its form and structure adorned with clusters of silver-sheened buds that you will treasure during the months leading up to the beginning of blooms in late winter.