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What really goes in Hollywood and the Music Industry : r/Christian - reddit The devil's chord: A history of Satanism in popular music - Crack Magazine During the 1950s and 60s, occult practices were slowly but surely absorbed into popular music and today the industry literally thrives by using an outward spectacle of occult and satanic rituals and symbolism. It took over her dreams. To perfect the craft, it is essential to have an option in a lucrative career. Marilyn Manson. The Satanic Entertainment Industry - Prepare For Change Illuminati in the Music Industry takes a close look at some of today's hottest stars and decodes the secret symbols, song lyrics, and separates the facts from the fiction in this fascinating topic. Gemtracks has a directory of professional singers that can record a demo track for you. Thus, the world is not seeing many bands getting popularity as they don't have much income. These gatekeepers have a lot of power and influence over what gets put out into the world, and they often use that power to push their own agenda. On Tuesday, the major labels protested police brutality with a "blackout." Executives and artists say industry . Luck can be created and directed. Audience & Fan Attention. The list of people in the Music Industry that are fully given over to the Satanic Influence of Lucifer is staggering. People now buy less music, because there are unlimited streaming websites and platforms that offer free music. Get your FREE eBook on how to skyrocket your music career. The Music Industry in an Age of Digital Distribution. He was bearing Whitneys entry ticket in his hand when he entered the room to what was apparently an outpouring of sympathy, but obviously not enough sympathy to actually halt the party. The news broke in the early hours of December 26, 2016, that singer George Michael had died in his sleep on Christmas Day. Your email address will not be published. It is also about having dedication towards the art. The industry controls and manipulates the artists. She had been discovered dead in her bath, but it is unclear exactly by whom as there were several people in her suite at that time (3.50pm local time). Thus, the quick fan burnout is another major reason that many artists are unable to make a mark in the music industry. These are often the artists we know to have so famously died by drug overdose or have suffered other strange deaths. Why should this be? Large careers need large teams to maintain them. It sacrifices peoples lives and their essences at the drop of a dime I had a manager once say to me, You know youre worth more money dead than alive. Chaka Khan. But, it is also important for musicians to do the right thing at the right place. Vinyl, HBO (2016) Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll - such was the New York City music scene in the 1960s. Jackson had been telling anyone and everyone during the period prior to his death that the CEO of Sony, Tommy Mottola (who by the way virtually owned Jackson body and soul, if not actually literally) was the devil incarnate. As the old tradition would have it, the show went on nevertheless, but not without an abundance of strange symbolism and ritualism that made it extremely clear that there is a definite dark side to the entertainment business. He was present in Whitneys suite of rooms at the time of her demise and apparently appeared downstairs in the hotel lobby shortly thereafter wearing aviator-type sunglasses and ostentatiously weeping and wailing. Find a mixing engineer to combine your beat and vocals so they "sit" together. 202e), sacrifice also affirms the separateness of mortals and immortals. People like to watch shows and series on OTT platforms. The music industry's white dominance is holding back black female 'WebView', My interest in music was well established at the age of 5 when I won a National Composition Competition to compose a song for the Rainbow Guides. As was the case for other celebrities, the controlled media almost immediately began a campaign depicting Whitney as a hopeless drug addict. Unfortunately, rock and pop music has become mostly a grossly degenerative art form. Disharmonic, discordant and cacophonic music engenders a number of negative behaviours, although those affected are often unaware of the extreme effect it is having upon them. Why was it not simply cancelled out of respect for her death or was there some kind of warped thrill to be had in partying-on below the dead body? thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. Global revenues from physical was $9.4 billion, a 5% decrease on 2011's total of $9.9 billion. Still think Hollywood-Music Industry-Washington DC Govt-Military brass-political elites are just crazy liberals with wrong beliefs? Born this Way, surprise of surprises was released on the11thFebruary 2011, exactly one year to the day before Whitneys death. Many people think that talent is the only thing that you need to have in order to get successful in the music industry. The True Sacrifice In The Music Industry - YouTube The last step is to master your mixed song. . Music has lost the cool factor. The majority of mainstream media sources have emphasised the drugs connection ad nauseum but several, more reliable sources have revealed other details that may provide evidence for an alternative view of the situation. Phenomenon like brain drain and lack of new talents have accelerated the fall of the music industry. Her case indeed followed the same pattern as several other celebrity deaths that were blamed on drug excesses, despite much conflicting, albeit circumstantial evidence to the contrary. Some people paint, some write or exercise or cook or garden, (or take drugs) and some people write music and sing. I'm very satisfied! Top 10 Insane Conspiracy Theories About Music Stars But, making an impression in the music industry is not an easy task. Synchronization grew 2.1% and totaled $337 million, up from $330 million. SafeGuardYourSoul is an independent publisher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, feeding and equipping His flock and winning the lost. My name is Gavin Alvarez, and I am a graduate of Full Sail University's music production degree program. Starting with the most obvious one, Marilyn Manson is a pioneer of alternative metal and shock rock. This is typical of almost any satanic ritual or practice; the lowering of consciousness and allowing lower vibrational entities to control a person. There are a variety of success stories related to the Music industry. . List of famous people killed by the Illuminati, with information about of each death and sacrifice. In 1999 the global recorded music industry had experienced a period of growth that had lasted for almost a quarter of a century. Sitting in the car thinking bout how imma take over the music industry this year | Dreem! Thus, an increase in high levels of competition is a major reason that people find it difficult to make a mark in the music industry. He called security and accompanied them upstairs to see for himself what on earth was going-on. A few major points: 1) In general, the music, films, and shows produced by Hollywood are designed to corrupt and degrade the morality. Now, music is like a background activity. var rules = [ No doubt there are stories of artists and talents who rose to fame on their own merit. Music Personal Statement Examples | But if you wish to direct your life towards a professional music career, you must be ready for tremendous sacrifices. 20 Likes, TikTok video from Dreem! Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. Sacrifice Lyrics. As you'll see, there was really "dark vibrational energy" going on at that festival. Since the 20th Century, Lucifer's nefarious aesthetic of blood, sacrifice and blaspheme has wormed its way into subversive art, literature and most significantly 'satan music'. His usual entourage was there with him, including Quinton Aaron, a Hollywood B-grade movie actor and despite his terrible shock at Whitneys death he still somehow managed to force himself to attend the party in the ballroom. If they were shares, you would see Bay Street buying them up and fundamentally, its the realisation that its the end of the artists productivity, that they wont produce anything more that sparks the buying frenzy. Theo Peridis, professor of strategic management at York University. 12. @*/false; if (!IE) { return; } if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { if (document.getElementById("af-form-430377240")) { document.getElementById("af-form-430377240").className = 'af-form af-quirksMode'; } if (document.getElementById("af-body-430377240")) { document.getElementById("af-body-430377240").className = "af-body inline af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-header-430377240")) { document.getElementById("af-header-430377240").className = "af-header af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-footer-430377240")) { document.getElementById("af-footer-430377240").className = "af-footer af-quirksMode"; } } })(); -->. Now expose your song to as many people as possible to win new fans. Music doesn't sell like it used to and streaming services are paying artists a fraction of a penny per stream. Hesiod's foundational aetiology of Promethean sacrifice insists on this . Lil Wayne Gives Daughter Cars Revealed,,,,Passing Yo Kids Threw Fire Boxer Floyd Mayweather Blood Sacrifice Revealed. The deeper that one delves into this murky pit, the more one realises that the musical greats are often occultists with exceptional talent and who are intentionally using that talent to manipulate the consciousness of listeners. Why an aspiring rapper in Virginia shot his friend as an "Illuminati sacrifice" hoping it would help him become rich and famous. Manipulation and corruption exists anywhere money can be made, and that is world wide because the world has always been money and power focused (two sides of the same coin). Very easy to browse! Rock and Roll originally emerged as a defined musical style in the United States in the early to mid-1950s. 110-11). Music has always been associated with the occult and can be effectively used as a tool for programming minds. The subconscious absorbs the rest, subliminally and indiscriminately. Ye says his mom was sacrificed in new video : r/Kanye Yes, unfortunately the. The week around November 1st is known to be the time of the year when the "veil" between this world and the "underworld" is the thinnest. What has not been made public (at least in the mainstream) is that at around 11pm, paramedics were called again and security services and police also rushed to the scene and a medical-type wheelchair with restraints was also wheeled-in as Whitneys daughter Bobbi Kristina had become hysterical and paramedics were on the point of removing her to the hospital. You have responsibilities of a mother and then something happens and it destroys everything. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gemtracks_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',622,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-banner-1-0');In Spite of all these benefits, making a career in the music industry seems challenging. BLISS sat down and wrote you a few tips to help you succeed in the music industry. The premature end to musical careers can and does occur for several reasons. The 18 Best TV Shows About the Music Industry - TVShowPilot In this she is not alone, by far the vast majority of the mainstream music industry is also under their deceptive spell. Thus, it takes investment of time, energy, and effort to get into the world of music. Pl. The teams of developing acts are usually much, much smaller, but someone . Music is not what it used to be because of the influence of Satanism in the music industry. The involvement of occultists in the creation of the superstars of their day, such as Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn, cannot be ignored. Why should this happen, at least seven hours after Whitneys death? They choose which ones we think consciously about and which are just subconsciously absorbed as programming. This bad habit has got to stop soon because it is messing up my gym . Find a melody composer to make your song memorable. In Stock. With your recorded vocals, your song is still not complete. Incorporated in the videos, photos and shows of Lady Gaga and many other pop icons, is symbolism that refers explicitly to the Elite and to mind control. In the past 5 years, 81% of women surveyed were bullied, compared with 67% of men . KAT WILLIAMS EXPOSES HOW MUSIC LABELS SACRIFICE RAPPERS IN THE INDUSTRY Suspense, horror, piano and . a few years ago on the history of rock and heavy metal. This was no mere trickle this was a full-blown gushing of water. Most people are making music solely because of the easy access to technology, Thus, very less people join the band. 9. In 1985, theNew Solidaritynewspaper, which has since been closed-down by the US federal government, conducted an interview with Hezekiah Ben Aaron, who at the time was the third-ranking member of the Church of Satan. Gemtracks gives you priority access to exclusive A-Class recording studios around the world. Unfortunately, we have become a cattle societygo along to get along. Some of the things described below were pre-planned, while others were possibly just odd coincidences. Even fun childrens pop music, the likes of which our children and grandchildren listen to all the time, is not immune and is often riddled with overt, sexually explicit and satanic and occult lyrics. Thus a layman has numerous options available to get access to free music. Music industry - Wikipedia Use Gemtracks to find a mastering engineer to put the final touches on your song. Illuminati in the Music Industry - Porchlight Books Take this body to the project for a sacrifice. So many great artists gone because they wouldn't sell their souls or they were working to uncover the horrid truth for all to see. Use logical How and why the founder of BET Black Entertainment Television became the first African American billionaire. 15 Celebrities Accused Of Worshiping Satan - Chillopedia If you refer to music as a hobby, you can stop reading here. The music business itself has actually been around since medieval times, but can only be referred to as a true industry since the early nineteenth century with the simultaneous developments of the orchestra, the employment of conductors and certain publishing and printing innovations that allowed music to be easily transcribed, passed-on from person to person and to be sold as sheet music. So, don't stop searching once you've found a few and never be afraid to ask for help. They throw away their morals and do the evil things their label tells them. One day he was badly wounded in a battle. the content you have visited before. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gemtracks_com-portrait-1','ezslot_27',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-portrait-1-0');For more in-depth information on this subject, read our article on 20+ Best Sites to Make Music Online FREE . The band's were divided into groups and subgroups. Smoke was born 2 years 117 days after The Notorious B.I.G. To get more popularity, they need to make a name for themselves by touring to new places. Sacrifice. The present generation wants commercial benefits in everything they do. The Assassination of Pop Smoke. - Nostra-Dawgmus: A Dawg Trainer The entire music and entertainment industry is an important indoctrination tool used by and for the Elite and many musicians are introduced to Satanism and occultism. Thats how we learn. The Illuminati is a secret society that is rumored to control all world events. document.getElementById('af-form-430377240').parentElement.removeAttribute('target'); The OTT platforms don't lay too much emphasis on musical shows. This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023, Greenpeace Betrays Founders to Peddle Junk Science. The music industry is not starving for talent. "dsf" what a wonderful name for a(n) rap song! It was considered cool to hangout with musicians in general. SMU Catholic Campus Ministry. Israeli parliament passes death penalty bill: The law would apply to Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI. Kanye West and Jay Z, both prominent members of the Illuminati, collaborated on the song "Otis," which is a nod to Redding being an Illuminati sacrifice. That is it fragments analytical thoughts so that certain mispronounced or difficult to understand lyrics are immediately absorbed by the subconscious mind. T Pain Exposes Music Industry Secrets: Family Sacrifices For example, 9/11, the twin towers looked like a large number11and Remembrance/Veterans Day the11/11at the11thhour. If you dont like the music, or the message it conveys, dont listen. Tips From Bliss - Bpmremix Revisiting the safe havens for Black travelers around Charlotte in the One of the biggest factors that can help you to make a mark is to enter the industry with a clear set of mind. Without the fan base, no industry can flourish. When Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones wrote the song Sympathy for the Devil, in the 1960s, this was one of the first examples of Satanism in rock music. heres a song for whitney-the power of her love came through regardless of all the manipulations..manifesting in a smile on young sailors face,or a downtrodden victim of the matrix being afforded some joy anyways while hearing whitney sing..whitney.. In charge of music for the 5 pm mass, retreats, and nights of worship. SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC- The Illuminati & Hip Hop This cannot be said however of a vast majority of post 1950s music, especially from the 1980s onwards. No one talks about these things, so Im glad T-Pain opened up and I was able to give you my experiences being on the Z-List.I wanna knowComment In The CommentsFiguring out how to promote your music can be a daunting task.When I was starting off in my music marketing journey, I just wanted to find a music marketing channel on YouTube that focused digital music marketing strategies.Once I charted #1 on iTunes, I knew I cracked the code for how to market my music online.I wanted to share this Music Biz 101 information thought my platform, Group 82.The DIY music biz has exploded since the streaming era took off and everyone makes it seem like the music business is made easy.Its not, but this channel gives you real music promotion strategies that work. Click Here and Subscribe to the #1 music marketing channel on YouTube: My Course and Ill Pay You $500 Click link: on notifications for my posts.Comment first and get pinned.CLICK LIKECLICK SAVECLICK SHARE#musicbiz101 #musicmarketing #marketmymusiconline #doriangroup82 #musicmarketingchannel #howtopromoteyourmusic #musicbusinessmadeeasy #diymusicbiz #group82 #digitalmusicmarketingstrategies200K THE HARD WAY CLICK SUBSCRIBE - Do You Want More Music Business and Music Marketing Tips? By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. Interestingly, a huge number of artists have commented publicly and even composed songs about literally selling their souls to the devil to further their musical careers. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. The melody is the tune or pitch of your lyrics when you sing. Women were more likely to be bullied than men. The mixing engineer will apply autotune, special effects and all the industry-secret formulas to make your song sound like a major hit. Maybe, maybe not. And so the Elite now performs its satanic rituals upon us all, via our favourite musicians and through all the dozens of pop music TV channels that exist today and also their contrived, highly ritualistic awards ceremonies in front of millions of deluded viewers. Its insidious influence on our psyches has no doubt left its mark on us all to a greater or lesser degree and there is no doubt that certain songs, artists and lyrics contribute in some way, however large or small, to the huge increase in suicide among the under 25 age groups, which stands at record levels and is no doubt welcomed enthusiastically by the Elite in line with their stated policy of huge population reduction.