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If He returns on a sabbath, He will be giving Israel rest from all her enemies on the day of rest. Start of month of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. Perhaps we should toss a coin 777 times?! With 8 being new beginnings! 17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. Solomon was a great king, but his reign was short-lived. (see instructions). Here I will dive deeper using scripture and explain where in the bible these things occur. I suppose either way, we need to stay busy. THE PROPHETIC FIRST DAY OF CREATION The first day (24hrs) of Creation foretold of Earth's first millennium. 5 And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. are we the daily sacrifice taken away? Supercycle GREEN (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (a) (b) (c) 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. For more information, please read the Privacy Policy. !which if we believe in any amount of a gap theory our time draws very short indeed! He will not be around to deceive and lie during Christs reign on earth: 1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. That reminds me of this verse: I will send fire on MaGog and those who dwell securely (also interpreted carelessly) in the coastlands; and they shall know that I am the Lord. For the sake of simplicity I use 21st of September 2028. Verse 5 proves that we are coming back with Jesus. The dead are resurrected (including Noah and Abraham!) What do you wear to a Rosh Hashanah dinner? It took all his time, money, and energy in 2008 / 2009 to write, publish, and print 5,000 copies of the book (Learn Here), Birmingham, UK On March 13, 2013, Karunakaran Iruthayanathan (Alfred) had a dream about the Sun: I saw the sun slowly changing its shape and its brightness became dim like a full moon. Start of month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar. I saw his latest video. May God bless you as you partner with us in reaching the world with Gods amazing Biblical prophetic truths! That is a week from today; my next high watch date. Av 154 months until the harvest/Jewish Love Day. 15 And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague. I imagine that is how we will get around the earth in the millennium. For once the abomination of desolations occurs (sacking of Jerusalem and the Antichrist declaring himself God), Jesus had to come back and save the living or no flesh be saved. Start of month of Tevet on the Hebrew calendar. This weekend works for me!!! The significance of Yom Kippur aligns with what will take place at the end of the 70th week of Daniel (or end of the tribulation). The ultimate New Covenant fulfillment of this future Jewish New Year, (Tishrei 1 on the Hebrew calendar), will be spectacular beyond words. Everything lands exactly on a feast date, No date is random here. Person has been reported to the mod team. 3. Therefore the first feast is fulfilled. To ensure we are all confused. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. Commemorates the re-unification of Jerusalem in 1967. So we are all down near Jerusalem on our glorious horses. Matthew 24:36 is an idiom, lost in translation, which is referring to the Feast of Trumpets. So I imagine they are immortal horses and we better treat them well. Yes, that doesnt look right. If not, weve misinterpreted that passage for a long time. Furthermore, Isaiah 61:1-2 indicates that the end of the 70th week of Daniel may coincide with the start of a Jubilee Year. It will start on the evening of friday, september 15, and end on sunday, september 17. Making a 7-year or even a 3.5-year commitment is a big one for all parties involved. Shabbat of Prophecy/Shabbat of Vision. beginning of every month in the Hebrew calendar. 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Im sure a lot more will get saved and martyred during the Tribulation. Simply put, when you read the old testament, you should be reading every verse with Jesus in mind. Which became the nation of Judah in biblical times. Events that take place outside this period are unlikely events that start of the 70th week of Daniel, the confirmation of the 7-year covenant (Daniel 9:27). September 20-22, is the date range of the first fall feast of 2028, Feast of Trumpets. Select the file that matches your computer's date format: Step-by-step: CSV for Outlook for Windows. Day of Celebrating the Torah. By using the handy dandy add/subtract date calculator online this is how these dates play out.. Jesuss second coming (rapture) will always be associated with the following celestial events: sun and moon darkened, stars fall. Armageddon day is not like that. New World Order, Antichrist, Mystery Babylon. we can get thru each day as it comes as Loz does, depending on God for the day. If the jab is a depopulation method, what are the prophetic implications for so many Israelis taking it? It is also the only feast to occur on the first day of a Jewish month. Fast of the Seventh Month. Still, Israeli is in for a terrible time in the Time of Jacobs Trouble. Speaking about Oh Henry! Tevet () is the 10th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to December or January on the Gregorian calendar. Once we get resurrected/raptured, we hang out in heaven for a 3 1/3 years at a wedding feast with Jesus as God pours out his wrath and righteous judgement on the unsaved people left on earth. Jesus is coming down on his white horse to fight the very nations (Antichrists armies) that God used to sack Jerusalem. May the untold and unending glories begin! The Israel scheduleis used by Jews living in modern Israel. We do know that 2/3 rds will be cut off and 1/3rd will survive. I never realized this until today. Then all of a sudden, God spoke six little words to Tim that left him reeling (Learn Here), Venice Beach, CA December 28, 2013, a bodybuilder named Paul Adams dreamed of a bright light appearing in the sky, while the earth was getting hotter and hotter. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day festival is observed by lighting the candles of a hanukkiah (menorah). 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. Every year Jewish people around the world recognize this holy day by the blowing of a. Splitting the difference would be the 7th Gods number! (transliterated Cheshvan or Heshvan) is the 8th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 or 30 days, and corresponds to October or November on the Gregorian calendar. However everything will be lighted. I am hoping we leave in the next week when Israel is celebrating FOT, but then maybe the covenant with many gets signed on Oct. 8 which may be the real FOT. an october start time for the trib + 6 months would be a midtrib springtime April. Has become the chief cornerstone. Not sure how long the Church will continue to be here for all of this. Jesus coming in the cloud is always associated with: But of that day and hour knoweth noman, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Therefore this day in Zechariah 14 is NOT the rapture day as many believe. and marked the beginning of a new era in Jewish history. Those observing will commence their 25-hour fast until nightfall on Wednesday, all forms of sustenance are prohibited, including water. What confuses most people is John says I saw the souls which makes you think this is in heaven. August 1, 2028 : Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) Tishri 1, 5789: September 21, 2028 : Fast of Gedaliah: Tishri 4, 5789: September 24, 2028 : Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Tishri 10, 5789: September 30, 2028 : Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Tishri 15-21, 5789: October 5-11, 2028 (Helpful Examples). 1. Bumping as some are mentioning 9.11.21 as a rapture watch date. Fast commemorating the siege of Jerusalem, Fast commemorating breaching of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple. So much to be thankful for and to be excited about. All saved are included in the judgments. I tend to believe it is being over promoted. 21 September 2028 will be the first Fall feast, known as the Feast of Trumpets. We dont appreciate your special links so you can hack into our computer and other devices. Since one look is worth a thousand words, heres a detailed video about it: How To Transplant Trumpet Vine? They were the ones attacked, sacked and conquered by the Antichrists armies as was Gods plan like he had the Jews sacked by Roman armies from 67 -73 AD. He is very confident. Besides, there is too much viper talk for September to discount it. 1. Thanks. It is the backstory for the rest of Zechariah 14. When Jesus comes back he will fulfill the 3 fall Feasts. What is the Feast of Trumpets called in Hebrew? Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The Feast of Trumpets teaches us that Jesus Christ will visibly return to the earth at the end of this age. Adar () is the 12th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to February or March on the Gregorian calendar. Exciting times! I dont want to stay down here at all anymore but as long as Jesus sustains me, and He has promised to do so, whatever day He chooses if fine with me. In other words, it is a way to cleanse the body of impurities that may have accumulated over the course of a persons life. You shall not do any laborious work, but shall present an offering by fire to the LORD'" (Lev. He lives and reigns, now and forevermore! That is the basic outline. When one looks at the very first verse of the Bible, which is literally the first sentence of the Bible, it appears God declared the year of the end from the beginning (Learn Here), Nashville, TN It took over a year (Oct 2017 Oct 2018) for Gabriel to create the 10 part 2028 END video series. A huge shout by a crowd or the blowing of a horn is what Teruah means. I dont claim to know the day of the rapture or the day of Christ returning to earth, but lets hope for the church seeing His face soon, Return O Israel. What day is Feast of Trumpets 2023? Those who did much work for God, or was a martyr in the name of Jesus, get great rewards. and MaxMind, also licensed under Creative Commons. the church offering of thanks and praise while we are here? 14 And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance. Tom Gaston has found 9 Bible Codes for the rapture on this date for this year. Bobejaan, this is a forum for those who believe in the pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ. Yet He returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to save Israel alive and establish Gods kingdom, capitol city Jerusalem. (transliterated Tamuz or Tammuz) is the 4th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to June or July on the Gregorian calendar. So thats why Jesus came back in verse 1. 4. What I find interesting are a few things in particular. Lots of exciting days to look forward to. He thinks the rapture is by 9/23-9/24. It is one of seven Jewish feasts or festivals appointed by the LORD and one of three feasts that occur in the autumn. Your donations go towards advertising, website hosting, registration, security and upkeep, printing, video production and more! 10 All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamins gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the kings winepresses. April 19, 2025 - 1290 days = October 7, 2021 (Feast of Trumpets) = The 7 year covenant confirmed. Whether it is Av or Elul starting the 8th, August is very hopeful! Commemorates the assassination of the Jewish governor of Judah. If Artaxerxes decree started Daniels weeks of years clock, it also seems undeniable this year is the one. Yom HaMishpacha, a day to honor the family unit, Commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Theodor Herzl, Commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Commemorates the life of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Commemorates the life and vision of Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, Recognizes Aliyah, immigration to the Jewish State of Israel. Thanks for your support. The Four Horses of the Apocalypse & Revelation Explained, Elliott Wave Update ~ 6 August 2021 Anti-Viral Edition, Elliott Wave Update ~ 14 July 2021 and Daniels 70 Weeks of Years, My Purpose in Life Spreading Knowledge of the Revelation of Christ, and End of Times Events. The Feast of Trumpets is better known today as Rosh Hashana. CSV is a legacy calendar file format for Outlook 97-2003. According to Leviticus 23:23 - 25, the Feast of Trumpets was a day of rest on which special food offerings were presented to Yah in the form of drink, grain, and meat, in addition to the blowing of trumpets. For Dr. Awes numbers, I noticed he is usually about one month later than Hebcal and Chabad, so that is my estimate. Rosh Hashana literally means "head of the year.". The video about Elul being promising because they blow the trumpet every day of Elul except sabbaths and the day before Feast of Trumpets to confuse the enemy makes Elul just as exciting. Its all over in a few verses. The Feast of Trumpets can occur after the 29th or 30th day of Elul, so no one knows the day or hour until the crescent moon appears in the afternoon sky. John saw thrones and most people think this is in heaven, but we all came back to earth in the previous chapter 19 of Revelation on horses. Thanks Blue! It is Gods will and plan and he is always in control. Kislev () is the 9th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 or 29 days, and corresponds to November or December on the Gregorian calendar. It is mind-boggling what all God did in this game to confirm 2028 END (Learn Here), NorthEast, Nigeria In December 2017, Ali was in his bedroom when the Holy Spirit spoke these dire words into his left ear, Next year marks the beginning of the last ten years the LAST ten years Not sure what these words were referring to, Ali began (Learn Here), Finland On Tuesday June 5, 2018 the Holy Spirit gave a young woman named Elisa a vivid but troubling dream connected to the number 28. Commemorates the declaration of independence of Israel in 1948. Your donations go towards advertising, website hosting, registration, security and upkeep, printing, video production and more! The Roman road way to salvation you can do it alone if you wish: The Romans Road to Salvation For the Gospel. Then Jesus returns. Great point about the jab for Israel, they seemed to have bought it hook, line, and sinker. They are the first inmates. Maybe he comes on the 15th. The Feast of Trumpets marked the beginning of ten days of consecration and repentance before God. Copyright 2023 Rapture In The Air Now|Developed by Richard G|Powered by WordPress, BBPress and BuddyPress, Just for fun / Laughter does the heart good, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/3/2023, This Monday to Tuesday, March 6-7 is Purim, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/2/2023, BREAKING: Iran Can Make Fissile Material for Nukes in About 12 Days, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/1/2023, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 2/28/2023, This topic has 70 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated. You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a food offering to the Lord . Remembers those who died in the War of Independence and other wars in Israel. We are right in the middle of Dr. Awes August watch dates. Hope to see yall soon. The Feast of Trumpets. 6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: 7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.